January 17, 2013
Angela Stark's My Private Audio 2013.01.17
EPISODE 197 - John Benson and Glen Ambort
Why ObamaCare Must Be Voluntary under the Constitution!
ObamaCare: Why Rush Limbaugh & Alex Jones Are Wrong, Chief Justice Roberts Is Correct and the
ObamaCare “Tax” Is Voluntary for Most Americans under the Constitution
(The Truth about the ObamaCare “Tax” in Plain English)
It is well said in the old proverb, ‘a lie will go round the world while truth is pulling its boots on’. [1859 C. H. Spurgeon Gems from Spurgeon 74]
By the dissemination of knowledge, by enlightened discussion of cause and effect, to bring public opinion back to the intelligent attitude that condemns bad tendencies and resists the adoption of harmful measures, is to render a great service to one’s country. When misguided public opinion honors what is despicable and despises what is honorable, punishes virtue and rewards vice, encourages what is harmful and discourages what is useful, applauds falsehood and smothers truth under indifference or insult, a nation turns its back on progress and can be restored only by the terrible lessons of catastrophe. Frederic Bastiat (1801-1850)
In this free eBook, I will show you, Dear Reader, that Chief Justice Roberts was absolutely correct in his ObamaCare Decision and that the talk-show hosts have simply been misinformed and do not, therefore, understand the basis of that decision.
Furthermore, I will show you unmistakably why, under the Constitution, the ObamaCare “tax” is, and must be, voluntary for most Americans.
Angela's Talkshoe
Angela's Site
Saturday Afternoon with Carolyn Yeager July 21, 2012
Interview with Alex Linder
Alex Linder, creator of Vanguard News Network and Forum talks about himself, his work, his beliefs, and how he thinks White Nationalism should proceed in order to move into a successful future. Linder points to Greece’s Golden Dawn party as a model (along with Hitler’s National Socialist party in Germany), noting that it utilizes a good relationship with some police and military personnel and/or veterans. Linder notes that just talking and writing is not enough.
There were several questions and comments from listeners presented to Linder in the 2nd hour, which he answered. All in all, an information-dense program.Show-page
Auschwitz: The Underground Guided Tour By Carolyn Yeager
Jonathan Azaziah's Mask of Zion Report Jan 17, 2013
Spingola Speaks 2013.01.17
Guest: Victoria Thorn, of Project Rachel, and the National Office of Post-Abortion Reconciliation; the trauma of abortion; The Biology of the Theology of the Body; Interview; Biochemistry of Sex
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David Duke Show 2013.01.17
Today: Dr. David Duke in an incredible opening gives and overview of the challenges facing every family and every person, every heritage and culture on the planet. He goes in depth on the sick degeneracy of the global media reaching into billions of households and infecting people with the worst sorts of vices, degeneracies, destructiveness, violence, and fostering ill health both mentally and physically! He then goes into the source of this evil and he shows how there is a misanthropic Jewish supremacist tribalism that drives the human deprivation. He shows how this tribalism enables these misanthropes to dominate media and poison the world. Then Dr. Patrick Slattery comes on to offer additional perspectives on this, the world's foremost problem. A must listen and a must share program. You are encouraged to make a video of this program and post it on social media!
David's site
56k CF Download
David's site
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Truth Hertz with Charles Giuliani 2013.01.17
The scheduled guest doesn't show up so lots of religious stuff gets thrown around and then finally Lincoln gets assassinated in the second hour.
Show Notes
64k CF Download
Show Notes
64k CF Download
Mark Dankof’s America Jan 16, 2013
Mark Dankof is joined by Stephen Goodson of the South African Reserve Bank. In the news summary, Mark references Patrick Cockburn’s piece on the Sunni-Shiite divide; Rand Paul’s tragicomedy in Israel; Garakai Chengu’s essay on Colonel Gaddafi and Libya; the linkage of abortion and Jewish power in America by Jayne Gardener and David Wemhoff; and the tragedy of the Sandy Hook “truther” travesty. Mark briefly touches on his January 14th appearance on the David Duke show.
