June 10, 2013

Corbett Report: Beyond Bilderberg


Show-page with notes


Max French's The Victor Hour 6/9/2013

Max and Egeria with News and Analysis for June 9, 2013.


On Video


Police Visit Pirate Bay Proxy Owner’s Home Demanding a Shutdown

Got Proxy? Not for long in the UK.
The UK’s aggressive stance towards online piracy was taken to new heights this week through a combination of police threats and backroom deals between industry groups. One of the main targets identified were Pirate Bay proxy sites,and the police and FACT recently turned up on the doorstep of one called PirateSniper in the UK. According to a report from the site’s owner he was handed a letter and ordered to shutter the site or face criminal action. (newsforage.com)

Kennedy, the Lobby and the Bomb

Smiles before the tears...
Exactly fifty years ago a crucial episode took place in the history of “U.S. democracy”; an epic struggle whose outcome would influence the future of the entire world. Guyénot Laurent revisits those events and recalls what was at stake at that critical historical juncture. Potted historical essay on how the Jewish influence upon the American Government was ensured by JFK's assassination.

Obama's NSA Spy Op Revealed!


How they already told us what they are doing.

Istanbul rising

June 09, 2013

'Shock jock' disrupts BBC's Sunday Politics show!

Fat-Boy A.J joins the BBC's Andrew Neil on The Sunday Politics to talk about Bilderbergers meeting in secret Outside Watford,UK. After the show, Andrew Neil describes AJ as the "Worst guest he has ever interviewed".

Why Can't Chuck Get His Business Off the Ground?


David Icke Calls for Mass Noncompliance at Bilderberg

"Rise like Lions after slumber in unvanquishable number. Shake your chains to earth like dew: Which in sleep had fallen on you. Ye are many — they are few"

Genetic Weapons--Can Your DNA Kill You?

DNA strand. Pretty. Deadly.
It is a scene out of a futuristic political thriller—the Secretary of State issues secret orders for embassy officials to collect the DNA of foreign heads of state while the President, speaking at a $1000 a plate dinner, is surrounded by a contingent of Secret Service agents wiping clean his drinking glasses and picking up stray hair follicles. They are not just protecting the President—they are protecting the President's DNA. (activistpost.com)

The Most Famous American Journalist Exposes the Zionist Conspiracy

that it was a war created by the Jewish Zionists for Israel not for the United States. This invasion and mass murder of hundreds of thousands of innocent people was based on lies, and we in America have paid the Zionist control over our government and media with our treasure and our blood. And we pay for it with hatred and attacks against America because of these bloody Zionist Wars!
***Read article at Veterans News Now*** 

Obama to Ignore Senate, Sign 2nd Amendment-Violating UN Gun Treaty

Arrogant Little Shit
A majority in the U.S. Senate has told President Barack Obama not to do it. There’s no doubt that an overwhelming majority of Americans would oppose it — if the media ever told them about it.
Nonetheless, this past Monday, Secretary of State John Kerry said that Obama will sign a controversial gun-control treaty promulgated by the United Nations. “We look forward to signing it as soon as the process of conforming the official languages is completely satisfied,” Kerry said in a prepared statement.

No Future


Web inventor Berners-Lee warns forces are 'trying to take control'

The inventor of the World Wide Web said the internet is facing a “major” threat from “people who want to control it on the sly” through “worrying laws” such as SOPA, the US anti-piracy act, and through the actions of internet giants.

*Read article at the Telegraph*

Saturday Afternoon with Carolyn Yeager 6/8/2013

                   Demolishing “Elie in Buchenwald” once and for all

GOP Congressmen Urge DOJ to Grant Asylum to German Homeschool Family

Where are the White Nation Protesters??
Following a federal appeals court decision denying asylum to a German homeschool family, a group of U.S. congressmen have sent a letter to Attorney General Eric Holder asking the Department of Justice (DOJ) to intervene.

Interview with Liberty Co. Sheriff Nick Finch: "I Will Never Back Down!"

Sheriff Nick Finch
On June 4, agents of the Florida Department of Law Enforcement (FDLE) arrested Nick Finch, sheriff of Liberty County, Florida. About 11 p.m. the previous Friday night, May 31, four agents of the FDLE served a search warrant on employees of the Liberty County, Florida jail, seized arrest and booking documents, and issued subpoenas to the employees.

June 08, 2013

President Obama signs Executive Order 16969 Enforcement and Implementation of Penis Tax Act


To: All Male Taxpayers

Re: Notice of Increase of Tax Payment
( Form 1040 P)

The I.R.S. will start enforcing the new Penis Tax Jan 1, 2014. This is due to the fact that 40% of the time it's hanging around unemployed, 20% of the time it's pissed off, 30% of the time it's hard up, 10% of the time it's in the hole.

On top of all this, it has two dependents, and they're both nuts.

Accordingly, starting January 1, 2014, penises will be taxed according to size !

To determine the category, please consult the chart below and confirm this
information on page 2, Section 7, Line 3, of the standard 1040P form.

10 to 12 inches................Luxury Tax...............$499.99

8 to 10 inches.................Pole Tax..................$299.99

6 to 8 inches...................Privilege Tax............$149.99

4 to 6 inches...................Nuisance Tax.......... $49.99

PLEASE NOTE: Anyone under 4 inches is eligible for a refund.


***** Males exceeding 12 inches must file Capital Gains

Pecker Checker General
Internal Revenue Service

Dennis Fetcho, Inside the Eye Live 2013.06.08

Dennis Fetcho, aka "The Fetch", is an American ex-patriot living in Amman, Jordan.  He is the author of the Illuminatus Observor, a blog regarded by many as simply the finest Hermetic Qaballa blog in all of blogdom.  The Fetch also has a second site called"Inside The Eye Live.com"
Intelligent media for the politically aware.

No guest: News and commentary.

32k CF Download

Listen on Shoutcast

Websites: illuminatusobservor.blogspot   inside the eye live
Email: thefetch@yahoo.com
Revolution Radio @ Freedom Slips.com
Oracle Archive

COVERT SACRIFICE: Operation Cyanide by Iona Miller, 2010

It now it appears that American political, intelligence and military persons played a key role in setting up the Liberty for the purpose of igniting WWIII in what was code-named “Operation Cyanide”.On June 8, 1967, at the height of the Six-Day War between Israel and its Arab neighbors, Israeli air and naval forces attacked the USS Liberty, an intelligence-collection ship in the service of Israel’s closest ally, while that vessel steamed in international waters off the Sinai Peninsula. Dozens of theories exist about what happened that day.

COVERT SACRIFICE: Operation Cyanide by Iona Miller, 2010 from Iona Miller on Vimeo.