August 16, 2024

⚠️Scorpio The Final Show XXXIII: Truth Paradigms Squirming Like a Toad


  Topics include:

           1)  Rut of Truth Echo Chambers

           2) Don't Think About JFK
           3)  Unleashing The Nihilists 

           4) Old Clothes and New Beliefs 

Feel free to contact me at


Correction: I said Billy Meier is from Austria. He is from Switzerland

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Originaly posted by Scorpio on 8/15/2024 at 02:51:00 AM


Panzerfaust said...

The Conspiracy Industrial Complex is no different from the Military Industrial Complex and the Security Industrial Complex, it needs new events in order to remain relevant, thus whatever happens, be it a woman shot in the US Capitol by a dumb nigger, Trump being grazed by a bullet, whatever, has to be fake

Jumbo Patterson said...

The Trump shooting could have been a real attempt... the fact that trained marksmen missed their target could be just a sign of the times; that we are just fkn useless at everything these days.

Don't get me wrong, I don't immediately assume that everything is fake, but the whole Trump assassination thing just looked like a bad comedy skit from the '70s, that I couldn't take it seriously.

And the obese, creepy, BBC reporter, who looked on the verge of requiring an ambulance, interviewing the crazy looking red-headed dude was just the icing on the cake... the fake cake.

Holly Woodrow said...

Awesome rant you secret Trumper you

Panzerfaust said...

Aside from being just annoying the everything fake shit progenitors (i.e. Fetzer and Barrett) provide cover for the 'deep state' by sending the skeptical down fake rabbit holes. Not examining the role of the Secret Service in the government's failed attempt to kill a presidential candidate is the most recent and glaring example. If this were RFK Jr being shot at I guarantee these two cheeseheads would not be contorting themselves into truther pretzels with the fake shooting bullshit.

Here is something worth looking into:

Panzerfaust said...
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Panzerfaust said...

btw just to see for myself I bought a season pass to Space Center Houston where, some will insist, the Freemasons and Jews trick the goy into believing ball earth and man landed on the moon by displaying fake moon rocks, fake rockets and space ships, and a fake mission control.

Scorpio said...

First of all, you are referring to The Smith Mundt Modernization Act which effectively reversed the 1948 ban on government propaganda towards Americans in the original Smith Mundt Act. Passed in 2012, it didn't take effect until 2013 and it's interesting to note that the Flat Earth Movement had it's coming out party in 2014 when it hit the internuts by storm less than a year later. (Think about Cass Sunstein's statements around this same time.)

Secondly, if you had spent any time in this country during the last two years, you would already know that the enthusiasm level of Trump voters was already off the charts and unparalleled since the Reagan era. They didn't need a fake assassination attempt to bring his voters to the polls. The battle lines had already been drawn long before July 13.

Panzerfaust said...

How about giving Fetzer a call on this topic on his RBN show?

Panzerfaust said...

Far as Trump is concerned I voted for him in 2016, 2020 and will again in 2024 with no apologies. Just to be clear Trump has his throngs of fans who are drawn to his personality and the patriotic-religious trappings of his rallies. I'm not one of those.

Frankly there are four issues that threaten quality of life in this country and Trump's policies are far better than the Democratic agenda. In no particular order they are war, the green energy scam, immigration, and the economy.

So he makes people angry with frank talk and an unyielding attitude. So fucking what.

Here what these two Brits have to say about the destruction of their country perpetrated by the Kaletgi Plan. Open borders here are putting this country on the same path

Panzerfaust said...

Guess what? The body of Crooks was quickly and quietly cremated. Yeah, let's not look into the cover-up of a government assassination plot but instead grasp at fake shooting straws.

Ed in Salt Lake said...

"The history of the world is the history of the warfare between secret societies" - Robert Shea

"The heavenly powers
Cannot do all things. It is the mortals
Who reach sooner into the abyss.
So the turn is with these. Long is
The time, but the true comes into
It's own" - Holderlin(Mnemosyne)

zapoper said...

"I challenge anyone to go find men and Women in government statutes."

The words "men/man" and "women/woman" are not there. It's always the word "person(s)". And in this clown world that we live in the word "person" is even more convenient for them to use because there are now 15000 sexes. lol

P.S. Not only has Google unleashed an AI that behaves like a retarded child in the comment section of Blogger, but also one day we get the new format for commenting and on another day we get the old. They are testing their beta crap live with us clowns. lol

Jumbo Patterson said...

The Illuminati thing is more about the 'infallible' plan that Weishaupt brought forth... allegedly.

Perhaps the term refers to whoever put him up to it... the hidden 'old money', or 'the big boys' as Alan Watt used to call them.

Ed in Salt Lake said...

The collossal "Grokkk" overwhelms Miami's with his mysteriousness and periodic enigmatic appearances. I mean, if it wasn't for his all-too-obvious language-structure and mocking messaging, we'd be left in the dark about who this G (as in gangsta) truly is!

Grokkk is the internet's "man in black" who flees across the "cyber-desert," and we diminutive "gunslingers" follow, helplessly attempting to decode his perpetually cryptic coding!🙄

zapoper said...


Jumbo Patterson said...

Weishaupt went north to Frankfurt and showed the plan to A M Rothschild; that could be when the 'big boys' recruited Rothschild's sons; before heading off to Paris to get involved in the French Revolution.

Jumbo Patterson said...

In depth look at the subversive politics involved in the UK situation going on now. UK Column news 12th July:

Jumbo Patterson said...

Tommy Robinson's links to Israel

Panzerfaust said...

Who here knew Queen guitarist Brian May is an astrophysicist?
"The Origins, Spectral Interpretation, Resource Identification, Security-Regolith Explorer, or OSIRIS-REx, was NASA’s seven-year-long robotic mission to gather samples from an asteroid. Scientists worldwide and across disciplines — including Brian May, astrophysicist and lead guitarist for iconic rock band Queen — collaborated to plan and execute this long-range mission."

par said...

To top it off..

A man (and wombed man) are slave workers for a Lord (aka a master)

We are divine beings (verb/acting in a life living self - I - me - myself)

Noun are name for things (aka dead place holder/token/game piece/dead/things/fiction!!)

One can never serve two masters..

Praise the creator in Swedish i: "Price/praise be our God creator of all!

The name of the game is he who made the game made its rules! He is the ruler..

par said...

The gagaing one is a lad - not a lady.. Or so it seems if you take biological visible male/female typical markers..

And a poor lad at that..

Jumbo Patterson said...

I don't speak legalese, CSM... you shouldn't try either; it's not what you think it is... it means whatever they want it to mean at the time. It's flexible that way, lol.

Panzerfaust said...

Ever watch Moscow Mules? It's political satire from a Russian perspective by a Brit, if that makes sense.

Jumbo Patterson said...

He's Irish... he won't like being called a Brit.

I had to go through an Asian VPN to get RT, which is ridiculous.