The Barnes Review
Jeff Rense Radio Show - 2013.01.16
Listen Download Hour 1 - Devvy Kidd - America At The Brink
Listen Download Hour 2 - Charles R. Smith - World Events
Listen Download Hour 3 - Preston James - The Third Force
56k CF
Rense' site
The Stream Team 2013.01.16
Impromptu broadcast with non PC dudes. Rebel, Sholly, Lugh, Greg etc.
Overdrive include: Rebel, Fetch, GregNJ, Dallasgoldberg.
Renegade Broadcasting
64k Download
Overdrive Download
January 16, 2013
Axis of Light with Dana Antiochus 2013.01.16
Reflections on my
interview with Dr. MacDonald and additional material I wasn't able to
get to; the concept of in-fighting and friendly fire among non-mutually
exclusive categories of racially- /jew-conscious people - here I will
address some of the controversy of TUT network where I do my other show
(Resistance is Gentile/RIG); Comments and analysis on Joe's last show;
some major points in relation to the possiblity of a future white/euro
ethno-state and Rich and Keith's last show; Comments/analysis on Fourth
Position radio with Tom Metzger; introduction to the Old v. New Right
debate (if we have time)
Truth Militia
The Real World of Money with Andrew Gause 2013.01.16
Cars Kill People, Let’s Ban Fast Cars – Second Amendment Fundamentals with Andrew Gause
-Is 50 Billion taxpayer dollars for Sandy relief a good use of taxpayer dollars?
-Inflating the monetary system is a quite fair and equitable way to do things
-Will the USG default on it’s debt?
-Andy asks if drones will be banned because of the children they kill?
-The 2nd. Amendment is discussed here in full
-The Founding Fathers conducted gorilla warfare and perhaps labeled terrorists back in the day
-Asking permission for something one has a right to do
-The power of County Sheriff
-Germany wants their gold now
-Who owns the gold in Fort Knox? Hint, this is a trick question
-AIG story revisited
-Listener says he has one million dollars in savings. What’s the best way to invest it?
-China’s and Japan’s appetite for gold is growing
-Liquidating outstanding debt coming soon
-War, money creation and destruction and why it won’t go away any time soon
-This is a test. What is capacity utilization and why do we care?
-Is Herbalife a ponzi scheme
-Here why Andy does not like the Jack Lew appointment to the next Treasury Secretary post
The Real World of Money Archive
Andrew's Site
Spingola Speaks 2013.01.16
Guest: Dr. Mark Millar talked about the power of Lithium Orotate, a natural, essential mineral that many people lack. This is especially true among veterans who have a high level of suicide.
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David Duke Show 2013.01.16
Today: Today Dr. Duke goes solo and delves dramatically into the disgusting anti-Christian nature of so-called Christian Zionism which practically like saying Christian-Anti-Chritianism! He also refutes the idea that those nations who bless the Jews, (Zionists) will be blessed by showing the many Evils suffered by the people of the United States since there long and unholy support of the nation of Israel and its horrific crimes against the Palestinians and Lebanese both Christian and Muslim. A really powerful show today that will a great means to help our people free themselves from destructive Christian-Zionist propaganda.
David's site
56k CF Download
David's site
56k CF Download
Jeff Rense Radio Show - 2013.01.15
Listen Download Hour 1 - Terry Arnold - Zionist Mideast Bloodbath
Listen Download Hour 2 - Orly Taitz - Supreme Court To Hear Obama Fake S/S Number Case
Listen Download Hour 3 - Gilad Atzmon
56k CF
Rense' site
January 15, 2013
Call of the Ancestors with Siegfried 2013.01.15
On tonight's episode of Call of the Ancestors. Siegfried is joined by Deanna Spingola from Spingola Speaks
which airs Monday-Friday 11am-1pm CST. The show will consist of a
short interview period, general history-geared questions from Siegfried
and, as always, open phone lines for listeners to call in with their own
questions and comments!
Siegfried's Blog
Truth Militia Radio
Siegfried's Blog
Truth Militia Radio
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