July 27, 2024

Saturday Snack Shack with Blackbird9 - 2024.07.27 (Two Hour Show)

Noticing Patterns With Mr. William Repillem and Mr. Patrick Chenal

Frederick C. Blackburn (also known as BlackBird9) studied engineering to become an electrical engineer and had a career in IT. He had a Top Secret clearance in the USA. He gave lectures to: Military and Naval Intelligence personnel as well as NSA, CIA and FBI personnel about cell phone and other technologies.

64 CF Download


blackbird9 said...

Greetings, all!

Zapoper - Thanks for posting this extended 2 hr Snack Shack Tribute Show!

"SSS Episode 085 – Noticing Patterns With Mr. William Repillem and Mr. Patrick Chenal"

“The Great Experiment of Self Rule” vs. (((THE GREAT WORK OF THE NEW WORLD ORDER)))

First Segment Crucifixion & Diaspora to The Norman Invasion 1066

Second Segment Knight Templars Return from Jerusalem to Sabbatai Zevi 1666

Third Segment May Day 1776 to The Founding of Israel 1948

Fourth Segment Founding of Israel to Present Post 9/11 World

I hope folks find a "Nugget" or two!

Thanks to The Boyz for jumping in last minute for this Special Tribute Show to Miss Monika Schaefer and her new Show on RBN, "The Flip Side"!

I hope we did her PROUD as we say here in Appalachia! . ..lol

- bb9

decree said...

Hey BB9


here the story around the ((( echo echo echo )))

decree said...

And sure your snackshack amazing as always!

Jumbo Patterson said...

"as we say here in Appalachia!"

We say that in England too, lol.

Jumbo Patterson said...

Alan Watt mentioned a couple of times that he believed Normans to have morphed from the Khazarian nobility, who were a fair skinned, red-headed tribe that kept it's bloodline pure and didn't intermarry with the lower classes, who were a multiracial, interracial bunch including a sizeable jewish element.

He said that Khazaria was like a smaller version of the British Empire, with a large, paid standing army that could also be hired out. The Khazarian warriors would use guile and tact to achieve their aims... victory by deception.

Khazaria made it's money from exploitation of the neighbouring peoples, charging tolls on the waterways and the northern branch of the Silk Road, and banditry, if a trader didn't cough up.

The Normans used guile and tact to invade England; they apparently towed prefabricated forts (in flatpack form) across from France, then quickly assembled them once landed, which gave them a huge tactical advantage.

The timeline fits perfectly, as does the modus operandi.