Edith Starr Miller, the author of this book, was a British blue blood on
par with Princess Diana. She understood occult religions and secret
societies as she experienced them first hand--her husband was the 1st
Baron of Queenborough, treasurer of the League of Nations and member of
British Union of Fascists who helped secure oil monopolies for John D.
Shortly after the book's publication, Edith Starr Miller,
age 45, died, as even as the occult Grand Lodge of Canada attested,
"under suspicious circumstances."
Modernists dismiss Edith as
"anti-Semitic," a term used by the narrow-minded to end open-minded
discussion. Miller's sin? She wrote that Judaism's goal (and secret
societies) was to enpower the super rich by controlling education and
the mass media. She felt such goals were Satanic in origin. After
reading Miller's opus, it is hard to argue otherwise in light of what is
occurring in the world today.
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