August 21, 2024

The United States Of IsRah Hell ~ STATE DEPARTMENT IS 100% CONTROLLED BY JEWS ✡️ - KAY GRIGGS ~ GLOBAL GENOCIDE Part 2 - DarknessToLight.111 ~ About Sweden - Brian Ruhe ~ On Not Giving Up - Red Ice TV






David Martin describes the new "pandemic" as a cover-up for all the deaths and diseases caused by the quackcines. He describes the WHO as a Criminal Conspiratorial Organization. They are conditioning the people to accept a genocide of global proportions.

They realized that the biological threat is far more valuable than the nuclear threat.

We should be focused on bringing these conspirators to justice according to David Martin.



Truth about Sweden. Is it Really Just the Migrants?

On Not Giving Up

General Motors is laying off more than 1,000 salaried tech employees in its software and services division in an effort to streamline the unit’s operations.

The layoffs include roughly 600 jobs at GM’s tech campus in Warren, Michigan, just outside of Detroit, CNBC is reporting.

The cuts come as automakers attempt to reduce costs during an industry downturn and as they’re spending billions of dollars on super-expensive all-electric vehicles and so-called software-defined vehicles. These include self-driving autonomous vehicles that are continuously gathering up and sending all your personal data to a central computer, then they sell it off to third parties. These cars will also include remote kill switches.

In other words, the auto industry is pouring all of its R&D money into vehicles that nobody in their right mind would want to own.

In fact, GM is being sued for illegally selling more than 1.8 million drivers’ personal driving data to insurance companies.

Only a digital slave to Klaus Schwab’s Fourth Industrial Revolution would want a car that spies on them, reports their driving habits to the insurance companies, and offers the government the opportunity to shut their car down.

Elevator Battery Fire


Ed in Salt Lake said...

After 6 weeks, we suddenly have surface "new information" to keep the "truthers" tied into a knot, misdirected and, doing theoretical laps around the various possible "alternative explanations" of Trump's staged assassination attempt.

The detailed analysis of the staged Corey Comperatore "body removal" reveals just how far removed most people are from the genuine reality of the event that tookplace. The "Police Academy-type" of theatrics and staged fakery manifests just the degree of sensational silliness and media-manufactured melodramatics and masquerading that the clueless general public will succumb to when bombarded by these buffoonish events.

Video Of Crooks At The Butler, PA Trump Rally- Is The FBI Bullshitting You Right Now?

Corey Comperatore Fake Shooting Analyzed/Trump Shooting Hoax

Scorpio said...

Somehow your comment ended up in the spam folder. Perhaps it's because you mentioned the FIB

zapoper said...

It's because the so called "AI" algorithm is too dumb to understand what the comment that Ed made means. I wish that we had the option to turn that dumb shit off.

zapoper said...

BTW. Typical NY Jew on the Odysee link. lol

Scorpio said...


Jumbo Patterson said...

If he pulled that shit in Stockholm, they'd throw him in the nuthouse.

Jumbo Patterson said...

That scooter battery fire in the elevator was horrendous... the poor bastard wasn't expecting that.

Ed in Salt Lake said...

He's got a huge hang-up with ppl having their bicycles on the sidewalks. I've watched some other vids of his where, he'll be walking the NY streets discussing a topic then...INSTA-RAGE!...He will start breaking someone off for "having their bike where it doesn't belong." He's the quintessential New York Jewish hothead!

cjag said...

Good to hear you three(Paul + Giuseppe) back together on the sane asylum, on Monday ,Scorpio.

Just like old times. Giving it to old man

That Davis Lurmann is new to me, but a good man it sounds like, also. Very smart guy.

I wish all you guys over at the new platform FTJ nothing but great success!

Finally an interwebs radio station without RBN callers and

from Ontario

Ed in Salt Lake said...

America First- Charles Lindbergh And The America First Movement

Ed in Salt Lake said...

American Spirit-

Jumbo Patterson said...

I just got back from the Aldi supermarket, and while most of their products are good quality and good value, they are definitely pushing an agenda against saturated fat.

There are fridges full of low fat or zero fat yoghourts, which no one seems to be buying, and only a tiny section of full fat, which is always sold out. I guess the staff get to take home all the low fat shit when it reaches it's sell by date, or they give it to the food banks... lucky them, lol.

There are racks and racks of various poisonous cooking oils, including that fake "Extra Virgin Olive Oil" crap @£2 per litre, but absolutely no animal fat for cooking.

Jumbo Patterson said...

Just watched your Wednesday show, Dave... fantastic stuff.

Thanks for the intro to Weston; he's a sharp guy... if the British Isles are turning out younguns like him, we have a fighting chance.

cjag said...

Agreed, Jumbo, Weston is a good dude.
Well spoken and very well researched...

from Ontario