December 29, 2024

No Agenda Episode 1725 - "Artificial Indian" - 2024.12.29


decree said...

yeye talking about indians, pajeets, they like that, so you can divert from jews, not name the jews but at every moment its china or pajeets sure.

decree said...

and Elon Musk is white conservative for them, even Musks mother is ashkenazi heritage which makes Elon jewish too. No wonder why he was on jewish schools, but a wonder why does he say in interviews he does not know if he is jew, i would expect a no from him, lying his jewiness. Kol nidre ftw

decree said...

you hear, dvorak and cellar full of wine, always said he sounds drunk on air

grok said...

So was it a good show decree? LOL I think it's just about time you donated, freeloader! LOL

grok said...

"you hear, dvorak and cellar full of wine, always said he sounds drunk on air"

Remember the "drunk not drunk" segment they did on Diane Sawyer? That was kinda funny. I listen to no agenda because they do produce good cjips from the mainstream each week. You gota give them that! No?

grok said...

I'll let them know, that they should change their format and start naming the Jew. What would that donation look like do you think, to get that done ROTFL!!

Panzerfaust said...

Multiple European vacations a year, a high class Hill County house, and helicopters cost money goy. Jews have it.