June 26, 2024

The Scorpio Show Final Edition 2024.06.24


Scorpio tears the veil asunder and reveals all in this final show

  Topics include:
1) Housekeeping and Taking Out The Trash
    2) The Gold Christian Incestuous Relationship 
3) Jewish Power's Catch 22
4)Propaganda Infiltration into The Truthosphere

Originally posted by Scorpio at 01:50:00 AM on 6/24/2024


Scorpio said...

Zap - Please pin this for a couple of days so it doesn't get buried.

Probably my last show for some time...
Thanks to everyone who has listened over the years.

Tamarillo said...

Good to see you woke up to what a manipulative narcissist gaddy is. Everything I despise in so many loud brash no it all Americans
I have had the misfortune to meet.

Always enjoyed your shows....ya know lol

Jumbo Patterson said...

Nice one, Dave, it's good to hear from you!

Yes, the doom and gloom is overblown. You hear so many commentators talking about how Europe is finished, and Britain is on her last legs etc. but apart from the obvious increase in exotic dialects out on the streets, things seem better than ever, where I'm standing.

I think we already got the CBDC, over a year ago... they streamlined the old two tier system of wholesale and retail banking into a single system, which speeds up transactions from a couple of days delay to immediate.

On the downside, it also gives the central bank insight into how you are spending your money... but I don't give a fuck about that, 'cause I ain't got any, lol.

Chainsawmiller said...

Well Dave we are at the end of an era. It has precious little to do with Christians but they are as useful as they have always been.

The jew exposure and tension is planned IMO. Fear of war is always useful, no? CBDC's are coming and they will be wiping out a bunch of bloated middle managers they no longer need. IMO paper money and silver rounds etc, are good things to have going into this next financial paradigm. The single most important thing that could change our course is the realization of the slavery through the legal identity and that whole fictional contractual scam. The constitution is meaningless as long as that is in place. Being able to buy guns although important is down the list in it's importance and is not the measure of the health of "America". I disagree with the stability you see out there. We have tacit contractual slavery system and that is on each and every one of us to address. Being jew wise pales in comparison to not knowing who we are in this fake commercial realm.

Sean said...

“Better than ever!”, says jumbo, “streamlined !”

Sean said...

It’s just a few different languages, whatcha worried about, goy?

Jumbo Patterson said...

Maybe you should work on your diet Sean, you seem to have 'issues'.

Ed in Salt Lake said...

I will say that, if the issue and relationship with Mr Gaddy was the primary factor in David and Giuseppe's friendship-relationship falling apart then, I would say that apologies might be in order, maybe from both parties?

Also, I'm in agreement with Adanac in his disagreement with David's "false optimism" towards the current financial system. The systems ultimate destructiveness will come more and more to the fore, with more and more intensity, as the worldwide capitalistic system continues to exhaust its problem-solving capabilities. Just because a certain indifferent complacency has, and can, become one's fallback position due to the relentless and continual "routinization" of the system, doesn't mean that we aren't rapidly heading for large-scale civil unrest and bottom falling-out of this whole corrupt Leviathan.

Capitalism's ceaseless historical striving towards centralization, monopoly, and totality, vis-a-vis its continual exploitation and theft of people's labor, has its limits in its own "productive advance" to just swallow-up all of the available material and human resources of the world and vomit them all back out as 'mass consumer goods' that can still be purchased by the ever-increasing pauperization of the productive people, whose productive forces, keep the debt-based system going.

Nothing could be more erroneous than to assume and pretend that, because the system is so "controlled from the top" that, this same system is "watertight" and can easily "manage distribution and consumption," without ever running into potential "systemic destructiveness."

There are those also(E Michael Jones) who simply assume a Hegelian "cunning of Reason" will resolve and bring about the next necessary transition to another new, "productive stage," that will keep the 'Whole' intact.

Finally, the problem of technology, its increasing ubiquity, and the cybernetic and technocratic questions that have arisen the last two decades from it, are a whole other set of other adjustments that have there own limits and feasible options. It all inevitably brings up questions about the ultimate limits of man's ability and capability to govern himself and, whether he can ever emancipate himself and create a system that doesn't involve some elements of excessive mass-exploitation and slavery.

Fred said...

Thanks for the info session. Hope you'll be bringing us more insights in future. Cheers

spoonful said...

Thanks for your time and efforts Dave. I am definitely the wizer.

Ed in Salt Lake said...

For those interested, here is an excellent compendium documentary of the Covid hoax, along with the highly questionable "germ theory" model that it was/is based on.

Rick DeBono is a lesser known "truther" by many. He mentions early on how, the primary reason he doesn't create more content is, because it takes away from the amount and quality of in-depth research that he's able to engage in. I perfectly understand! Let the specialists do their "specializing," while we others will "synthesize" it all!

Rick appears to be "Zionist-wise" but, lacks the overall "Jew-sniffer" that many of us others who have climbed the "awakening-ladder" have acquired along the way. Regardless, he seems to mean well and, has some excellent videos on his channel dealing with the kakistocracy that tirelessly works towards our demise!


zapoper said...

Here is the unedited RBN recording of the last Scorpio show on that Easter Sunday:


zapoper said...

The alternative media is essentially a demoralizing operation.

Good one Dave. Thanks for posting.

Freewheeling_Franklin said...

Heavy duty truth bomb and much needed. I always thought Gaddy was full of shit. Thanks Scorp

xmack875 said...

