August 09, 2024

Gerald Celente - The Trends Pointing Straight To Hell (Test 1)

 Gerald Celente  - The Trends Pointing Straight To Hell


zapoper said... test 2

zapoper said...

So if I embed his website in a post, Blogger reverts that post to a draft and calls it "hidden". In essence, Blogger decided that they were censoring Celente's website.

Jumbo Patterson said...

He may well be right this time; it's certainly not looking great out there; but Gerald has been saying this for years.

WWS said...

Celente's YT channel:

zapoper said...

I think that he owns all the domains of "thegreatdepressionof08" up to "thegratdepressionof25" LOL

Jumbo Patterson said...

In a way, he is correct, but it's like Dave Scorpio says, it's more of a slow road to hell... a sudden collapse would not be conducive to the agenda.

zapoper said...

" a sudden collapse would not be conducive to the agenda" unless they reinstall Trump.

Jumbo Patterson said...

Imagine the fkn chaos if all the Western economies suddenly collapsed... it doesn't bear thinking about.

If it happens, when it happens, it'll be completely controlled with a goal in mind; to usher in CBDC, 15 minute total surveillance cities etc... yeah, good luck with that, if they try that shit in England, it'll be like herding cats, lol.

cjag said...

2 more weeks !

from Ontario