February 24, 2012

The National Intel Report with John Stadtmiller 2012.02.24

Guest Host: Mike Rivero.

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The Jack Blood Show 2012.02.24

Friday - Rise Up and Shine with Jack Blood. Get the latest news and analysis you won't find anywhere else. First Hour Exclusive: The 10th Amendment Center's VIP Conference call with our own Jack Blood who was invited to participate with speakers like Bruce Fein, advisor to Ron Paul, Naomi Wolf and many other high profile people.

Jack's Special guest in the second hour was Filmmaker Michael Murphy talking about his movie "What In The World Are They Spraying?" dealing with the Chemtrails that "they" are spraying on the world.




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Spingola Speaks 2012.02.24

Guest: Professor James Otto

James Otto talked about the corporate/government operation of replacing middle class American jobs with foreign workers. This is designed to economically decimate America.

James Ottos Website is: http://lawofficeofjamesaotto.com

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Short End of the Stick with Mike Harris 2012.02.24

Todays guest was Professor Jimm Fetzer, the topic was the fruad of 9-11 and how to find the truth.

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Mike Rivero - What Really Happened 2012.02.24

During the second hour, guest attorney Kurt Haskel talks about the underwear bomber.

Hour 1  Listen  Download

Hour 2  Listen  Download

Mike's Site

David Duke Show 2012.02.24

Today: European American: Dr. Duke discusses diet and exercise with a doctor who is a world-renowned expert on evolutionary diet and fitness.   Part Two.


David's site

Jeff Rense Radio Show - 2012.02.23

Listen  Download  Hour 1 - Larry Sinclai

Listen  Download  Hour 2 - From Argentina - Adrian Salbuchi - World Report

Listen  Download  Hour 3 - Dr. Joseph Chiappalone - End Times Madness


February 23, 2012

Short End of the Stick with Mike Harris 2012.02.23

Todays show was about the recent NY bankruptcy courts Ruling by Judge Grossman, which found the MERS system to be an illegal scheem meant to defraud homeowners, investors, and the Counties.    Listen    Download

No Agenda Show for Thursday February 23d 2012 " CIA vs DIA "

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Mike Rivero - What Really Happened 2012.02.23

Michael takes the course of the two hour edition of What Really Happened to cover the news, focus more on what the big news outlets are lying to us about. Fluorine gas is becoming the new 'fear compound' while the world seems to collectively rally and shy away from war on a daily basis.

Hour 1  Listen  Download

Hour 2  Listen  Download

Mike's Site

David Duke Show 2012.02.23

Today: European American: Dr. Duke discusses diet and exercise with a doctor who is a world-renowned expert on evolutionary diet and fitness.  


David's site

The Jack Blood Show 2012.02.22

Wednesday – Rise Up and Shine with Jack Blood. Get the latest news and analysis you won’t find anywhere else. Jack’s Special guest in the second hour was Scotty (The Ledge) Ledger from the Dangerous Conversation show. (including a call from everyone's favorite - Dave from Montana)




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Jeff Rense Radio Show - 2012.02.22

Listen  Download  Hour 1 - From England - Terrible Tim Rifat - Military Geopolitical Analysis

Listen  Download  Hour 2 - Peter Davenport - NUFORC Report & Ron Paul

hour three is an (encore) of God knows when.

February 22, 2012

Spingola Speaks 2012.02.22

Guest: Texe Marrs

In the first hour Texe Marrs talked about his video, Die America Die. He also talked about the vast oil resources that America has and how this could alter the entire economic structure of the country.

His web sites are:

In the second hour Deanna talked about disinformation and Christian Zionism and people who are fighting against it.   Listen    Download

The Real World of Money – Andrew Gause 2012.02.22

You Can Bet on Inflation

Todays show takes us through various ways of how you may want to leverage Mr. Gause’s advice to bet on inflation…if you resonate with his analysis of money moving forward. Here’s a short yet incomplete list of topics talked about:

-Anyway you look at it, gold and silver are cheap right now
-You’ll hear a detailed analysis of where the world, the markets and Greece are, on all levels, on our Greek Crisis update.
-Why and how “experts” and authors continue to believe Central Banks are owned by the people.
-If you are a public employee, hold on to your chair/job
-Who funds the insurance companies insuring Greek debt?
-96% of all financial transactions are electronic and what it means
-Internet rumors abound on the coming “Revaluation” – it goes on daily with inflation of the monetary system and the story of 1933
-13,000 Dow, what is it based on? And where is it going from here?
-Is gold valued accurately? Are you making $95,000 per year? If yes, then the answer is yes.
-What’s a Freemason and why would we care
-The effects, a few months later, of Bernake’s operation twist
-Waiting for a crash?
-Who’s buying Treasury Bonds?
-We start the second hour with a long discussion on free trade, tariffs and managed trade
-Why Andy is a Nationalist and what it means
-The roll of private currencies
And finally a clear explanation of why the foreclosure issue is not going away and how you and your home may fit in.     Listen    Download

Mike Rivero - What Really Happened 2012.02.22

Hour 1  Listen  Download

Hour 2  Listen  Download

Mike's Site

David Duke Show 2012.02.22

Today: Shooting the breeze with Kennedy Wahlen.  


David's site

The Jack Blood Show 2012.02.21

Tuesday – Rise Up and Shine with Jack Blood. Get the latest news and analysis you won’t find anywhere else. Jacks’s Special guest in the second hour was “Underwear Bomber” passenger and witness Kurt Haskell.




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Jeff Rense Radio Show - 2012.02.21

Listen  Download  Hour 1 - Devvy Kidd - American On The Brink

Listen  Download  Hour 2 - Terry Arnold - Mideast Report

Listen  Download  Hour 3 - Dr. Bill Deagle MD - Many Updates


February 21, 2012

The Morning Show with Patrick Timpone 2012.02.20

John Lear – Our Bent Reality: The Moon Hoax, Alien Worlds, 9/11, Government Cover-Ups

John Lear’s the kind of guy you want to spend a weekend with holed up in the mountains somewhere spending the days beside a fire with a cup of tea. Why? Because this man is fun to talk with and listen to. A) He has a pretty impressive background and resume and B) He understands spiritual principles and C) He can cover so many fascinating topics.

We had intended to focus on the Mysteries and Secrets of the Moon and what’s going on up there and we did cover it today, but this interview went on to go down many, many paths whixh we really enjoyed. Two hours was simply not enough and we hope you enjoy this really entertaining and thought provoking talk.

Keep your mind open and the duct tape within reach.

Pegasus Research Consortium
Godlike Productions

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