Great show Scorpio! It’s good to finally hear the truth from this crazy debacle. Figures Gaddy was full of shit and a double crosser, not to be trusted! I was listening LIVE on Easter Sunday and remember the shit show “tech issues” going on and none of it made sense. Maybe gaddy had something to do with the sabotage and was in on it. His behavior screams jealousy/desperate. I remember also hearing sam cursing on air to another caller. Something is definitely wrong here and surprised these idiots couldn’t see it. You tied it in all together with the Christian/religious freaks and how they can not see past their own beliefs to see the truth! Or at least question in. Best of luck to you and btw Mer Bailey is an old can’t. Not too shocked she paid her way online. Rbn is on its last leg anyhow. See it as a blessing in disguise.

xmack875 said...

Mer Bailey is in OLD CUNT! Correction from prior post.

Freewheeling_Franklin said...

LMAO lolol

cjag said...

Hey ! this is a pleasant surprise, coming home from the slave grind...

I look forward to listening to what Scorpio has to say...

About damn time ,sir!

from Ontario

SMocko said...

Scorpio, you should just start your own podcast and not partner with anyone. Do what Tim Kelly does.

Albert said...

Folks Laughed when Al-Gore Said: He (Re)-"Invented" the-Internet!

But, when ALL Social-Media-Platforms: "Recommend" "Content" on:

Global-Warming / Climate-Change, DIE-versity / "Immigration",
Con-vid / mRNA-"Vaccinations", 15-Minute-Cities, "Trans- ..."

... & HIDE the-TRUTH from-You, about all these "Narratives" ...
--> WHY is this Now-Today Called: the: Al-Gore-Rhythm !!!? ;-)

-- an Original: Albert "joke"

decree said...

Thanks Scorpio for all the shows!
Just recently listened all Micheal Collins Piper again and had your callin on the show, pleasant surprise!

You are young, one day you will restart your own show, maybe in 2030 with tons of stuff to rant about!

Chainsawmiller said...

Same old drama, same old narcissistic bullshit. Birds of a feather, pick your hero fan boys! LOL Pathetic...

Chainsawmiller said...

It's the curse of the content creation and smoking your own supply LOL Reality slips away...

xmack875 said...

You sound like a crazy, deranged pipe smoker. Chainsaw Miller pussy boy.

Freewheeling_Franklin said...

Chainsaw Miller hates Scorp but listens to his show and leaves multiple comments desperately seeking attention hoping Scorp will reply to him. Hilarious

Chainsawmiller said...

:) I was expecting the wee fanboys to shit their pants LOL

Chainsawmiller said...

Unlike many of you retreads, I can listen to people, that I don't necessarily agree with. Can you fuckers say the same? FF you are the most blatant adolescent on this site :)

Freewheeling_Franklin said...

Go back to jerking off to flat earth and tranny vids chainsaw. That’s much more mature and better suited to you

Chainsawmiller said...

We ARE the "Final Experiment"...


THX 1138 said...

By the way, Mike Sledge is BACK and this is amazing amazing amazing show!


Chainsawmiller said...

I see FF had his comment deleted. I posted "We ARE the "Final Experiment"..." just for you FF LOL enjoy!

xmack875 said...

You think anyone gives a SHIT about your YouTube links Fuck boy!

xmack875 said...

Fuck that cocksucker sledge. Alcoholic prick.

xmack875 said...

You are so embarrassing. Hard to even take your comments serious. I’m guessing you jerk off while listening to scorpios show. ;)

xmack875 said...

Triggered much, fruitcake?

Freewheeling_Franklin said...

I’m sure it was Doltman who deleted my comment because I don’t like his GayrageCast postings and think the host looks like the kike Dave Portnoy from Barstool sports

Ed in Salt Lake said...

Yeah, I do! Most of them are pretty good!

Chainsawmiller said...

Hey Ed! It's midsummer, but the snowflakes are falling! Weird Eh? LOL

Tamarillo said...

Haha! Can't fault you on that one. A few minutes
of him for the first time with his big mike and little dick was enough for me. What is it with these hosts and their oversized mikes. They're not broadcasting to a fuckin stadium.

decree said...

Get some rest from creating podcast Scorpio, and come back after the next pandemic which is 2025 to 2028 like Gates exercised, they need it urgently to push CDBC and digital ID, i think here in germany easily 80% would run again, and thing is now we got the WHO preparedness treaty signed, so the german government has to follow advices of the WHO in case of pandemic, can easily imagine where that leads, that was exactly the purpose of covid, a dry run with renamed flu to set in mechanics and laws in place for the real deal, imho the next will be pure population control and Deagels 2025 forcast might be not far off.

But sure time will tell.
In the meantime here the pdf again of what Gates exercised
and a paper
Alles Gute aus Deutschland!

Chainsawmiller said...

Punk Rock Loser


Chainsawmiller said...



Chainsawmiller said...

In Spite Of Ourselves


xmack875 said...

^^^^ loser alert!! Cocksucker crying for attention. Must have mommy issues. ^^^

xmack875 said...

Hey chainsaw Miller, here is a box of tissue and lotion to get you thru the night. Wacko.

Unknown said...

Bottom line Decree, the flu is just a detox of the body.
The plandemic has already achieved what they have dreamt about for decades, a "flu vaccine" rebranded "covid". They had failed until 2019 to sell the crap.
Now they have another toxic injection againt the fearsome unicorn.

As long as people believe in unicorns, they will run this scam again and again, they have been doing this since decades.

cjag said...

Great podcast, Scorpio...

