June 21, 2012

Spingola Speaks 2012.06.21

Guest: Frank Joseph of  http://www.ancientamerican.com/

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      Deanna's site    Spingola Specials

David Duke Show 2012.06.21

Today: Psychology Professor Kevin MacDonald and Dr. David Duke talk about the way that the Jewish dominated media programs us and why the racial problems that confront America from immigration, crime, affirmative action, welfare abuse are the result of the Jewish media and political influence that is aimed almost like a weapon at European Americans who Jews see as their biggest competitors in the leadership of American society.

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David's site

The Unsolicited Opinion with Maggie Roddin 2012.06.21

Hour one: William Taylor Reil (constitutional law)

Hour two: Dr. Ileana Johnson Paugh (Rio+20 - United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development)



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Truth Hertz with Charles Giuliani 2012.06.21

Guest Merlin Miller discusses with Charles the USS Liberty, 9/11 and the State of the USA pertaining to its hijacking. Mr Miller is working on a Film called “False Flag.” which has the USS Liberty attack as a theme. He is a Presidential Candidate for the American 3rd Position party. The A3P is an alternative to the Democrats and Republicans. Hour two: The Jewish origins of Islam, Part 2.

Merlin Miller  Wikipedia

64k Listen    Download


Spingola Special 2012.06.20 (2)

Zion Crime Factory (ZCF) talks more about the false voices in the "truth" movement.

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      Deanna's site    Spingola Specials  

Jeff Rense Radio Show - 2012.06.20

Listen  Download  Hour 1 - Charles R. Smith - World Events

Listen  Download  Hour 2 - Devvy Kidd - America At The Edge

Hour 3 - Encore


WCT Rountable 3 June 2012

The third roundtable is truly an epic debate with many of the predominant researchers in the field of 9/11 truth study.

Webster Tarpley, Jim Fetzer, Kevin Barrett, Greg Felton, Joshua Blakeney, Anthony F. Sanchez, Janet Phelan, "Syrian Girl", John David Ebert, Walt Brown and Truther Girl Sonia

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June 20, 2012

The Flipside with Robby Noel 2012.06.20

Robby focuses on the EuroZone crisis, and presidential abuse of power by Obama.

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Robby's site

The Real World of Money – Andrew Gause 2012.06.20

The Fed’s job is to prevent a deflationary depression, (1929 style), and just how do they do that? Inflate.

-Fed to continue selling short bonds and selling long, twisting away thru 2012 -Smoke and Mirrors until the people catch on. Now there’s a plan for you. -Most of the financial drama out of Europe “…is the Hegelian Dialectic…” -Is it time to sell grandma’s silver set? -The boys are taking “Manipulation” out for a spin to see what it will do. -Now there’s bonded debt and unfunded liabilities. Add those up and there is too much debt and not enough Federal Reserve Notes…for now. -When did The Boys have a grip on the media? Listen to Andy’s tale of the story behind the sinking of the Lusitania in 1915 -Speaking of owning the media. Did you know Cannabis has 70% more cancer causing agents than cigarettes? It must be true, hear the audio from CNN. Can you say PROPAGANDA? -The difference between massive inflation and hyperinflation. -Here’s an idea, take over the Fed, pay off the debt with dollars created in the Treasury. -How much U.S. debt is owned by the private bankers who own The NY Federal Reserve Bank? -Putting gold and silver into perspective 100 years ago. -Congress is in charge of weights and measures. How many ounces in a quart, how many feet in a mile and what is a dollar worth? Two out of three isn’t bad. -A listener wants to get Mom on board with real money. -Job numbers are really ugly. -A share of Apple stock. A share, (a dollar) in the U.S Corporation. How we doing? -Hear how Patrick and Andy made one another millionaires. Lawfully. Caution: don’t let this stop your donations (wink)

Patrick Timpones One Radio Network archive:  http://www.oneradionetwork.com/the-real-world-of-money/


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Spingola Special 2012.06.20

Lenon Honor, Lenon Honor Films

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      Deanna's site    Spingola Specials  

The National Intel Report with John Stadtmiller 2012.06.20

Regular Wednesday guest Peter Neise joins the show today.

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Mike Rivero - What Really Happened 2012.06.20

Hour 1  Listen  Download

Hour 2  Listen  Download

Hour 3  Listen  Download

Mike's Site

Spingola Speaks 2012.06.20

Deanna talks about the holocaust; The Nuremberg Trials and the Holocaust; Second hour: Stephen Kinzer, author of Bitter Fruit, All the Shah's Men, & Overthrow

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      Deanna's site    Spingola Specials

David Duke Show 2012.06.20

Today: Dr. Duke and MacDonald mention that Dr. Duke will address the NY Candidacy of Charles Barron on tomorrow's show. There is discussion of the question of whether Jews are a race (a genetically distinct ethnic group) or just a religion. This show scientifically and historically answers that question. There is further discussion on the new video the Outrageous Racist Hypocrisy of Israel and World Zionism and the fact that it is garnering an over 97 percent "Thumbs UP" approval rating and how we are winning the battle to expose Zionist and Globalism.

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David's site

The Unsolicited Opinion with Maggie Roddin 2012.06.20

Guest Jamie Kelso of http://american3rdposition.com/



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Truth Hertz with Charles Giuliani 2012.06.20

The Jewish origins of Islam.

16k CF from the Oracle archive

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Jeff Rense Radio Show - 2012.06.19

Listen  Download  Hour 1 - Terry Arnold - War In Syria

Listen  Download  Hour 2 - Dr. Bill Deagle MD - Radiation While Flying At 30,000 Feet

Listen  Download  Hour 3 - Tim Flanegin - Why You Need A Geiger Counter


June 19, 2012

Mask of Zion Pod-Broadcast June 14, 2012

Jonathon interviews writer/researcher Naveed Khan of http://www.lostscribemedia.com concerning Israeli foreknowledge/involvement in the events of 9/11.  









The Flipside with Robby Noel 2012.06.19

Robby gives all the information he can to help you be prepared for upcoming financial announcements.
Topics include: eastern governments reportedly buying, and holding, gold; Greece, Spain, and attempts to shore up the EU; G20 meeting; junior miners disconnection from the markets prices; and martial law.

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Robby's site

The National Intel Report with John Stadtmiller 2012.06.19

Global financial meltdowns are progressing according to the plans of the elite money powers. John plays an excerpt from JFK's `Secret Society Speech' before welcoming Robby Noel to continue analysis of the elites.
In hour two, James Corbett joins John and Robby to outline the financial situation in Europe, and the US bankruptcy.

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