good listen recommendation: Devon Stack "blackpilled" was at the raging Jeremy McKenzie (dialogon) sure beats the noagenda episode
Devon Stack also did a very good one about "Trump and the jews" very recommended, all fact no fiction Devon shows the jews surrounding Trump in past and present
after watching that i bet noone would vote Trump anymore, a vote for Trump means Isreal first, Jews first, US citizens maybe afterwards, and white patriots either last or you are baited into jail by traps like jan6 by Trump
good listen recommendation: Devon Stack "blackpilled" was at the raging Jeremy McKenzie (dialogon) sure beats the noagenda episode
Fox News still has that swooosh BONG breaking news alert from the 9/11 Bush wars
Devon Stack also did a very good one about "Trump and the jews" very recommended, all fact no fiction Devon shows the jews surrounding Trump in past and present
after watching that i bet noone would vote Trump anymore, a vote for Trump means Isreal first, Jews first, US citizens maybe afterwards, and white patriots either last or you are baited into jail by traps like jan6 by Trump
when they read the names, you know they got a real big jewish audience, at least the donating ones...
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