"Robert Fox is a kind, law-abiding man who I have known for over ten years. He has been framed and the jury was not allowed to have relevant information. He should be immediately released from jail. The unjust persecution he is experiencing could easily take his life. He is a generous, non-violent man, innocent of the charges placed against him."
The brief background is this:
Several years ago, Robert was living and doing legal research in a former church building, at one end in a section of classrooms-turned-living-space. A dentist had a few locked rooms at the opposite side of the extraordinarily-large campus. The cops raided Mr. Fox's section, jailed him and two visitors, and broke into the dentist's quarters -- all without proper warrants, mind you -- taking large quantities of basic dental drugs from the dentist's storage as "evidence" that Mr. Fox was "dealing drugs". (He had no keys or access to the dentist's private locked space, no drugs, nothing indicating anything drug-related in his own space, and tested clean. Obviously mistakes were made by law enforcement! Or someone has a vendetta against Mr. Fox.)
All Eight Charges stemming from this incident were later dropped as they were frivolous, unprovable, illogical and without merit.
Mr. Fox decided to make a financial claim for the illegal raid, warrant-less invasion, false arrests, theft of his computer and files, and various other indignities and harm. Texas law requires that a claimant first Notice the entity with which he has a grievance of "intent to sue" in order to allow a chance to settle the matter with more information, payment or a counter-offer, or advance warning to find legal representation.
This was done properly and the entity in question -- the city of Jacksonville, Texas located in Cherokee County -- responded with retaliation efforts by trumping up MORE false charges: "tampering with a government document", holding a jury trial where the jury was disallowed from hearing all the facts, and throwing Mr. Fox in jail before he could attend the hearing in another county regarding the shenanigans going on in Cherokee County.
Robert James Fox has been held in jail, fasting on water, for three weeks as of Jan. 7, 2013. He has been diagnosed with congestive heart failure and was hospitalized twice during the trial period. This stress -- emotionally, financially, physically, socially -- is draining his life.
If you are willing to help my friend, please 'sign' the e-petition or pray or both. Thank you. The current goal is 400 signatures. Robert is an amazing man who deserves his freedom and a chance to heal. Please spare 5 minutes and seriously consider helping him!
Please consider signing this petition, Robert has been fasting for about 21 days now, he has refused to eat again until released from jail.
My Private Audio page
"This is one of the good guys, please sign the petition"
January 09, 2013
January 08, 2013
Call of the Ancestors with Siegfried 2013.01.08
Mediocrity Amidst Aufklärung
Elaborating on the themes and ideals of shows past, Siegfried will give his take on ideas for activism and ways to reach out to those less…well… WISE to the situation at hand. Phones will be open! Join us live and remember to post your comments & questions in our Radio Show Chatbox.
Siegfried's Blog
Truth Militia Radio
Elaborating on the themes and ideals of shows past, Siegfried will give his take on ideas for activism and ways to reach out to those less…well… WISE to the situation at hand. Phones will be open! Join us live and remember to post your comments & questions in our Radio Show Chatbox.
Siegfried's Blog
Truth Militia Radio
A very nervous, Dianne Feinstein introduces her new "Pizza oven ban bill"
A summary of key provisions in the updated bill:
- Bans the sale, transfer, importation, or manufacturing of:
- 120 specifically-named pizza ovens;
- Bans large-capacity body feeding devices capable of accepting more than 10 jews at a time.
- Grandfathering pizza ovens legally possessed on the date of enactment;
- Exempting over 900 specifically-named pizza ovens used for hunting or sporting purposes in Gaza and the West Bank; and
- Exempting antique, manually-operated, and permanently disabled pizza ovens.
- Requires that grandfathered pizza ovens be registered under the "National No Fry a Kike Act", to include:
- Background check of owner and any transferee;
- Type and serial number of the pizza oven;
- Positive identification, including photograph and fingerprint;
- Certification from local law enforcement of identity and that possession would not violate State or local law; and
- Dedicated funding for the kikes to implement registration.
Know Thy Enemy - The Sadducees
Few groups of history are more enigmatic than the Sadducees.
Throughout the Bible they are variously depicted as wicked and evil.
They are depicted as being the wealthy ruling families who controlled the High Priesthood during the time of Jesus. And therefore, they are variously “the Jews” referred to in venomous tone throughout the gospels as being responsible for his execution.
Their name in Hebrew was tsedduqim, a name they chose to indicate that they claimed to followers of the teachings of the High Priest Zadok, who anointed Solomon king during the First Temple era. Read the rest here
Throughout the Bible they are variously depicted as wicked and evil.
They are depicted as being the wealthy ruling families who controlled the High Priesthood during the time of Jesus. And therefore, they are variously “the Jews” referred to in venomous tone throughout the gospels as being responsible for his execution.
Their name in Hebrew was tsedduqim, a name they chose to indicate that they claimed to followers of the teachings of the High Priest Zadok, who anointed Solomon king during the First Temple era. Read the rest here
Dennis Fetcho, Inside the Eye Live 2013.01.08
Dennis Fetcho, aka "The Fetch", is an American ex-patriot living in Amman, Jordan. He is the author of the Illuminatus Observor, a blog regarded by many as simply the finest Hermetic Qaballa blog in all of blogdom. The Fetch also has a second site called"Inside The Eye Live.com"
Intelligent media for the politically aware.
