Time to Blow the HoloHoax Out of the Water
The way to do it is for us to drop the fear of being “antisemitic.” The greatest fear Jews as a race have is the fear of being expelled from their host countries, especially the USA. Thus, every displeasure we have with them is labeled “antisemitic.” In addition, the last regime that attempted to expel them has to be portrayed as evil to the nth degree. This is what the HoloHoax is all about – it’s about making sure a “deportation” never happens … again. Thus, debating about gas chambers is probably (assuredly?) not the most important thing to do. Most important is to quit trying to make friends with Jews, but see them for the enemy they are. Evidence for this is overwhelming. A few examples:
- A Canadian Broadcasting radio program and a column in The New Yorker magazine reveal the need by the Jewish art world to construct an effective single response to Charles Krafft‘s art because of his now thought-to-be-revealed “antisemitism”;
- A humorous aspect of this is Charles’ miniature diorama of the dwarf family named Ovitz that was sent to Auschwitz, and his birdhouse construction named “Fowlschwitz,” both mentioned in The New Yorker;
- Dwight Eisenhower, Supreme Commander of the European War Theater for D-Day and after, and two-term president of the U.S is one of the greatest war criminals in history, far surpassing Adolf Hitler, and it’s all common knowledge;
- Prof. Ken Waltzer‘s (pictured here) long promised book about “the boys of Buchenwald” still has not materialized after 8 years – and he’s taken down his web pages about it – the reason being facts about Elie Wiesel exposed by Carolyn at Elie Wiesel Cons The World;
- Instead he’s touting a boring and untruthful film called Kinderblock 66 – The Film of which he was “history advisor;”
- Naftali Fuerst, one of the four child survivors in the film, has baldfaced lied about being in the “famous Buchenwald Lie-beration photo” that so many others have lied about, including Elie Wiesel.
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