Thank you for explaining what happened over at Boomer radio- RBN.

I was listening live and it was , 100%, clearly, sabotage what happened to you that evening...
Mike Gaddy is a dolt. I knew this the moment I heard him on RBN. I said many times before he was a plant.

It's also nice to hear that what happened between you and Guiseppe was clearly a wedge driven between you two by somebody else, Gaddy...

You two had chemistry. I knew that the first time I heard both of you do shows, years back...

Maybe??? In the future, you two can do another show together. You will have much to discuss !
A collaboration again would be great. Even if its just for one show...

Mer Bailey....oh boy.
What a batshit crazy cunt.
Her call ins back on the stromfront shows were tedious, to say the least, to listen too.

I remember when she'd call into John Stadtmiller's show.
She would start going on about some conspiratorial bat shit crazy claims. No evidence or no citations to give, just her own crazy thoughts...

John, would cut her off in mid sentence, berate her and ask her for her sources. Which she had none, only her opinion...lol

The fact that she has a time slot, for 2 hours????? on Sunday has got to tell you something about RBN and it's 12 callers on a loop, daily, on every show...

Thanks for the update, Scorpio.
Your commentary is something that is easy on the ears and VERY MUCH AGREEABLE !

Hopefully , after some time away from podcasting, you'll get the itch again to do some weekly or monthly updates with your thoughts on the daily clown world show...lol

Kind regards...

from Ontario.

Unknown said...

I had listened to the Karey thing with Scorpio before the last Easter Sunday show full of sabotage.
What I picked up, there was tension between Scorpio, who would gladly not go along with Karey's 4D chess Kremlin hooray spook narrative, so prevalent on RBN and other "alternative" channels.

decree said...

Here are the flu data of the last seasons, official data from the german Robert Koch institute, RKI the german CDC, last season was quite normal because it was after covid, look at the 2 flu seasons during covid.


Ed in Salt Lake said...

Like being in middle-school again!

DirtyDogMcGee said...

Hail Victory o/ always appreciate your sensible talk Scorp.

Scorpio said...

I want to thank everyone for the very kind comments - it truly means a lot to me.

Thanks to Zap for being such a good friend for all of these years beginning back in the Cybersage era If anyone remembers that)- lol
Take care and until we meet again....

Panzerfaust said...

I reluctantly listened and for an hour ut was great stuff until the fake nooks turd drop.
Hey "Scorpio", go down to San Diego Bay, see the huge aircraft carriers and submarines moving with no smoke stack.
Every nuclear country in the world is playing an intricate charade lol da joos and freemasons.

Panzerfaust said...

That's why I've check out from this mental garbage psyop shitsite. If you think RBN has gone to shit go over to the wayback machine and look up how Mami's has changed for the worse over 10 years.
Fake nooks, fake space flat erf, 9/11 flying holograms YEAH NO

THX 1138 said...

Panzerfaust It's very easy to establish are there nukes or not, people who don't believe in nukes; go to Hiroshima or Nakasaki and ask people who's grandparents or great grandparents were alive in 1945 in those towns and did they suffered from radiation poisoning or not. Also grab your geiger counters that are not made by the illuminati and measure yourself if background radiation is higher in those places or not.

Chainsawmiller said...

Panzerfaust, go talk with your dad and grandfather and all the rest of your military buddies and don't forget to vote!

Chainsawmiller said...

"Military Men Are Dumb, Stupid Animals To Be Used As Pawns For Foreign Policy."

zapoper said...

"people who don't believe in nukes; go to Hiroshima or Nakasaki and ask people who's grandparents or great grandparents were alive in 1945 in those towns and did they suffered"

That reminds me of the Jews and the "holocaust". lol

Albert said...

"Hindsight is ALWAYS: 20 / 20!"

Hiroshima & Nagasaki were OBVIOUSLY "just" FIRE-BOMBED ... exactly-Like: the OTHER 65 Japanese-Cities Before them !!!

Dhuh !!!

--> Hence the: "Radiation-Burns" etc. PARTS of the: "Nuke"-"clever"-((("propaganda")))! ;-)

ANYONE ..... THIS amount of TIME-Later ... who "Doesn't" YET "Get"-it ........ well, will most-probably ... --> NEVER "Get" it ....... or even "Get": that THEY-themselves "only": beLIEve this (((shiiite"))) ... "because" they "SAW" it on: ((("TV"))) !!! :-o

:-) :-) :-)

Unknown said...

What is actually an atom?
Officially, it is 1% nucleus with protons and neutrons, and 99% nothing with allegedly electron particles doing probabilities in orbitals.
That is an absurd thing to believe.

Sean said...

Oh, jesus- nuclear power and nuclear bombs are two very different things, panzi! Practically free energy needs an excuse for monitization, you must believe that free energy is DANGEROUS, very dangerous!

Scorpio said...

I don't like to respond to trolls like Panzermouse, who I will remind you believes that Jackie O shot JFK with a .22 caliber handgun inside the limo. Anyone who has a cursory knowledge of firearms knows that a .22 isn't capable of the kind of damage shown in the Zapruder film, so that is a whopper of a fake conspiracy theory. Also the very idea they would hand over the most important assassination of the 20th century to a woman with no experience in wetworks is beyond absurd. As the saying goes, those who live in glass houses...

Also, I need to correct his implication that I said I 100% don't believe in nukes. I said it is "highly dubious". Also, I do believe nuclear energy is real and the theoretical physics between nuclear energy and nuclear weapons is very different, so don't conflate the two things in an effort to make me look like a kook. My eldest uncle was UDT in Korea and spent a lot of time aboard a nuclear sub.

