March 23, 2013

Dennis Fetcho, Inside the Eye Live 2013.03.23

Dennis Fetcho, aka "The Fetch", is an American ex-patriot living in Amman, Jordan.  He is the author of the Illuminatus Observor, a blog regarded by many as simply the finest Hermetic Qaballa blog in all of blogdom.  The Fetch also has a second site called"Inside The Eye"
Intelligent media for the politically aware.

President Obama's visit to Israel and Jordan.  Israel's "apology to Turkey" and agreement to compensate Mavi Mara victims families.  Changed dynamics in the Middle East and worries on containing Islamic fundamentalism in Syria.  

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Oracle Archive
Websites: illuminatusobservor.blogspot   inside the eye live

How to Defeat CISPA Once And For All!

From SOPA and PIPA to ACTA to CISPA to the TPP and now back to CISPA, internet activists have been caught up in a deliberately bewildering game of whack-a-mole with freedom-crushing legislation. Now, ISPs are doing an end run around the whole legislative process altogether and voluntarily collaborating with the entertainment industry to spy on their own customers. All of this is enough to leave concerned netizens demoralized, and in the war of attrition that is exactly the goal. Join us today on The Corbett Report as we explore a real, grassroots, alternative solution to the problem of internet censorhip that can help to end this government/corporate control over our communication once and for all.

Swindling the Goyim Episode 1 - Secrets of Banking

***Watch Episode 2***

Kevin Barrett's Truth Jihad March 19, 2013

Does the 9/11 truth community now accept Israel's key role in 9/11? Let's ask Ken Jenkins.

 Ken Jenkins thinks the majority of the 9/11 truth movement now accepts that Israel was deeply involved in 9/11. According to Ken, even 911blogger, long considered the last redoubt of "Zionists for 9/11 truth," is finally allowing discussion of this topic!

We'll also discuss various 9/11-relevant films, including ArgoThe Gatekeepers,  the new Oliver Stone history series on Showtime,  and the Cheney documentary now airing on Showtime

***Listen to show at No Lies Radio***  


The Illustrated War Prayer

Horror work by Mark Twain, visuals care of IsraHell.

The International Jew Study Hour March 21, 2013

“Jewish Rights” Clash With American Rights – Episode 39

 “The International Jew” Study Hour presents: Carolyn Yeager and Hadding Scott read and comment on Chapter 35, ” ‘Jewish Rights’ Clash with American Rights.”

It is the Jews themselves that interject the religious element into the “Jewish Question.” Study of the record shows that the “rights” they demand can be summed up in the “right” to banish everything from their sight and hearing that even suggests Christianity or it’s Founder. Since 1906, with the creation of the American Jewish Committee, their demands increased in number and insistence. This chapter  details many of these demands, starting in 1899 and continuing to 1917, showing the large number of small points at which Jewish life conflicts with community life.
Note: We are using the Noontide Press publication of The International Jew — The World’s Foremost Problem which can be found online here as a pdf file.

Show-page                  Holohoax Exposed

For all episodes of The International Jew Study Hour

Link to The International Jew by Henry Ford

Who Controls America? 


Who Controls America?


Jeff Rense Radio Show - 2013.03.22

Listen  Download  Hour 1 - John Barbour - Real People

Listen  Download  Hour 2 - Matt Monarch - Raw Food For Life

Listen  Download  Hour 3 - Dean Henderson - Geopolitics
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Rense' site

March 22, 2013

Reconstructions Special Report with Mike Sledge 2013.03.22


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10-Year Iraq War Anniversary: What We’ve Learned

                                        *****Read article at WASHINGTON'S BLOG*****

Gaddafi's Great Man-Made River and the Water Wars

Libyans called it the eighth wonder of the world. Western media called it a pet project and the pipe dream of a mad dog. The "mad dog" himself in 1991 prophetically said about the largest civil engineering venture in the world: "After this achievement, American threats against Libya will double. The United States will make excuses, but the real reason is to stop this achievement, to keep the people of Libya oppressed." 
                        ***Read article at World Mathaba***

Gun-Control Laws = 60% More Gun Murders

Americans are being bombarded with an immense propaganda campaign that says we need tougher gun-control laws in order to reduce the number of gun murders. The evidence is just the opposite. The states with the toughest gun-control laws have 60% more gun murders than the states with the least restrictive gun laws.                ***Read article at***

Spingola Speaks 2013.03.22

Guest: Rodney Martin, director of World View Foundations, talked about the officials from the Weimar period that remained in Germany during the Third Reich.

