August 30, 2024

🐐RAGECAST 480: TRON - Raging Dissident ~ THE RAPTILIAN - DIAGOLON FOREVER! ~ "Walk Like A Joe Biden" ~ Have you been slandered? - Greg Wycliffe ~ Propaganda Press - BuelahMan's Revolt



Greg Wycliffe


Epic Rants Against the Ass-Media by Jeremy MacKenzie
 Censored everywhere except on Spotify (Audio Only)

Walk Like An Egyptian Parody
Louder With Crowder





decree said...

cant get into raging dissident, maybe cause im not canadian, i dont get this fake raging, he should really lsiten to sme content of his fellow canadian bro Zündel, i jsut watched his whole collection, he was a great man i never knew in the 1980/90s when Ernst did his thing, here a nice link someone cut the whole "german holocaust" series 1 to 34 into one video file of 15,5 hours, i lsitened it already 4 times, im german and i learn.
how did i get from raging dissident to Zündel, canada i guess, sorry for the offtopic.

BuelahMan said...

Thanks for sharing, Voltman!