February 04, 2025

RAGECAST 514: HOME TEAM - Jeremy MacKenzie ~ Dr David Martin - 10/14/2024 ~ Ragecast 513 - NO ONE "NEEDS" A BRAIN




Vultures and hyena's are circling Canada like the wounded animal that it is and instead of standing together to correct course, everyone is busy pointing fingers and fighting with each other after decades of eroding our national identity and unity.

How can you defend yourself if you don't know who that is ?


Ragecast 513 - NO ONE "NEEDS" A BRAIN


decree said...

https://x.com/CataPaul2/status/1887045982287736901 there we go, go die for the zog

decree said...

and dont forget the oil and gas fields in front of gaza, trump maybe gets a deal on them? isreal sure will start as soon as possible, but i read Isreal already issued licenses for the fields in front of gaza.

decree said...

Devon had a good one today again, the first hour is lead in but its more an analogy he build the second hour above, sure about Trump and everything why people cannot understand and follow blindly, its sure a masterpiece what they did in deception, Donald and Bibi sure knew all this before inaugeration.

decree said...

the comments are very good https://www.moonofalabama.org/2025/02/trump-wants-to-take-over-gaza-announces-500000-dead and in case you did not know moon of alabama yet, its always a very nice read, bookmark it

decree said...

was the one time patrabbit told me something useful in revradio chat, that website