If Hiroshima and Nagasaki were both nuked, why weren't those cities evacuated for like 50 or 100 years due to radiation of the soil and groundwater? Supposedly, those early generation nukes were much dirtier than the modern types. The cancer rates and deformed baby statistics should have been off the charts. Instead, the cities were rebuilt and repopulated almost immediately. If you compare photos of those cities with cities that were firebombed, they look almost identical. Who knows, all I am saying is there is plenty of room for doubt and alternative theories on this issue.

I could comment on how Panzermouse sounds like he has some kind of brain damagefrom drugs or hitting his head too hard whenever he calls into a show, but I won't go there right now - lol

Panzerfaust said...

I never ever said a .22. Ever. You're either lying or have mental issues.

Ed in Salt Lake said...

The "planetary model" of "electron(s)" "orbiting" the "nucleus" of an "atom," is a model that has been utilized, in order to make intelligible assumed and unknown phenomenon that are completely removed from the macrocosmic level of human experience.

The countless millions-of-dollars that have been squandered and wasted over-the-years on laughable "particle colliders," in order to "unlock the secrets of matter" - these colliders themselves being falsely based on "atomism"- and, that have been perpetually hammered into us, has been another scientific boondoggle of the first order.

It is an arrogant assumption of man that he feels it is even possible to make the macrocosm of experience intelligible by utilizing the method of reductio ad absurdum and finding answers to its secret mysteries of his world by perpetually dissecting that said world!


Freewheeling_Franklin said...

^^ great response you feeble minded simpleton- lmao.

Scorpio 1, Panziemouse 0

Ed in Salt Lake said...

I would hesitate before mocking others for entertaining possible alternative explanations. Isn't that why we so often get frustrated, because so many are enslaved by their cognitive dissonance and become stuck with "official" narratives?

I myself think that the idea of Jackie executing the final "kill shot" actually carries weight! What we witness in the Zapruder film is not the "entry bullet/shot" but, possibly the "exiting bullet/shot" that originated from either the back of JFK's temporal lobe or, somewhere near the base of his occipital lobe. What type of gun is an unknown!

Almost all of the blood on JFK's shirt had been saturated on the complete left-side of the shirt. Also, Jackie was potentially retrieving the bullet casing on the back of the car and not, as is ridiculously accepted- "brain matter!"

There's also Jackie's EXTENSIVE involvement in the follow-up investigation and autopsy! I'm not going to expand on it further because I don't have the time but, I would suggest others who don't have a cock-with-a-walk know-it-all approach, go and listen to the series on Jackie and JFK by Charles Guliani. He does a pretty good job of outlining the whole matter. I believe his archives are still up at Renegade Broadcasting!

Panzerfaust said...

If nooks are fake they just are "big bombs" then what caused this? On July 9, 1962, the US military detonated a thermonuclear warhead 250 miles above the Pacific Ocean–a test called “Starfish Prime.” What happened next surprised everyone. Witnesses from Hawaii to New Zealand reported auroras overhead, magnificent midnight “rainbow stripes” that tropical sky watchers had never seen before. Radios fell silent, then suddenly became noisy as streetlights went dark in Honolulu https://spaceweatherarchive.com/2022/07/08/starfish-prime-the-first-accidental-geomagnetic-storm/

Chainsawmiller said...

Fake nooks and Flat erf :) I know when you say that way, it makes you feel superior LOL That's on you Panzi! FE has as many problems as the globe. The globe is a creation of the same old usual suspects. Your Daddy believes it so you do too. Am I right? STAND STILL laddie!!!

This local realm is way more fascinating than we know and when understood will help to free us spiritually. No question in my mind about it. Materialism, investments and the growth model are ideas most of you joowise wise people worship daily. It's hilarious!

Panzi there have been a ton of anomalies in the sky over the years. You laugh at everyone but your mainstream sources that can't quite pull the wool like they used to. Do you think it might a been a collection of "Harley Guys"? LOL

xmack875 said...

PANSYmouse are you ok? Do we need to send out a wellness check to your front door? You really have this unhinged, “obsessed psychotic fan” type energy happening.

Chainsawmiller said...

"Mark Humphrey" types, in case guys like FF/Chester need spoon-feeding.

Chainsawmiller said...

Don't get excited xmack875 we don't want to read you gay projections into the blogosphere LOL

xmack875 said...

^^^Yet here you are jerking off to my comment in scorpios comment section. You got some mental issues man. Grab that box of tissue, lotion and glass of wine and call it a night man. ;)

xmack875 said...

Ed in salt lake has a tiny penis.

Chainsawmiller said...

You like a big penis eh Xmack? LOL

xmack875 said...

@Ada is that what you fantasize about while listening to podcasts and having a sip of red wine?

xmack875 said...

*Miss Ada.

Chainsawmiller said...

You are the one that keeps bringing up jizz, tissues and cocks. Seems to be a preoccupation or a porn addiction or something? Go read above! Get some help. It will be ok. We're all behind you! ROTFL

Chainsawmiller said...

Now run along fuck nut...

xmack875 said...

Miss Ada are you seriously still making comments about this? What is wrong? Couldn’t bust a nut quick enough to that gay porn you’re afflicted to? I can see why you were removed as an admin. You are on full RETARD mode with your nonsensical gibberish about the crap you posted above. Get a life and take the anal beads outta your asshole for the night. We’ve all had enough.

