August 03, 2024

Dennis Fetcho, Inside the Eye - Live! 2024.08.03

Dennis Fetcho, aka "The Fetch", is an American ex-patriot living in the Philippines.  He is the author of the Illuminatus Observor, a blog regarded by many as simply the finest Hermetic Qaballa blog in all of blogdom. The Fetch also has a second site called "Inside The Eye - Live!" 

Hour 1 - News And Current Events

Hour 2 - News And Current Events

Hour 3 - News And Current Events

80k CF Download


Ed in Salt Lake said...

The UK Southport "murders" are very likely more manufactured and staged fakery created for the zombie-hoards to bite into hookline-and-sinker and- like the programmed automatons they are- to assist with and create the the necessary "reaction" in the "problem-reaction-solution" methodology so as, to bring-in more of their tyrannical technocratic weaponry and, to continue the roll-out of their all-enveloping and nightmarish dystopian leviathan, nation by nation, city by city!

UK Brings-in Facial Surveillance Police State Via Layered Psy-Ops & Riots

Southport Staged Drill: Breakdown Of Fakery

Ed in Salt Lake said...

Panzerfaust said...

"The UK Southport "murders" are very likely more manufactured and staged fakery"
Oh brother, the Cognitive Infiltration is off the charts lately on Mami's Shit.

Ed in Salt Lake said...

Southport Hoax: Teenage "Stabber" Is An Actor

Jumbo Patterson said...

Interesting, Ed. Good point by Gemma about Richard Hall's trial; poor guy may lose everything.

If it's an op, that's very good news, inasmuch as three little girls were not murdered after all.

Good chance that the 'far-rightists' have been organised by controlled opp leaders, and don't know any better.

One interesting aspect is that if this black kid is a Tutsi; and the clues indicate that he is; that tribe has a deep seated relationship with the 'Deep State' which you can read about here, it's a long read, but worth it:

Panzerfaust said...

What happened to my post Zap?

Panzerfaust said...

I'm not buying the "Google spam algorithm" bullshit. I suspect chainsawrabbi has admin here. Just ban me permanently so I'm no longer tempted to post here thanks in advance.

Jumbo Patterson said...

Our mixed-race hero, Joel Verité:

Jumbo Patterson said...

Verité (Truth)

Ed in Salt Lake said...

I've been a regular at Unz but, I don't remember this piece. I'll check it out. Thx!

Jumbo Patterson said...

Irish controlled opposition are all going on their summer hollers! Sorry, no psy-ops this week!

Jumbo Patterson said...

UK riots turn into chav loot-fest, lol