December 12, 2024

CNN Syria actor interview (Panzerfaust/ Bruce in Texas)


zapoper said...

It is so obvious.

Panzerfaust said...

Hey thanks Zap. Jihadis in the streets shooting people in the head but this loud, foul mouthed makeup wearing woman has no concern. Me thinks she is western educated and a CIA plant. Remember tge 9/11 Harley Guy and fake Kuwaiti Nurse crying about babies thrown on the floor to nail down Operation Desert Storm in Congress.

zapoper said...

I think that she's an American trying to sound like a Syrian.

Panzerfaust said...

I think so too.
Never forget:

Scorpio said...

There's another clip making the rounds of the same CNN reporter walking into the dreaded prison and 'liberating' a prisoner lying on the floor with a blanket over him. He emerges with a closely cut and styled beard and manicured fingernails. Sure, the prisors were brutal but they offered haircuts and manicures to the inmates. Hilarious.

Panzerfaust said...

Heard that on No Agenda, the rebel jihad actors tell the news actors to turn the camera off while they "shoot the lock off" the obvious unlocked door smh

Panzerfaust said...