July 29, 2024

The End of the World as We Know It with Whitney Webb 2023.12.22


decree said...

Whitney was last week on Jimmy Dore too, not that i like Dore much but Whitneys interviews/talks are interesting, she got an article about all this on her website too, i think for normies its information overflow they cannot compute all that, cant see how bad it really is, they read or lsiten Whitney and dont draw conclusions for themself, like boycotting smart tech, they go on with life like they never listened, unwilling to give up anything for the convinience the smart tech offers.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sGySygy0LWs the Jimmy Dore one
and the article about the same
there are alot read worthy articles on that unlimited hangout, my favorite is about Cybereason, isreali startup (sure moassad ties) run all cyber security of the US, and so they have access to any data as middle man.

zapoper said...

I agree, she generally writes good stuff.

Jumbo Patterson said...

Pete QuiƱones thinks she plagiarised all of Ryan Dawson's work on Epstein for her book.

Jumbo Patterson said...

Escaping from England, lol.


decree said...

did Quinones ever read on her website, i dont know but im biased on this topic because i hate Ryan Dawnson, i watched him for several years but he could never fix volume issues with his microphon, and on his content i could not agree too, you knew alot of the creators who made 9/11 documentaries were jews, i dont trust him in german we say he is greasy. I cant agree with quinones. what does quiniones thing about Griffin and Mullins, their books are often 1:1 identical, Griffins book about cancer was first and was identical to a book Mullins released later, Mullins wrote his book about the FED 1952 and was first, Griffins FED book was jsut a repeat of what Mullins already wrote, but Mullins said on such topics you cant avoid to repeat cause there are only these facts we know. If there are similarities between Dawson and Webb i think you cant avoid naming the same facts. I respects Witneys work alot more cause Ryan is a greasy PoS i regret i wasted so many hours over years lsitening to him, it gave me no progress, while Whitneys work did, esp the last years her articles about cybereason should be all over mainstream, cause mossad got access to any data anywhere using these startup companies. Only mossad is allowed todo that.

decree said...

i dont like the change they did to these comments its harder to read when i leave no spaces. But at least the annoying im a human checkbox is gone. I hate making checkmarks on "i am human"

decree said...

when you search on Odysee on the name Whitney Webb there is one of the top results someone trying to smear Whitney "exposing" its so bad this can only be a bored dude, no services involved they would not produce such bad "expose Whitney"

decree said...

A source to the Mullins Griffin comparison i just heared it today, here is a collection, i know some of it, but some are new to me, and it is sure worth the time in most cases, very few bad interviews only
i loaded all these collections local on my external drive, i fear one day they will kill archive.org and all these goodies will be gone.

decree said...

i just notice the reply, im blind i could have directly replied to Jumbo on Dawson, ok the reply is new too.

Jumbo Patterson said...

I pretty much agree with your take on both Dawson and Webb. You can't fault most of Whitney's content, if a little doom-laden, which was PQs point.

It was on the Luongo interview if you want to hear the context - PQ has a more upbeat view on the technological progress.

RumRage said...

I think Whitney might have republished a lot of the work Brendon O'Connell has done, concerning Israel's cyber-stranglehold over America (and subsequently the entire western world).

I used to listen to brendon a lot, but he is extremely incendiary and difficult to like at times. That said, he truly has been persecuted by the jews and suffered more than I could bear. I know he does not like Whitney Webb at all.