Chainsawmiller said...


xmack875 said...

Makes sense also why you changed your name from chainsaw pansy miller to miss Ada. You’re an imbecile.

xmack875 said...

“Yawn”. Typical imbecile response. I’m sure your SCS (small cock syndrome) makes it hard for you to operate daily life activities. Don’t worry, there is help! I can offer to post some links for you if need be! I “care”.

Chainsawmiller said...

Xmack, settle down, your embarrassing yourself, and committing several fallacious arguments too :) enough already. It's interesting you say others are unhinged. Maybe a little self reflection is in order, no?

Unknown said...

Forget about "nuke are fake" one liners spewed by flat erf retards.
The discussion on weapons is useless, none of the people claiming fake or claiming its real can explain atom theory.
Try to find out more, not about the weapns, but the actually theories.
Surely, point source field tech can be weaponized to devastating effect, just doesn't have long radiation, because its not a radiation weapon like claimed.

Albert said...

I just finished-Listening ... and, I can't say that I found anything to "disagree"-with at-all! :-)

... only, along-the-lines of: "I told You so!"

--> Giuseppe has been Doing some GREAT Shows, and GREAT-Work !!! :-) :-) :-)

I Remember that: Scorpio SPECIFICALLY-made-the-Point/Stance:

That "on-Moral-Principles" ... HE Had-to-BACK: gaddy etc!

... and that: Myself, and others who "simply"-SAID:

"You HAD a Great-Thing going, and a Very-Pleasant/Entertaining Show ... in Your: duo/partnership with: HARD-Working Giuseppe, who at-the-SAME-Time: (sort of: "good-cop / bad-cop" ;-) )

Also MADE YOU: Look GOOD too Scorpio! :-o

:-) :-) :-)

cjag said...




from Ontario

BuelahMan said...

Unbelievably, I listened to the entire screed. Sounded like a teen girl crying about losing her boyfriend.

Then he wants to label all Christians the same, as if he understands the differences (he doesn't). He don't like Boomers, either.

I've never heard a broadcast by this pos that I enjoyed, especially with that F350 stupid shit.
Thankfully, (but he's probably lying), I will never have to even consider listening to this crybaby again.

Yeah. And I don't give a fuck about anyone he is crying over. I don't listen to them, either,

Sad display, Dave. Very Sad. But not unexpected. Same shitty quality of the other few shows I forced myself to endure.

Sean said...

Everyone gets a trophy at Mami”s

Jumbo Patterson said...

Sean, I don't know where you are at in the world, but my local environment has come on in leaps and bounds.

When I moved here 14 years ago, it was a neglected, run down shithole with all sorts of problems.

But with the help of a few million in regeneration funds and the unrelenting efforts of a section of the community, things are definitely on the up.

We finally got the council we deserve; the local police can also not be faulted, in my view; the chav underclass are now getting the message that crime no longer goes unpunished; and people are regaining their sense of pride.

People are also starting to realise that something is seriously wrong post covid hoax; re immigration; and the fucking rainbow nonsense,

That is what I meant by 'things seem better than ever'.

Kind of underlining what Scorpio said about not getting too caught up in media fearmongering but concentrating on enjoying life and improving things locally... things that we *can* control.

Sean said...

The town I live in now is affluent and extremely white. It is a wonderful place to live. The nice town, that I grew up in is turning brown rapidly. I was kind of shocked on my latest visit. The place looks dingier with more trash about, and the yards didn’t look well kept, like they used to be.
Stuck in school traffic, I assessed the high school I attended to now be about 40% white (when I went there, it was probably around 95%) I guess it just depends on where you are at.

Freewheeling_Franklin said...

Buelaman still butthurt Scorp and co made fun of boomers. Go post another lame song where you sound like a faggot and can’t even sing on tune.

Erik Paul said...

I can't believe Franklin is defending Scorpio after all these things Scorpio said about him.

Panzerfaust said...

"I burned bridges at three platforms and made enemies of every co-host and it's all their fault"

Freewheeling_Franklin said...

I see Voltman is deleting other comments on here too not just mine. Pathetic

xmack875 said...

Voltman you cocksucker. I predict you will have the same demise as Ada aka chainsaw Pusey boy Miller.

xmack875 said...

have the comments shut off temporarily last night?? You little wuss. Your feelings got hurt? The word is “you’re” Miss Ada/chainsaw Miller Fuck boy and YOU’RE the one who should feel embarrassed (and it shows with your bitching and crying about Scorpio’s show in the comments) by the removal of your little power as an admin. Enough for you to change your name hoping no one caught on to avoid the public embarrassment you endured. Yet here you are jerking yourself in the comments. A little self reflection might be in order? Perhaps you could have an intimate chat with your higher self on how to handle these sort of challenges in life and get along with others better. You really are the epitome of a horses anus.

xmack875 said...

Ada: Did you cry about all the words I left you and
have the comments shut off temporarily last night??
You little wuss. Your feelings got hurt? The word is
"you're" Miss Ada/chainsaw Miller Fuck boy and
YOU'RE the one who should feel embarrassed (and it
shows with your bitching and crying about Scorpio's
show in the comments) by the removal of your little
power as an admin. Enough for you to change your
name hoping no one caught on to avoid the public
embarrassment you endured. Yet here you are jerking
yourself in the comments. A little self reflection might
be in order? Perhaps you could have an intimate chat
with your higher self on how to handle these sort of
challenges in life and get along with others better. You
really are the epitome of a horses anus.

zapoper said...

