Topic Include:
1) TikTok Chi-Comm Kosher
2) Losing Control Of The
3) Right From The Horse's Mouth
4) Why Doesn't ISIS Attack
Transcoded file
Originally Posted by Scorpio on 12/11/2024 at 9:11:00 PM
Originally Posted by Scorpio on 12/11/2024 at 9:11:00 PM
Yaaa, another show!
I've always found it wild that so many people bitch about communism being a Jewish plot, but not fucking capitalism?!? Capitalism is how the Jews enslaved all the goy, you fucking morons
Left hand and right hand.
Uploaded video clip of Jewish actress being interviewed by CNN in Syria. Her American accent and cursing give it away.
These are the days of our lives...
Cue the hour sand glass image and the somber music !
from Ontario
people say this all the years, "this is it, Isreal is exposed and this will end soon or now" i heared this on 18 year old Piper podcasts, just like Scorpio says it here today... imho nothing will happen with Isreal except they continue their way to greater Isreal, all western nations are infested with parasites they will take care all countries agree, continue with make Isreal greater again.
i cut this from a 1933 Adolf speech at Siemens, the very famous Juden shout from the audience, you can hear the speech on youtube, just incase someone needs a "Juden" for their soundboard
First off, "Capitalism" was not a subversive movement which was organized and funded through internal means within the existing feudalistic superstructure, in order to "tighten the screws" of that already existing feudal control, as Communism was under Capitalism.
Capitalism arose and ran along parallel tracks with the rise of the Industrial Revolution in Europe, through various technological inventions, their applications to overall economic life and, maybe the most misunderstood, the creation of the phenomenon of "the commodity," its ever-growing and expanding circulation, which then allowed for the eventual rise of finance and monopoly capitalism in its wake, whose centralized,
tyrannical, and deleterious consequences we still deal with today.
The above being said, and to your point, it was most definitely the Jews who "hijacked" or, took control of the levers of this growing monopolistic system, and through it, the control of the various nation-states of the world to serve their fanatical messianic and genocidal aims.
A passage from Warner Sombart's important early 20th century work 'The Jews And Modern Capitalism' exemplifies this overall impact. In addressing the impact of Jewish influence on Capitalism, Sombart states:
"The importance of the Jews is twofold. On the one hand, they influenced the outward form of modern capitalism; on the other, they gave expression to its inward spirit. Under the first, the Jews contributed no small share in giving to economic relations the international aspect they bear today; in helping the modern state, that framework of capitalism, to become what it is; and lastly, in giving the capitalistic organization its peculiar features, by inventing a good many details of the commercial machinery which moves the business life of today, and by cooperating in the perfecting of others. Under the second heading, the importance of the Jews is so enormous because they, above all other people, endowed economic life with its modern spirit; they seized upon the essential idea of capitalism and carried it to its full development"
I have reached this conclusion as well. Good guys always win, bad guys always fall are Hollywood and Bible fables. Psyops even because they define who is good to the public
@Decree - While I appreciate your insights and comment, I never said "it will end soon or now." What I said was that the parameters of what is acceptable to discuss has forever changed. Jewish power is now openly being discussed at levels I have never seen before here in the US and that certainly was not the case 18 years ago or even 10 years ago.
Hatred of Israel is now worldwide, something unthinkable 18 years ago. Perhaps things are different in Germany given the restrictive speech laws your country is currently suffering from.
I am not delusional enough to think monumental change will happen overnight but am am not blackpilled either. Empires do fall and power structures shift over time. It is the beginning of the end for Pax Judaica.
BTW The debate sparked by KnownUnknown is interesting to me. I have to say, Ed in Salt Lake's comment was excellent and I agree with it wholeheartedly. Communism was a violent revolution and the ensuing system was ruthlessly enforced at the barrel of a gun.
I would only add that there are many types of capitalism. The one we currently live under resembles a Kosher casino in many ways and Jews tend to embrace monopolistic capitalism, which is great for them but detrimental to everyone else.
There is no question Jewish influence of our economic system has enslaved us to central bankers and corporate oligarchs but that does not make capitalism and free market economies inherently evil like communism, so your comparison lacks depth and is inherently invalid.
For example, under Mussolini, capitalists were expected to run their corporations for the benefit of the nation and the workers, not solely for profit. Also, it is worth noting there are differences between a free market economy and raw unabashed capitalism.
Let me pose a question to KnownUknown: If capitalism enslaved the goy, what is the path to salvation and freedom?
David Scorpio was talking with food in his mouth.
It wasn't 'food', if you know what I mean!
(KJV- King Jame Version
Malachi 3:6 states, "For I am the LORD, I change not"
Deuteronomy 7:6
"For you [Israel] are a people holy to the Lord your God. The Lord your God has chosen you out of all the peoples on the face of the earth to be his people, his treasured possession".
