April 18, 2012

Mike In East Texas 2012.04.16

Charley chats with a guy who in his own words calls a "Forensic Economist ". We only know him by the name "Mike in East Texas", who once a week on Sunday into Monday night talks with Charley about all things economic from heath care reform to Obama's stimulus plan etc. This dude may sound like a hick (Which is why I picked the picture to the right) but trust me my friend he talks with a lot more reason then any of the clowns on FOX ABC, MSNBC etc. NBC etc.

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The National Intel Report with John Stadtmiller 2012.04.18

Guest: Peter Niese

For the first half hour John talks to Vinny Finelly about Fukushima and various other subjects and later John and Peter discuss constitutional law, freedom and liberty.

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The Real World of Money – Andrew Gause 2012.04.18

Paying Taxes? So What Exactly is Income Anyway?

So you paid your taxes and chipped in on the interest on the debt to the private Federal Reserve Bank of New York for another year…….

-1894 Supreme Court decision says exactly what income is and isn’t
-The IRS is a private corporation hired by the U.S. Treasury to collect money, by force to send to the Federal Reserve Bank of New York. We’re just saying…….
-Voluntary servitude vs. involuntary servitude
-Just what were the Charleston Slave Badges all about?
-Andy talks about two lines for us to choose to get into. Listen and see which one you have chosen.
-The benefits to playing the game with the boys who created the game. Do you know the rules?
-Words of Art. Remember that term to teach your children
-Do you reserve your rights when signing anything?
-Should you incorporate? Do you have income?
-The Student Loan Bubble is not a tiny one
-Andy uses quantum physics to prove the dollar can not possible become worthless
-The only thing that matters when it comes to a reserve currency is confidence
-What are the chances the dollar will loose world reserve currency status?
-Do over 100 Trillion, (that’s a quadrillion) of derivatives matter?
-Buying coins and bullion primer
-What should the USG be doing anyway?
-How the gov, the one we love, destroys capital
-Using your 401K creatively
-What should the USG do other than wars and alphabet agencies?
-And Goldman Sachs cements it’s world position. We’re Shocked


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Mike Rivero - What Really Happened 2012.04.18

Hour 1  Listen  Download

Hour 2  Listen  Download

Mike's Site

David Duke Show 2012.04.18

Today: Dr. Duke and Dr. Ed Fields discuss the insane rush to war against Iran and how there could be short term victory and long term defeat in essential areas. Then the two commentators discuss illegal immigration inside and out.


David's site

Spingola Speaks 2012.04.18

Deanna talks about Holocaust Remembrance Day, and the establishment and function of the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, a government agency supported by Congress.





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The Jack Blood Show 2012.04.18

Wednesday - The usual - news, info, opinion, calls in the first hour. Jack's Special guest in the second hour is "Scott" on Remote Viewing & the Titanic & a couple other remote viewing subjects.


Note: Due to a lost connection, about 4 minutes of the first segment in the first hour, and about 6 minutes at the bottom of the second hour are missing. Apologies.




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The Unsolicited Opinion with Maggie Roddin 2012.04.18

Guest: Rev. Ted Pike talks about ABC's sitcom "Christian Bitches" and variuos other subjects.

His site: http://truthtellers.org/

Email: maggie@theunsolicitedopinion.com

Website: http://www.theunsolicitedopinion.com

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Jeff Rense Radio Show - 2012.04.17

Listen  Download  Hour 1 - Terry Arnold - Geopolitical Report

Listen  Download  Hour 2 - Dr. Bill Deagle MD - Multiple Updates

Listen  Download  Hour 3 - Robert Felix - What's With The Weather?


April 17, 2012

The National Intel Report with John Stadtmiller 2012.04.17

Guest: Bob Chapman

John and Bob talk about the economy and other issues.  I think Bob needs to lay off the zanny bars! He spoke in slow motion and slured his speech, I had to cut out at least 20 mins of dead air.

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Mike Rivero - What Really Happened 2012.04.17

Taxes Prompt More Americans to Renounce Citizenship. Giant Banks Now 30% Bigger than When Dodd-Frank Financial "Reform" Law Was Passed. Federal Reserve Officials Leave For Wall Street With Privileged Info. More Secret Service & Military Members Involved In Prostitution Scandal Than Previously Reported. Senators Reject Iran Talks, Demand More Sanctions. Australia to withdraw troops from Afghanistan early.470 Of Passengers Marked As Activists, Had Nothing To Do With "Welcome To Palestine". Researchers Hid, Ignored Bad Results in Massive Drug Trial Corruption. Michigan government unleashes armed raids on small pig farmers, forces farmer to shoot all his own pigs. Mexico's Popocatépetl sleeping volcano awaken.

Hour 1  Listen  Download

Hour 2  Listen  Download

Mike's Site

The Jack Blood Show 2012.04.17

Tuesday - News, info, opinion, calls. Jack's Special guest in the second hour - Marc Morano http://www.climatedepot.com/ - kind of didn't show until the bottom of the second hour, but he stayed for a few minutes.





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Spingola Speaks 2012.04.17

Guest: Pam Killeen, author of Addiction: The Hidden Epidemic

Pam Killeen discusses healthy eating, pervasive addictions and health issues related to industrial toxins, allopathic medicine and other related subjects.



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The Unsolicited Opinion with Maggie Roddin 2012.04.17

Guest: Pam Killeen

Pam Killeen discusses healthy eating, pervasive addictions and health issues related to industrial toxins, allopathic medicine and other related subjects.

Pam Killens Websites are:



Email: maggie@theunsolicitedopinion.com

Website: http://www.theunsolicitedopinion.com

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David Duke Show 2012.04.17

Today: Dr. David Duke and Adrian Salbuchi in Argentina, talk about conspiracy theories and the real driving force behind Globalist destruction of our freedom and Independence. Some of the conspiracy mongers will not talk about Zionism and they try to emphasize the Globalist power which will frighten people into submission rather than spurring on resistance! Also Mr. Salbuchi gives us some economic insight of the economic exploitation of Argentina and the world.


David's site

Jeff Rense Radio Show - 2012.04.16

Listen  Download  Hour 1 - Texe Marrs - Romney In Netanyahu's Pocket - Mormon Church And Israel

Listen  Download  Hour 2 - Christopher Bollyn 9-11 Solved

Listen  Download  Hour 3 - Michael Collins Radiation Over America Yoichi Shimatsu Fukushima Update


April 16, 2012

The National Intel Report with John Stadtmiller 2012.04.16

Guest: Ron MacDonald  -- NewPeopleOrder.com
Conservatism, Ron Paul, and the Election; Philly Phreedom 2012 Rally; French Against Globalism
Mike Salvi, organizer of the Philly Phreedom 2012 Ron Paul Rally, spends a few minutes describing the upcoming event.

In hour two, callers weigh-in on taxes, ways to save money, and Ron Paul. John and Ron discuss the backlash of the people--due to economic hardship--in Europe and elsewhere.

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Spingola Speaks 2012.04.16

Guest: Jonathan Azaziah talks about his recent article: Jews at the Root: Iraq's Destruction


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The Unsolicited Opinion with Maggie Roddin 2012.04.16

Guest: Ronald MacDonald

Email: maggie@theunsolicitedopinion.com

Website: http://www.theunsolicitedopinion.com

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Mike Rivero - What Really Happened 2012.04.16

Hour 1  Listen  Download

Hour 2  Listen  Download

Mike's Site