I'm shutting the comments down again because I've got better things to do than to read bullshit from obvious trolls.

zapoper said...

Comments are back on. You can now continue to act like silly teenagers again.

Freewheeling_Franklin said...

LOL - 100th comment. Thank you 👍

xmack875 said...

Good and maybe you can stop DELETING comments while you’re at it. :)

Erik Paul said...

When Franklin ordered a shit sandwich, he told them to 'hold' the bread!

Freewheeling_Franklin said...

Yes and I had Uber Eats deliver it to your door. Bon appetite

xmack875 said...

@ Erik Paul have you been taking up the arse from Ada aka chainsaw Miller former admin? You two sound like you’re united as one.

Erik Paul said...

It's been fairly obvious that 'Freewheeling Franklin' is actually 'Scorpio' using a different moniker, and I'd be willing to bet, 'xmack875' is as well.

Hope I didn't ruin your fun.

Freewheeling_Franklin said...

You’re probably Scorp too. Everyone commenting other than chainsaw is and the downloads are probably from a phone farm run by Scorp. There are no actual listeners it’s all fake!

Erik Paul said...


We're all Scorp now!!

Ed in Salt Lake said...

Exactly what it is!

Erik Paul said...

Btw, Scorp, Ma Bailey (her new name) be cummin' fer ya!

xmack875 said...

Clinton from Ontario. Wake up moron. You’re still stuck in the 50’s boomer.

xmack875 said...

Mer Bailey is one of the most annoying/painful voices I’ve had the displeasure of hearing on air. Thankfully for me my hearing was not impaired as a result of the toxic exposure.

xmack875 said...

You got it wrong try again fruitcake.

xmack875 said...

Erik paul I’ve been a long time listener back when him and Giuseppe had a thing. Other than that, I don’t like seeing clear sabotages happening to anyone. Clearly sam? Gaddy and that cunt mer bailey had some part in it all.

Chainsawmiller said...

"Mer Bailey is an old can’t."

Whoopps that was a slip, LOL

When Xmack pulls a dirty Dog Mcgee (on the lone highway), it needs to be a mans hairy ass. He can't even say cunt LOL It's a can't as is He can't get it up!! ROTFL!!!

From the urban dictionary,

dirty dog- When having doggy style sex the girl or guy takes a shit

dirty mcgee- When a man ejaculates in a girl's ass and some else licks it out

So from that, we arrive at Dirty Dog Mcgee( On the lone highway)

XMack licks cum and poop out of a hairy ass. No? LOL, You are a nasty fuka X-maximum!

Chainsawmiller said...

Listening to that song now we hear that "Dirty Dog Mcgee strokes a young girls hair" (on the lone highway). Well that's creepy as fuck...

Chainsawmiller said...

"Mer Bailey is an old can’t."

Whoopps that was a slip, LOL

When Xmack pulls a dirty Dog Mcgee (on the lone highway), it needs to be a mans hairy ass. He can't even say cunt LOL It's a can't as is He can't get it up!! ROTFL!!!

From the urban dictionary,

dirty dog- When having doggy style sex the girl or guy takes a shit

dirty mcgee- When a man ejaculates in a girl's ass and some else licks it out

So from that, we arrive at Dirty Dog Mcgee( On the lone highway)

XMack licks cum and poop out of a hairy ass. No? LOL, You are a nasty fuka X-maximum!

Panzerfaust said...

You're getting warmer

xmack875 said...

Chainsaw COCKsmoker, I corrected myself and wrote Mer Bailey is an old CUNT. you on the other hand
cannot differentiate between "your" vs “you're". Truly, you are a brain dead moron!

Chainsawmiller said...

LOL yeah I do that all the time LOL and apparently you lick ass regularly as well. I'd rather be the guy making spelling errors LOL!!!!!

xmack875 said...

Right, sure you do. I know you take it up the ass. I know a closet queen when I see one. ;)

Chainsawmiller said...

CUNT vs Can't - your vs you're. Hmm one is a faggot letting it slip. no?

xmack875 said...

Figures you’re a Canadian queen. Just be free and let it all hang out. We are here for you! I know you must have been a tad bit devastated getting your powers removed as an admin. Rumor has it, you were posting links to your only fans page with gay activities and no one wants to see that man. Get a grip!

Chainsawmiller said...

Letting it slip, with lube I suspect...LOL

Chainsawmiller said...

You are lame, you can't be Scorpio. He is much smarter than this. LOL

xmack875 said...

You’re the one who seems to have a hard on for him. Did you forget? All your pussy boy comments earlier. I know a fan boy stalker when I see one.

xmack875 said...

Also let’s not forget your bitch move last night crying about the comments so you actually ran off and reported it to the admin. Hilarious!! What a pussy!

Chainsawmiller said...

Scorpio removed me from admin for a day until zap came back. I suspect he also deleted a shit load of posts that would be a timeline and proof of the nonsense that happened here. I do not trust Scorpio but I really don't care about being an admin here. Nor do I have any animosity toward Dave. I ended up leaving later anyway, twice LOL. There are a handful of good people here and I enjoy talking and sharing ideas with them. There are also a lot of idiots here. That's always how it is. It's a difunctional group here and that's ok. Lets try not to take this shit too seriously but serious enough that we can try to find some common ground.

Chainsawmiller said...

Also anyone who looks at my posts here at Mamis when I was an admin will see Adanac now. I'm hiding fuck all. so go get fucked (likely up the ass) Xmamimum.

