Edward Griffin, HighImpactFlix, Bloodrock, Juxtaposition, Jim Stone, Laura Aboli, Lance D. Johnson, Son of Enos, WATOP, Jim Crenshaw, Evgenia Shishkova, Vadim Naumov
The couple came fourth here, but became world champions later same year, and married in 1995.
They died on Flight 5342.
Dead On Arrival
♪♪ "I....remember...we were flying low and hit something in the air."♪♪
♪♪ "I....remember...we were flying low and hit something in the air."♪♪

Israel criminalizes dissent: New law bans anyone from questioning how Israel handled the October 7th attack
Lance D. Johnson – Natural News Jan 27, 2025
Lance D. Johnson – Natural News Jan 27, 2025
Such a memorable example of ordinary people coming together to say enough is enough. The spirit of this movement in Canada was truly wonderful. - Laura Aboli
ππ ππ»ππ»ππ» ππ
ππ ππ»ππ»ππ» ππ
a memorable example of ordinary people coming together to say enough is
enough. The spirit of this movement in Canada was truly wonderful. -
Laura Aboli
"When I did my research on this topic I came to the conclusion that the Federal Reserve system does not need to be audited, it needs to be abolished. The reason I say that is because if they audit the Federal Reserve system they would find out that it is doing exactly what it's supposed to do.. It's all out in the open...It's one of the greatest scams of all history. Out on the surface."
“It must be abolished for 7 reasons:
▪️It is incapable of accomplishing its stated objectives
▪️It is a cartel operating against the public interests
▪️It is the supreme instrument of usury
▪️It generates our most unfair tax
▪️It encourages war
▪️It destabilizes the economy
▪️It is an instrument of totalitarian control
Israel criminalizes dissent: New law bans anyone from questioning how Israel handled the October 7th attack
Lance D. Johnson – Natural News Jan 27, 2025
Lance D. Johnson – Natural News Jan 27, 2025
"Welcome to The World's Largest Truck Stop"
18 Wheels to Flatten The Turd - Truck Yeah! - Wednesday February 3 - VIDSTORM, Laura Lynn, SonOfEnos, etc...
Who told you that? The Government?!
still comedy, but he promised this at his speeches too, his words "hunt down jew-haters" i think he will, and the definition of that word is sure like a sponge, be pro palestine, or question their history version, sure all in for the hunt.
"My what big teeth you have grandma!"
"My, oh my! What a deep voice you have DEI-pilot Rebecca Lobach!"
Because there are those who are more concerned with maintaining macro-narratives, and seeing to it that Amy new and potentially contradictory or anomalous information fits into such specified macro-narratives, many smaller details or related minutiae can go unnoticed, or are ignored.
Though there exists overlap, exchange, and hand-offs, between the primary pilot, aka "the pilot flying," and the co-pilot, the "pilot monitoring," it is usually the case that the primary pilot is flying and maintaining communications with ATC and G(Ground Control), and ESPECIALLY IN RESTRICTED/CONTROLLED AIRSPACE, which was the situation with the Blackhawk and American Airlines PSA.
I watched a live-streaming discussion of this collision on TikTok the day after the incident, and one of the participants was a BH helicopter pilot. He was actually sitting in the cockpit of one in a hanger while he was participating in the discussion. He went over the specific responsibilities of the the crew in the cockpit of a BH, and emphasized that the pilot that's flying, his TWO PRIMARY responsibilities are to fly the helicopter and COMMS, or communications.
So! Who's voice might that be communicating with the ATC at Reagan National Airport just before the collision? It's definitely not one Ms. Rebecca Lobach! I'm sure if this becomes more noticeable, the excuses will start to become prevalent. We will be told it was her co-pilot, which would only then add to the ridiculous reasons why the PSA was not seen, when it was literally IN FRONT of the BH.
Also, there something very suspicious about how those replies come-in to the ATC. It's almost as if the communications were intercepted and re-routed from another locale, then back to ATC, so he's actually thinking he's talking to an actual pilot, rather than potentially someone "substituted" as a pilot while flying the BH remotely from an undisclosed location!
Pilot/Controller Roles And Responsibilities
Last Radio From Army Helicopter
Even when one is willing to "play along" with some variation of the "official story" with the collision over the Potomac, then one is still left finding parts within the story quite ridiculous and not credible.