Psalm 14 KJV The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God. They are corrupt, they have done abominable works, there is none that doeth good
Allow me to add my 2 cents.
This question is very old, the chinese Lao Tsi also thought and wrote about it ~500BC.
The problem he faced was an overly powerful administrative state. He concluded to not fight a useless battle aginst the monster, but withdraw his consent and cooperation, In the end was proven right, the powerful administrative state collapsed under its own weight, and because more and more people started to withdraw any consent.
In our situation, I think let the post ""II unnatural disorder die, withdraw consent, while carefully avoiding to end up in their new system they are building. "smart cities" aka Trump's "liberty cities", CBDC, etc
All the puppets are in place for them to implement UN and WEF agenda under Trump. His nutcase jews already started removing the marxist vassals in Europe to be replaced with the likes of Israel first under a pseudo nationalist garb. Probably they gonna sell you the electronic cattle tag ID along the deportation of invaders, "to make sure they won't come back".
The Chinese communist party does a lot more for its citizens than Mossulini did - but it definitely does it at the barel of a gun. In US capitalism if you use the barel of a gun to get some justice the entirety of the corporate state will come down you
At some point the answer is stop parroting their propaganda
What kind of weirdo festish are you pitching fuckboy @erik paul aka cock smoker.
@ed in salt lake. You must be a good follow the leader type with your beta emojis.
Good show man! As a side note, I see your little pansy ass haters continue to follow you like some love struck imbeciles. Where did these tossers crawl out from!??!! This is some weirdo shit.
You got a hard on from that? Freak! Possible foodie fetish?
Longest comment reply I’ve ever seen. 1) Are you ok? 2) Can I get the cliff notes version of this comment? I didn’t even read the first line. Good Christ almighty.
Here is your change “unknown”. Another long and blinding comment.
Praise the lord!
@XMackX (a.k.a. David "Scorpio ")
I can't help noticing your obvious preoccupation with faggotry and how you accuse everyone of being, as the Meatball would say, a butt-blaster. Could there possibly be a bit of projection going on here? Just wondering.
You’re an idiot. I can’t help but notice myself how obsessed you are with Scorpio and his show. Not that it’s any of your business, but I’ve been a long time listener and from time to time I see pansy fan boys like yourself, getting a hard on for his every word. It’s weird and creepy. Maybe you should accept where you are in life and come out of the closet. There are safe zones for boys like you. Why would you listen to a guys show and then comment as such if you weren’t obsessed? You got some suppressed tendencies I suggest you seek help for.
What a pathetic site! It's a deceitful operation. Wake up!
Precisely Erik! The ostentatious display of puerile acrimony is on full display! Laughably accuses you of being "obsessed," yet this pseudonymous and emotional midget has taken the firm initiative to obsessively reply to almost every comment in this post. I'm sure he will see to it that more of his rancorous smallness is revealed!
I often wonder why the Scorpio threads turn into an absolute shit show.
But then common sense kicks in really fast.
"You know you’re over the target when you start catching flak"
from Ontario
Thanks Clinton.
Note how it's always a personal attack on me, rarely anything regarding the actual content of the show.The two guys who consistently troll me here are both flat earthers, so they will believe whatever they want without any credible evidence. The comments by XMack are not me but they know it's true therefore it's true. Circular flat earf logic at it's finest.
I've been accused of almost everything imaginable in the 14+ years I've been doing the show: I'm a CIA plant, Cointelpro operative, a Jew, a Jew lover, a disinformation agent, a dishonest scumbag, and now "Eric Paul" tried to imply I'm a fag, but of course he and I both know that he wouldn't dare say that to my face in real life. You gotta love the internet, where people who have never shown their face on video or let the sound of their voice be heard can make any accusations that want while hiding in the safety in their living rooms.
One caller on RBN even accused me of being a paid agent for the Syngenta Corporation. I had to look up what the company even is but apparently I'm getting a monthly payout from them - lol
You have lost any remaining credibility you had by using fake usernames and accounts. You have used these to attack Voltman and promote your show with fake "At a Boy" compliments from yourself! You have been doing it for a long time and many here know it. Those are the facts, no amount of your kvetching will change that. As has been said many times, the act of combating or opposing someone or something can lead to a transformation, where you begin to embody the qualities or characteristics you initially despised. Look closely in the mirror. Is your nose growing liar?
^^^^I tried to get the time stamp to have a 33 in just for you David, since you like that number so much!
@grok. Is that you chainsaw Miller? I remember when I had to set your dumb ass straight a few times and you practically sucked my cock to be “friends” and continued to brown nose and cry when zaPOOPer deleted your comments. Hilarious. Another obsessed fruit cake stalker showing his ugly head. You are now on a rampage because your admin privileges have been revoked. Lol
Oh shut your pie hole imbecile.