No guest: Commentary.
64k CF Download
Oracle Archive
Websites: illuminatusobservor.blogspot inside the eye live
Email: thefetch@yahoo.com
Intelligent media for the politically aware.
No guest: Commentary.
64k CF Download
Oracle Archive
Websites: illuminatusobservor.blogspot inside the eye live
Email: thefetch@yahoo.com
Russian DNA Discoveries Explain Human ‘Paranormal’ Events
Esoteric and spiritual teachers have known for ages that our body is programmable by language, words and thought. This has now been scientifically proven and explained.
The human DNA is a biological Internet and superior in many aspects to the artificial one. The latest Russian scientific research directly or indirectly explains phenomena such as clairvoyance, intuition, spontaneous and remote acts of healing, self healing, affirmation techniques, unusual light/auras around people (namely spiritual masters), mindâ¬"s influence on weather patterns and much more. Read more here
Russians Change DNA with Frequency Experiments 1/2
Russians Change DNA with Frequency Experiments 2/2
The human DNA is a biological Internet and superior in many aspects to the artificial one. The latest Russian scientific research directly or indirectly explains phenomena such as clairvoyance, intuition, spontaneous and remote acts of healing, self healing, affirmation techniques, unusual light/auras around people (namely spiritual masters), mindâ¬"s influence on weather patterns and much more. Read more here
Russians Change DNA with Frequency Experiments 1/2
Russians Change DNA with Frequency Experiments 2/2
Obama Throwing Medical Marijuana Patients Into Federal Prison at Alarming Rate
Fallout from the Obama Administration’s aggressive federal enforcement in medical marijuana states has reached a fever pitch this month with three people being sentenced, two others due to surrender to federal authorities to serve out sentences of up to five years in prison, and one federal trial in Montana currently scheduled for January 14th.
Two of the three people being sentenced in the coming month — Montana cultivator Chris Williams and Los Angeles-area dispensary operator Aaron Sandusky — face five and ten years to life, respectively. Activist Post
Kris Hermes – Advancing Legal Medical Marijuana Therapeutics and Research – November 6, 2012
Kris Hermes brings nearly 20 years of social justice activism experience to the fight for safe access to medical marijuana. He has worked in various cities around the U.S. generating media and mobilizing people to effect change in federal and state policy on issues involving hunger, poverty and access to health care. Over the last few years, before joining ASA, he dedicated much of his time to legal activism, helping support those arrested during mass demonstrations and acts of civil disobedience. Previously as ASA’s Legal Campaign Director, Kris and the legal staff led the organization in numerous victories that have provided greater protection for thousands of patients.
Highlights from today’s show include:
-The stepped up crusade against cannabis began with President Nixon in 1970
-Who is behind the medical marijuana pushback?
-The many applications for medical marijuana
-Marijuana Oil
-Federal Government’s ongoing attack on the 10th. Amendment, States Rights
-Currently 17 states have medical Marijuana laws and three more are voting today
-Research by drug companies on cannabis for healing goes way back
- Eli Lilly had a cannabis tincture in the early 1900’s
An Inconvenient Tooth - Fluoride Documentary
An Inconvenient Tooth is a documentary film about fluoride. It was released September 6th, 2012 at the City Hall in Portland, Oregon.
Another good video: The Fluoride Deception
Spingola Speaks 2013.01.08
Guest: Charles E. Carlson talked about the evils and prevalence of Christian Zionism, the idea of the state of Israel is the fulfillment of prophecy and is ordained of God. Christianity is about following the teaching of Christ.
Deanna's site
News Page
Official chat room
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Deanna's site
News Page
Official chat room
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U.S. Government Using Terrorism Against the American People
Violence and Threats Being Used to Intimidate and Coerce the American Public
Link To Read Full Article
David Duke Show 2013.01.08
Today: Dr. Duke and Patrick Slattery on Israeli Nuclear Espionage and Theft from America. Dr. Duke begins by discussing the fascinating subject of Jewish ethnic crime syndication and the goes in to the nature of the real rulers of the Western political, financial and media world. Then Dr. Slattery adds his commentary to that and tells about the incredible theft of nuclear weapons material from America.
David's site
56k CF Download
David's site
56k CF Download
Jeff Rense Radio Show - 2013.01.07
Listen Download Hour 1 - Michel Chossudovsky - Global Research
Listen Download Hour 2 - Brother Nathanael - Jews Lead The Grab For AmericanGuns - Vid
Listen Download Hour 3 - Michael Collins - Yoichi Shimatsu Deteriorating Fukushima
56k CF
Rense' site
January 07, 2013
The Realist Report with John Friend 2013.01.07
This is the first edition of The Realist Report with John Friend in
2013! To kick off the new year, I'll be joined by Dr. Rebecca Carley.
We'll be reviewing my blog post End of year notes,
her background in the medical profession, the medical mafia, and
related matters. Be sure to tune in for what will be an interesting and
enlightening show!
John Friend's Blog
Truth Militia Radio
John Friend's Blog
Truth Militia Radio
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