In the link below is a former military pilot, and current private pilot Byron Bailey explaining how, 30-seconds BEFORE the Blackhawk helicopter collided with the American Airlines PSA, the BH was at the requisite VFR (Visual Flight Rules) ceiling of 200 feet,...THEN SUDDENLY, in seconds, and in a known restricted airspace (The PINNACLE of restricted airspace, with Reagan National Airport now being considered the busiest airport in the U.S.), where commercial airliners are CONTINUALLY landing and taking-off, AND, you've already been asked by ATC about having visual identification and separation from the PSA, yet the pilot decided to, not only increase the BH's elevation by 150-feet, but FLIES DIRECTLY INTO the PSA on purpose,...(Cough!...Cough!),...I mean by accident?
Sorry! Ol' Edster here isn't biting that cheese!
'Cut And Dry': Aviation Expert Breaks Down Cause Of Deadly DC Plane Crash
Here is a pilot going-over and critiquing a video sent to him by another pilot of the IDENTICAL APPROACH to Runway #33 at Reagan National Airport.
This allows us to see what the pilot's are seeing, and gives us an idea of the distances and perspectives involved in this incident, and exactly just how far away the planes are in relation to each other, and the distance from Runway #1 and the area of planes doing their final approaches for Runway #33.
Countless people have been inserting the alternative possibility that the Blackhawk helicopter "accidentally" misidentified the wrong plane taking-off of #1, when this video shows just how spatially ridiculous that claim actually is.
I so much appreciate this pilot's healthy skepticism, rather than him simply going the predictable "go-along-to-get-along mentality" within the industry, like was witnessed with so many health-care workers during the Covid hoax!
Pilot Breakdown: What The News Won't Tell You About The CRJ-700 And Blackhawk Collision
Original Albert "Joke":
What is it "Saying" ...
WHEN Scorpio has: PIG-Sounds whenever He Talks!?
I don't really Post-Comments anymore ...
But, this is really really bizarre !!! ;-)
What do Others "THINK"? ;-)
Sometimes the narrative(s) for the specified "Problem, Reaction, Solution" they are focused on altering is pretty simple, especially the middle stage- that of "Reaction," which the gullible public is almost always guaranteed to deliver "their role" in spades!
The "Solution" to the "Problem(s)" of "DEI-policies in aviation" and the overall consequences for "aviation safety" have already, in a sense, been implemented for some time now, at least the beginning and/or transitional stages, of the eventual erection and implementation of the overall AI-governance infrastructure.
Whether it's a "DEI-pilot" or an "undermanned ATC tower," the people will be seen as "the problem," and therefore expendable, in order to allow for the then "Solution" of the further introduction of artificial intelligence to run ALL directly and indirectly related aspects of aviation: purchasing one's ticket, utilizing the city-transit system to get to the airport, purchasing food, drinks, etc., renting a vehicle/Uber, booking a hotel room, baggage-claim, centralized mass-surveillance airport security, and most importantly- ATC, navigation, and flying!
It's obviously naive to think that COMPLETELY AI-CONTROLLED airports(or any other large human functions)are only a few years away. The notion that it would even be possible to have- at least in a short-term window- "AI-firefighters" or "AI-paramedics" capable of problem-solving and assessing priorities is obviously unrealistic and ludicrous,...however,...whatever "gaps" or "flaws" exist initially in the transition, or within the system itself as it becomes entrenched, those will be plugged-in and monitored with human labor as a complimentary function to the overall control-grid itself.
Regardless, this is still a nightmarish, dystopian, and monolithic track-n-trace, technocratic enslavement matrix, in which most human labor will become obsolete and rendered superfluous. This then, creates the problem and concern over what they will then plan to do with the new "redundant" and "unnecessary" segment of the human population? As more of this infrastructure is brought online, established, and integrated into the grid, then more and more people will be ejected from the workforce, which will then create its own set of problems for these elites- and for the newly created "useless eaters!"
The Tech Making Airport Towers Obsolete
The Impact Of Autonomous Agents In Aviation: From Flight Control To Maintenance
Washington D.C. Geometry
The "crash" in Philadelphia is looking more and more like it was some kind of missle. A Shanksville 2.0, if you will! No engines! No landing-gear! No evidence of broken fuselage, tail, stabilizers, other than one small piece that appears like it intentionally planted on site there- just like the Pentagon on 9-11! And, a massive 10-12ft crater in the asphalt- a crater that a small plane would never create!
Regardless, it still doesn't detract from the solid work that 'Herding Humanity'(also 'Nation's Conspiring')is doing!
100% Proof Of Sabotage! The Government Just Confirmed Why They Staged Those Plane Crashes
A lot of smiles, and an abundance of turning to look at each other, as if looking for acknowledgment and confirmation that the deceptive acting they're engaging in and the manufactured drivel they are spouting are having the desired effect on the gullible public!
Parents Of Blackhawk Crew Member In DC Crash Share Profound Sense Of Loss
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