Ed in “salt lake” taking it up the ass with his wanna be intellect. What is wrong with you man?
“Precisely Erik”. Omg you really are a retard.
Yes sir. Fuck em.
I am a good judge of character. I always have been.
I know who is legit and who isn't. I agree 100% whole heartedly with regards to showing your face. That goes a long way in my book.
It shows your honesty and integrity of what you truly believe in.
I get a kick out of the internet trolls. It really makes for great comedy sometimes. It's a reflection on how clown world truly is...
A bunch of clowns!
from Ontario
How could you tell David?
You're schizophrenic! How do you manage all your personas ?
@cjag - Stick to golf, you're out of you're element! You are clueless or one of Scorpio's flying monkeys.
@grok of course you’re sitting by your computer/phone waiting anxiously for my next comment. You have some serious mental issues. Hitting the bottle again perhaps?
Of course XMackX is bringing up all of Scorpio's "Mamis Shit talking points" XMackX/Scorpio and other personas used in the past, use these often. What a pathetic/ disgraceful display! The fact that you get caught up in my typos reflects your small mindedness and inability to form a significant, pertinent argument. Fact is David, you're a liar and a cheat and it's a disgraceful. Everyone with a brain in their head can see what you've been doing here. You are the pied piper of horse shit that the weak minded here lap up like Pablum. I don't know when the transformation started with you but you are clearly dishonest, you likely always have been, no? I'm not sure why though, I suspect you got caught up in your own self promotion and became a whore. Sad really, and still you deny it! It's so interesting to watch someone who is really is as significant as lint, get carried away with the delusion of celebrity LOL Happens all the time though. You'll get through it LOL Chin up!!
@grok you are a complete weirdo. I remember you clearly. You ran off crying because I set you straight on many occasions. I find it rather bizarre you comment in scorpios show section so often, only proving to me and others what a Pansy ass fan boy you truly are. I’ve been a listener of his for a while. I don’t know where you get to knowing I’m anyone you’re assuming. Get a brain you moron. Btw, I find it necessary to point out your incorrect grammar to remind you of how stupid and ignorant you sound and make the necessary adjustments in life to be a better man. Hitting the bottle every night and walking off to man on man porn is not the right direction to head towards. Start reflecting on your inner work and make the adjustments to becoming a better contributor to society.
*man on man porn @grok. Also, I thought you went into retirement and quit posting. Why the fuck are you even here? You must lead a lonely and pathetic existence.
ROTFLMAO!!! He doubles down, then triples down! He's become Mami's own Phil Hendrie!
Erik Paul another weirdo. You pricks are seriously obsessed.
XMackX Since you are Scorpio, you are well aware you admitted to zap that you made fake users and used those users to promote your show and to dishonor Voltman. You also did the same thing to me, but I was not smart/distrusting enough to see it at the time. I later learned you fucked over delcroix too. I could not imagine you doing that to me, but you did, you're a piece of work and an empty vessel. After I'm done despising you, I might even pity you.
I have no clue in hell who these guys are, but I can see that you are traumatized and are acting out. I’m just a listener for many years and appreciate the knowledge and I Ish ht, but what has me bewildered is your weird obsession with another grown man? What is wrong with you? Are you hiding/suppressing desires you’re afraid to come to terms with?
To my knowledge scorpio never did anything to delcroix whether it be through actions or words.
I am getting my handicap down to 10 this summer. Thanks for keeping watch on my daily doings. I will keep you posted !
As for my element. I have 100% forgotten more than you'll ever know.
That is quite evident to me with the comments you make on Mami's.
Now the question is - Are you posting from Tel Aviv or Langley, Virginia?
I would assume you are a member of the Cass Sunstein internet army, circa 2008.
from Ontario
cjaj wrote: "Now the question is - Are you posting from Tel Aviv or Langley, Virginia?"
More like Manitoba. lol
Really ? I never knew the natives had the internet...
Usually they're to drunk to do anything.
Thanks for the heads up
from Ontario
It's chainsaw and as far as I can tell he rarely drinks but he has some sort of fixation on scorpio.
Fuck! I feel like a gossip girl now. lol
As long as we are talking truth, Foonie and scorpio were instrumental in getting rid of WHOOLI.
It felt like a coup d'état on my end. lol
"History is a set of lies that people have agreed upon"... Napoleon Bonaparte
Hey wow comment after comment of personal attacks by trolls who have never shown their faces or allowed anyone to hear what their voices sound like (Think - I can't wait to post another show on here! lol
@Zapoper - I don't know what is going on but clearly ChainsawRabbi doesn't even know backstory or even the players involved but he saw a chance to strike with whatever partial information was given to him..
