August 10, 2024

Dennis Fetcho, Inside the Eye - Live! 2024.08.10

Dennis Fetcho, aka "The Fetch", is an American ex-patriot living in the Philippines.  He is the author of the Illuminatus Observor, a blog regarded by many as simply the finest Hermetic Qaballa blog in all of blogdom. The Fetch also has a second site called "Inside The Eye - Live!" 

Hour 1 - News And Current Events

Hour 2 - News And Current Events

Hour 3 - News And Current Events

80k CF Download


Ed in Salt Lake said...

After the death of Susan Wojcicki, I decided to read-up on a few hundred comments related to her death. I must admit, it does still provide some optimism, though not enough, for our current technocratic dilemma. As the old saying goes, "A pessimist is an optimist who's been around!"

Here are a handful that I found quite enjoyable:

- Her family will receive my condolences after 2 unskippable 30-second ads.

- Excuse me! This is YT. Nobody dies here, she's simply unalive.

- Susan pursued her passion for censorship and suppression of free speech for years, amassing a personal fortune of nearly a billion dollars in the process. Not many people get to do what they love. RIP Ms. Wojcicki!

- My first comment was removed- her legacy lives on!

- Banned for life!

- She must have violated some community guidelines.

- Does this mean we're getting the dislike button back?

- Susan! We have double-checked the termination of your account and it will not be restored. We hv to keep our community safe!

- Do we get to be adults again and say "dead?"

- Looks like someone had dirt on Mr. Beast!

- Susan! You had no right to publish this content, therefore the counter-notification will not be forwarded.

- I had an ice cream today!

- New public urinal just opened!

There were countless along these lines and others just as clever. It's obvious that all of the shadow-banning, censorship, terminated accounts, advertising friendly interface, the push against ad-blocking and, the countless thousands stolen in ad revenue had there definitive impact.

I would say approximately 60-70% of the comments were either outright negative and gleeful or, contained some disapproval, even if minor. We need to absolutely loathe, detest, and call-out these detached slimeballs who live in their ivory towers insulated from multiple realities of the world!

Jumbo Patterson said...

Great stuff, Fetch!

Early on in his career, Starmer was legal officer for the cultural marxist outfit 'Liberty', an organisation that was openly pushing the envelope on legalised paedophilia back in the late seventies, and covertly still is, imo.

As chief prosecutor, he oversaw the 'blunders' that resulted in complaints against Jimmy Savile being dropped, only revisiting the case after Savile's death.

He was also responsible for prosecuting the 2011 London rioters and dishing out hefty prison sentences... cohencidence? I think not.

The 2011 riots were also a state contrived and manipulated op, in my opinion. I'm pretty sure they were using phone mast frequencies to create the rage on those events, which were arguably more damaging to property than the recent ones. The police were ordered to stand down and just let the mobs do their thing, the mobs were mostly black.

Jumbo Patterson said...

The 2011 riots had been sparked by a mixed race drug dealer being shot dead by police marksmen, who 'thought he was armed'... there was already considerable unrest in the inner city communities due to a (contrived) shortfall in the supply of class-A drugs, which is the stock-in-trade in those communities.

Panzerfaust said...

Spring Break in the 1970's. Notice anything?

Ed in Salt Lake said...


Jumbo Patterson said...

CSM, you call it artificial "prosperity" and to a degree, everything is artificial when these fkn psychos are running the show, but perhaps that was more a result of the people being given their head to go forth and prosper... the default human situation.

I remember those days, it was exactly like that over here... endless summer days of adventure while school's out.

Jumbo Patterson said...

I never knew either Grandfather, unfortunately they had both passed long before I was born, so I guess that they must have suffered. I know my parents struggled, they were from the 'Greatest generation', grew up during the war, but they never spoke of their hardships, they just kept themselves very busy and tried to do the best for their kids, God bless 'em.

Jumbo Patterson said...

It's high time that we put a stop to it.

Panzerfaust said...

Allentown, PA is now 54% Hispanic! First they offshore the steel and send the jobs away then they imported a new population.

Grokkk said...

Chainsaw Rabbi & Ed in Tard Lake are makin’ a flat earf nesting area here.

Ed in Salt Lake said...

Don't you get it Chainster, he's trying to be funny! When the little people's resentment towards those who breathe mountainous air and brave bold new thoughts attempts to conceal itself behind juvenile humor. Their miserable little spirit seeks the concealment and cleverness of the unknown coward!

TheFetch said...

That summer break video pretty much represented the culture perfectly. Pretty awesome. Can remember so many times mom telling me to get out of the house and do something or she would find something for me to do. That was kinda funny to see that in the video. The Rocket Slide, Merry Go-Round...for a short video, so well done.

Ed in Salt Lake said...

What Fighting Tyranny Looks Like To Normies

Jumbo Patterson said...

They are now trying to blame UK riots on Russian interference, ROFL

Christopher Steele... yes him:

Ed in Salt Lake said...

Former Cornell Student Gets 21 Months In Prison For Posting Violent Threats To Jewish Students

His mommy said it was "duh meds" and, his state-funded public-defender said he's was actually attempting to indirectly "garner support" for Izzy!

Jumbo Patterson said...

As an addendum to the 2011 riots; there were an unprecendented number of arrests and prosecutions; we're talking several thousands; which were facilitated by serving a subpoena on the operators of Blackberry, to provide the data from their encrypted messaging service, which was the go-to means of communication by 'da yoof', back in the day.