The Shadow Banking System and 25 Trillion Dollars that are Linked Together
Mr. Bernanke says monetary policy, aka money printing, can do little to help the affects the financial crisis may have had on the economic production potential of the U.S.
-Are you prepared to survive and thrive if the internet goes down? Cyber warfare, backups and preparing for the worse
-Why is Secretary of Defense Panetta verbalizing the possibilities of a “Pearl Harbor of Cyber Wars?” Why indeed.
-Andrew discusses clearly of why and how he believes our God given rights will be challenged in the coming few years.
-Living in a fishbowl without becoming fish food and collateral damage
-Andy details how his battery system with generator works just fine, thank you.
-Biometrics, privacy and being a benefit recipient
-The Savings a Load debacle of the late 80′s compared to 2008
-What is the RTC and why are we the people still paying interest on this bad bank?
-The Shadow Banking system – what exactly is it and connecting the dots to 25 Trillion dollars that is in two places at once. Magic
-The largest insider trading deal exposed and one could loose dollars in a hedge fund – Poof it’s gone
-The European Union in 1999 and the fine print the politicians failed to read or understand
-The Bush (W) tax cuts were real, and not just for the rich
-Why is President Obama holding his ground on an extension? Answer – Inflation control
-Beardsley Ruml said it in 1946. “Taxes are not necessary any more….”
-The Bankers, The Boys, The PTB is who we the people owe about 12 Trillion Dollars to
-In the coming years audits, real inventory counts and simply getting “Real” is going to be wild.
-See: HP writes off 9 Billion Dollars this week. Oops !
-Andy gives broad strokes of what he sees in the world of money for 2013
-Stay tuned here and each Wednesday, because we’ll be here with the unique insights and analysis of Andrew Gause.
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