Let me clarify and explain what happened with Whooli:
This was back during 2010-2011 time period. You were on one of your extended breaks from Mami's so it was Delcroix, Foone and myself who were involved in this - not just Foone and I as you stated. (BTW I consider Delcroix a good friend I have never had any problems with him so that was a complete fabrication of reality, )
So anyway, this was during the time period where all of us including Zapoper used to talk on Skype regularly. At the time, Whooli was posting almost exclusively pro Hitler/3rd Reich material for the last month. The final straw was a post praising Dr. Mengele as a great man.
Foone in particular was against this and didn't want Mami's turning into a 'neo-nazi' blog and hangout. Del was against this as well and I went along with it because at the time, I didn't understand how great Hitler and the 3rd Reich actually were. It turns out Whooli was right and I actually talked with him on Skype a few years later relaying my regret for what had been done. He was very gracious and we had several good conversations.
And now for more troll attacks....
Jesus Scorpio, long comment there. You don’t any explanation to these idiots, especially to a fuck boy like Chainsaw who portrays himself as a “good guy”, yet stalks and comments relentlessly on a page about your show. He’s probably so bitter that he no longer has the ability to play admin. Total moron.
Zapoop, have you been dishing out info behind the scenes? :/
My error zap it was WHOOLI not delcroix.
"You were on one of your extended breaks from Mami's so it was Delcroix, Foone and myself who were involved in this - not just Foone and I as you stated."
David 33 , You removed me as an admin during that "fetcho lie festival". Then you deleted a days of the blog and stayed silent as zap was convinced it was ognir who deleted the blog. You deserve the synagogue of satan award for that deceitful move. You were in the Fetcho thread stirring up shit with your fictional users. It's what you do best. You are a true piece of work! A self serving POS! Who needs these Talmudic Jews running about, when you embody all the worst of what you call out in your regurgitated unoriginal content! Unbelievable!
It's funny how zap was away during the Fetcho shit show too! I think there is a pattern emerging here!
Dude you are so retarded “chainsaw”. What does any of this have to do with the show he posted? You have clear signs of a raging alcoholic/drug user or BOTH!!! You’re not seeing or thinking clearly. .
These posts by XmackX are so absurd that you are supposed to believe it could not possibly Scorpio. Yet XMackX is dormant for long stretches then he appears when someone calls out David33.
BTW your dumb statement about "What does any of this have to do with the show he posted? You have clear signs of a raging alcoholic/drug user or BOTH!!! You’re not seeing or thinking clearly." Is pure unadulterated Bullshit! LOL this thread is about David33's integrity. Not his latest show content. Too funny David33 you are floundering LOL!
Philip Stephen Hendrie is an American radio personality and actor.[1][2] He is widely known for his voiceover talent throughout the radio and film industry.[3] He came to prominence in the 1990s hosting The Phil Hendrie Show, a radio talk show where he portrayed both himself as a calm, rational host while simultaneously portraying any of several outrageous and offensive characters who would engage in debates with both Hendrie as well as actual listeners calling in to the show.
Come on David33, conjure up some of your other personae! Don't disappoint your fans! LOL
Direct question for zap. David33 has said on many occasions that you removed me from mami's. True or False?
Grok aka Chainsaw you are a complete dipshit know it all who thinks I’m someone else. I don’t give two fucks if you think I’m Scorpio. What’s more concerning is your sick obsession with another man and his content is truly disturbing and somewhat entertaining to witness. You can’t admit to yourself the obvious envy and maybe even jealousy that you don’t have the balls to show your face or identity to do your own show. I’m guessing it’s because you are old and ugly, probably can’t form proper sentences on the spot.
Erik Paul, you’re too boring to really address or pay much attention to, but I’m also guessing you are old and retarded looking as well with no ball sack to show your faces online, right?
"Scorpio" already admitted to being Powder Bowl. Wa he also Albert? How about Negentropic? And, yes he comes across as drunk or drug-addled.
What a weirdo you are. Get off the drugs man.
Chainsaw left the blog on his own.
Chainsaw has some serious mental issues. Can’t remember one detail from the next.
Ezra Pound reading his Usura Canto, 1939.
Ezra Pound: Nashak Usury Snake Bite
It's hard to believe how this troll fest is.
You’re right there with them zapooper.
You are digging your own grave dude.
Answer your damn phone.
Another delusional commenter. Wtf are you talking about?
Just found out that scorpio is not xmackx
When you are close to death as I am with the cardiac thing you really think that this is all petty.
Meditate on that! When you mix inflated self importance with pettiness you arrive in a thread that calls out blatant self deception caused by the fear of being ordinary LOL! Merry Christmas!
I'm bad, I'm Nation wide...
Who dat?
I'm late to the party here, but man these posts are the stupidest thing I've ever read...including mine...but another great podcast Scorpio, wish you did them more often.
Some geniuses in this thread think the assassination attempt on Trump was real! LOL
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