Chainsawmiller said...

I don't need to report anything to zap fucknut. You are not well...

Chainsawmiller said...

nighty night!

xmack875 said...

Stop the lying fuck head. I know it was you. Tattle tail. Totally pussy boy move. I guess that yellow stripe down your back is a permanent fixture in your life. Good luck with ever finding a real purpose in life.

xmack875 said...

“Nighty night”? Jesus fuck you really are a pansy!! Did you point your pinky out when you wrote that? Weirdo.

xmack875 said...

No one is wondering anything. You were trying to be slick and hide you were a former admin who posted lame shit and everyone hated you. So you got removed. It’s pretty simple and quite hilarious. Pathetic creature you are.

xmack875 said...

“Nighty night”? What a pussy. You’ve proven yourself to be such a pansy. It’s really embarrassing (and very funny too) to see such pathetic behavior.

And whoever keeps deleting my comments, fuck you!!

Chainsawmiller said...

Here you go xmack, just for you LOL

Chainsawmiller said...

The only guy posting lame shit is you retread.

Chainsawmiller said...

Yeah, nighty night! I used to say that to my children when they were young. You seem either quite young or working with a serious mental deficit. I really don't want to continue with this nonsense and I think you need a hug. Lets be friends and stop all this nonsense. Just don't touch my ass. LOL! Do you have any kids Xmack? I raised 4 children with my ex-wife and my kids are all over 25 now. They are all finding it difficult out there. None of them can afford a down payment on a house. It's maddening.

xmack875 said...

Hahahahaha man that’s funny. You might not be so bad after all.

Chainsawmiller said...

I'm not and I'm sure you're not so bad either. Truce?

xmack875 said...

Retread? Here we go again. Lol

zapoper said...

Let them show how dumb they are. Stop putting these idiot's comments in the spam box I'll just fish them out.

Most of the people who visit mami's are intelligent enough to see what's going on here. I hope. lol

xmack875 said...

Lighten man. It’s not that deep. Don’t get so stressed out and lose sleep over comments from people you don’t even know.

Chainsawmiller said...

Well good morning!

zap the greatest thing about this site is the fact that there is very limited censorship. However there a still topics that are off limits. What exactly is "going on here"? Dave is a big boy and made mistakes just like we all do. Like you and most here he subscribes to Jews are enemy number one. What most fail to see is posting and creating this content will never result in any real change because it is yet another form of the victim mentality and it's calculated. Victims will never be in control until the figure out away to stop whining and do it.

IMHO If people want real change they have to create it with ideas based truth, personal responsibility, love and actually doing work out in your community to bring it into reality. Usury will wreck any group trying to create a society based on truth love and personal responsibility into being. No topic should ever be off limits. It should always be openly discussed. If you can't handle it or think its idiotic don't participate. We can't even agree on what the the real problem is! A group like the jews have no real power over anyone willing to take control over their own life. Granted there are hurdles they can put in place with the help of people willing to sell their souls for a little bit of extra money, most do.

It's funny how all these truthers exposing the jews like Timothy Kelly. E Michael Jones and other Catholics give themselves a pass and will not closely examine Catholicism honestly. Same with Muslims, Jews Christians etc etc etc. Money, specifically interest on money is the number one God that most everyone secretly or not so secretly worships devoutly. All these listed groups will partake in a good ROI! You hear all these truthers talk about how to prospers during these times through zigging this way with this crypto or that investment. The growth model is fake as fuck. There is no money! Corporations are fake and part of this usury system. We have arrived at a point that we pledge our children and hand over ownership of them to a system that floats loans based on their future value. We could walk away and start something new. That would take a consensus, this is another area of marketing/human psychology that was mastered a long time ago. People are lazy and sooner or later they will let someone they "trust", "administrate" the moral system they worked so hard to create. Usually a generation or so after, like in the state we find ourselves currently. These same people then turn around and call out "the jews" etc as the problem. We are the problem and most everyone carries their slave card around in their back pocket and say "I know this but there is nothing I can do about it." It's a pretty simple case of cognitive dissonance or Stockholm syndrome or accepting being part of a rat race that you want prove you can thrive in. It's all bullshit just like the pandemic. That little experiment actually showed everyone this. The majority did not disappoint the slave masters. I lost several friends and still have strained family relationships because my position on this. I have remained consistent on this and was fired from a good job because of it. I'm not saying I'm great I'm just saying I have reached a point in my life that I'm not interested in participating in this bullshit anymore. Do I have a mortgage? yes. Am I a wage slave with my taxes deducted at source? yes. I do not however enter into contracts for benefits with hefty legal obligations.
a man. Get it?

Chainsawmiller said...


We need to eradicate the fictional legal person starting with the birth certificate. All this bitching and moaning about jews, whether real or imagined, is a dead end and is totally calculated, no? Why not try to get out from underneath the contractual slave system that we unknowingly were pledged into by our Mothers and Fathers? To me that would do more than anything else in this current stormy climate we find ourselves in. No politician is going to help you, so stop voting. you are not even voting in the capacity of a man, get it?

Freewheeling_Franklin said...

Yikes what an unhinged wall of text. This clown actually expects people to wade through that ocean of rambling nonsense. Mental illness on parade

Erik Paul said...

Is this what Fetch meant by saying Mami's 'gone full faggot?'

I mean...that Dirty Dog Magee crap...sheeesh!

sqirl said...