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Truth Hertz with Charles Giuliani 2013.03.22

Completion of Marx discussion.

Show Notes

16k CF from OBN Download

David Duke Show 2013.03.22

Today: Dr. Duke gives an overview of the real problem afflicting our nation and world: Jewish supremacism. He shows how there is no real elite, there is only the Jewish supremacists and their Gentile collaborators, the traitors who sacrifice their own people and the people of the world for the bribery the Jewish extremists can offer. He clarifies that is not the "Rothschilds" or the CFR, the Trilaterals, the Bilderbergers, those entities are simply the tools of Jewish supremacist tyranny over us. He points out that there is no such thing as anti-Zionism if it doesn't oppose Jewish ethnic tribalism and supremacy, because without Jewish organization and ethnocentrism Zionism would not have the sway it does over the media, government, finance, and academic world. He explains that any Jew or Gentile who says they are anti-Zionist are disingenuous unless they work to depose Jewish tribalist power over the matrix of the establishment. He also goes into the personal revolution and gives a few minutes of tips on how to develop self-discipline and stop procrastinating by using some simple key principles.

David's site

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Jeff Rense Radio Show - 2013.03.21

Listen  Download  Hour 1 - Devvy Kidd - America At The Abyss

Listen  Download  Hour 2 - Dr. Henry L. Niman, PhD - Update On The DeadlyNovel Caronavirus

Listen  Download  Hour 3 - Patricia Doyle, PhD & Frosty Wooldridge - Chagas DiseaseNow In TX Wildlife

56k CF
Rense' site

Occult Theocrasy - Edith Starr Miller

Edith Starr Miller, the author of this book, was a British blue blood on par with Princess Diana. She understood occult religions and secret societies as she experienced them first hand--her husband was the 1st Baron of Queenborough, treasurer of the League of Nations and member of British Union of Fascists who helped secure oil monopolies for John D. Rockefeller.

Shortly after the book's publication, Edith Starr Miller, age 45, died, as even as the occult Grand Lodge of Canada attested, "under suspicious circumstances."

Modernists dismiss Edith as "anti-Semitic," a term used by the narrow-minded to end open-minded discussion. Miller's sin? She wrote that Judaism's goal (and secret societies) was to enpower the super rich by controlling education and the mass media. She felt such goals were Satanic in origin. After reading Miller's opus, it is hard to argue otherwise in light of what is occurring in the world today.      Download here

March 21, 2013

NATO War Crimes Against Libyans: Graphic Photos

The United States, that illegally kick-started the war on oil-rich Libya through CIA covert operations, and its NATO allies “destroyed the country, displaced millions, slaughtered over 100,000 civilians and left approximately 10,000 political prisoners,” Libyan rights group Viva Libya! says.
                        ***Read article at BEFORE IT'S NEWS***

Reconstructions Live with Mike Sledge 2013.03.21

Jewish gun control, SPLC, War of Northern Aggression and the Jewish control Grid.

Renegade Archive
BlogTalk Archive
Renegade Broadcasting
National Protectionism

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Mark Dankof’s America March 20, 2013

Mark Dankof’s guest is Dr. E. Michael Jones of Culture Wars, who will discuss his experience at the Tehran-based Hollywoodism Conference in the show’s first hour.  Mark Dankof will cover news stories and snippets from recent issues of Culture Wars in hour number two.

Show-page        Mark Dankof exposes Israeli involvement in the 911 attacks


Israel did 9/11 - ALL THE PROOF IN THE WORLD 
