Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu’s early reaction to 9/11 success
was: “It’s very good!”—that was before he corralled his hubris, adjusted
his face, and said, “Well, it’s not actually good, but it will generate
immediate sympathy for Israel.”
Zionist complicity in, if not masterminding of 9/11 . . . if you
wonder about that, check out this celebration of “Purim.” Don’t miss
this year’s winners in the amateur costume parade —twins dressed up as the Twin Towers being blasted by “airliners”—bitchin’ smoke, flame and chutzpah. [1]
Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon said to Israeli foreign minister
Shimon Peres on October 3, 2001 (twenty-two days after 9/11 success):
“We, the Jewish people, control America, and the Americans know it.” [2]
Two problems with Sharon’s hubris: historically, above all the Jewish
people are crucial Zionist tools; little evidence suggests that the
American public has any idea who is in control, or how far politicos
they vote for are removed from actual power. Still, Sharon actually told
some truth.
***Read article at Veterans News Now***