Scorpio talked about the Chinese/ Russians Not communist. He's not willing to admit the hybrid of capitalism and communism is communitarianism. Too much time and effort has gone ineffectively with him. Picking up the paintbrush is a rational direction after it's all said and done. I appreciate the summary of his time and closure with RBN. Sam is a piece of work disrupting broadcasts. Good on Scorpio to further validate Mer's inside involvement. Gaddy goes no where and unfortunately consumes attention and time of any resistance.

zapoper said...

"Is this what Fetch meant by saying Mami's 'gone full faggot?'"

It was much worst than this when the Fetch said that.

zapoper said...

@ Chainsawmiller

What you wrote is insidious in its crafting. Typical jewish storytelling. ROFL.

xmack875 said...

I have to agree on some levels with the folks above but to the admin, zapoper, to even attempt (after bitching about it) deleting and censoring comments is embarrassing and quite ridiculous. I hope it never gets to that point again and you learned something about what you did. Just because you don’t like what you see or read, doesn’t mean you block or prevent it from being said. There’s a fine line here. It makes you look like all the mainstream folks and other social outlets.

Chainsawmiller said...

Oh I see the public stoning has begun. That's ok with me. I don't care. I'm not here to be popular. It's true, I'm not a big fan of Scorpio. I listened to their f350 shows talking about butt fucking and other gay topics as they all had a good laugh. Sorry not for me. zap you go ahead and pass judgment and call me a jew. It's the favorite conclusion of the brilliance that is mamis. It's interesting you sit on your ass every day and collect a monthly payment for exposing the parasites. It's so ironic! Good luck! This is where our friendship ends.

zapoper said...

I talked with scorpio and voltman last night and we still don't know who is putting comments in the spam box I've been republishing some of them and they both have done so too.

As for me turning off the comments it had to do with you and chainsaw behaving like children.

I wounder why I'm justifying myself to you? lol

zapoper said...

I thought that the comment I wrote would prompt you to call me and we would have a laugh chainsaw. lol


zapoper said...

I don't think that you are a jew and even if you were you'd be an ok one in my book.

zapoper said...

I actually liked what you wrote but I tend to disagree with

" All this bitching and moaning about jews, whether real or imagined, is a dead end and is totally calculated, no?"

Chainsawmiller said...

"Is this what Fetch meant by saying Mami's 'gone full faggot?'"

"It was much worst than this when the Fetch said that."

This is comedy gold!

You were MIA in a drunken stupor for several days and left a snake in charge to remove me and delete a shit load of comments, Hint, it was not Ogner! For a smart guy, you can be pretty dumb sometimes. It was the over coiffed golden boy doing business as Dr Sscorpio!

Chainsawmiller said...

I actually liked what you wrote but I tend to disagree with

" All this bitching and moaning about jews, whether real or imagined, is a dead end and is totally calculated, no?"

That was a jewy move, remove the surrounding context. Nice one zap!

It is calculated and the upper echelons have no problem hanging that shit on the rank and file jew.

here is the proper context to refresh your memory.

We need to eradicate the fictional legal person starting with the birth certificate. All this bitching and moaning about jews, whether real or imagined, is a dead end and is totally calculated, no? Why not try to get out from underneath the contractual slave system that we unknowingly were pledged into by our Mothers and Fathers?

Panzerfaust said...

I haven't listened much lately, has "Scorpio" ever railed against I'm a Zionist Joe Biden the way he has on Zion Don Trump? Paul In CA never did, in fact he blew up on-air when I brought up this inconsistency. The Right Stuff guys, same. I don't get it, why do these antisemitic nazi white supremacists types cover for Democrats?

Panzerfaust said...

Also these so-called truth seeking alt-media personalities and their fanboys simply melt down in a rage when someone comes along and calmly points out the logical fallacies of their contrarian positions on the shape of the earth, space exploration, nuclear science, infectious disease, etc It's like questioning religious dogma.

Panzerfaust said...

That's why earlier I pointed out the steep decline in listening value and the commentary of this site ten years ago to now. All of this seems to coincide with fresh news faces showing up, so to speak.

xmack875 said...

@ zapoper behaving like “children”? Are you for real? So you d appoint yourself as the father figure and discipline the kids by removing their toys? What is wrong with you? Seriously? You’re on some strange power trip.

xmack875 said...

And all this Jew hate and whitey supremacy is getting really old and played out. If any of you were operating on a higher self spiritual level it’s behind that. You bitch about race and religion? All those are tools these evil creatures use to put us all against each other and it looks like it’s working with all you “pro white” folks. Look beyond that. Stop being so easily filled and duped.

xmack875 said...

Easily fooled and duped. Sure it’s obvious who’s fronting the game, but what’s behind that???? I don’t think most of you could stomach or confront what’s on the other side of this evil. You’re so consumed with insignificant matters.

Freewheeling_Franklin said...

Panzerlouse thinks there is a contingent of alt media listeners who like Joe Biden and need to be “woken up”. And that hosts secretly support him. That boy is about as sharp as a bowling ball

zapoper said...

Chainsawmiller is acting like a jilted girlfriend. The guy is extroverted and needs to prove that he knows much more than the rest of us little pions. His ego is so huge that it blinds him.

Unknown said...

Panzerfäustchen gate keeps the "trust the science", pathetic lol.
Talking about logical fallacies, how do you make a "test" for something you have never ever found or seen?
Typical scum, trying to equate flat erf to questioning kabballah quantum temple nonsense, germ theory or atomism. All Talmud and Kabballah based "science".