July 10, 2013

Irish people issue warning to banks by shutting down repossession auction

Allsop Space is an English Company who had no involvement with Ireland until after the Banking Crisis and resulting attack on struggling homeowners and small business people. They are here for one purpose and one purpose only, to cash in on the misery and misfortune of Irish people who have been let down by Banks and betrayed by politicians.

FlopHouse Radio Pod-Cast 04

Back again for another go-around...

After playing around with the site graphics for a few days, foon1e feels inspired to attempt another "FlopHouse Radio Pod-Cast". This is Number 4 - for your edification & aural listening pleasure. Today, I'm talking about Immigration:Spreading the truth:The upcoming Riots,and Is there such a thing as safe entertainment? Give it a whirl if you're bored.


The NSA Has Inserted Its Code Into Android OS, Or Three Quarters Of All Smartphones

File under "No-Shit,Sherlock?!"
Your Not-So-Friendly Plastic Pal That's Fun To Be With!

Over a decade ago, it was discovered that the NSA embedded backdoor access into Windows 95, and likely into virtually all other subsequent internet connected, desktop-based operating systems. However, with the passage of time, more and more people went "mobile", and as a result the NSA had to adapt. And adapt they have: as Bloomberg reports, "The NSA is quietly writing code for Google’s Android OS."  (zerohedge.com)

Latin American friends of Snowden lash out at US, EU

Corbett Report: Why Government Regulation is a Lie

CONTINUE WATCHING: http://ur1.ca/ekxdd
TRANSCRIPT AND SOURCES: http://www.corbettreport.com/?p=7658

Israeli settlers dump sewage on Palestinian land

Villagers in Wadi Fukin near Bethlehem were attacked by Israeli settlers from a nearby settlement, when they intentionally poured thousands of tons of sewage into the only natural water spring and the land.

Jeff Rense Radio Show - 2013.07.09

Listen  Download  Hour 1 - Devvy Kidd - America Failing - URGENT - STOP BOEHNER - AMNESTY VOTE

Listen  Download  Hour 2 - Gordon Duff - Veterans Today

Listen  Download  Hour 3 - Joel Skousen - World Affairs Analysis

56k CF
Rense' site

July 09, 2013

The Realist Report with John Friend 2013.07.09

On this edition of The Realist Report, we'll be joined by Clement Pulaski of TrueSonsofAbraham.com. Clement and I will be discussing his essay "The American Frontier," and further elaborating on the uniqueness of the American experience and political tradition.

Please visit The Realist Report on TalkeShoe to download this and past episodes. Apologies for the technical problems.
John Friend.net
The Realist Report (TalkShoe)


Doug Owen Guest Hosts Wide Awake News with Charlie McGrath

"Poop Happens" - "Solutions to the banking Crisis" - "Blue team-Red team" - "Bail-In".
News that isn't being talked about.

The People Speak with Diane Roark 2013.07.09

Continuation of last week's discussion on the NSA. Hosted by Diane Roark with guests: Ed Loomis and analyst J. Kirk Wiebe 

BBS Radio 2

64k CF Download

Mr Peak Crackers - Ramble on

Mr Peak Crackers

Woman Who Hid A Gun In her Cooter Gets 25 Years

JULY 8--The Oklahoma woman who had a loaded handgun concealed in her vagina when she was arrested earlier this year on a drug charge has been sentenced to 25 years in state prison, according to court records.

Christie Badass Harris, 28, last week entered no contest pleas to three felony counts during a hearing in Pontotoc County District Court. Harris, whose rap sheet already includes multiple felony convictions, copped on June 27 to possession of methamphetamine with intent to distribute, gun possession, and bringing contraband into jail

Read the rest here


Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu’s early reaction to 9/11 success was:

    “It’s very good!” ~ that was before he corralled his hubris, adjusted his face, and said, “Well, it’s not actually good, but it will generate immediate sympathy for Israel.”

Zionist complicity in, if not masterminding of 9/11 ~  if you wonder about that, check out this celebration of “Purim.”

 Don’t miss this year’s winners in the amateur costume parade ~ twins dressed up as the Twin Towers being blasted by “airliners” ~ bitchin’ smoke, flame and chutzpah.

Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon said to Israeli foreign minister Shimon Peres on October 3, 2001 (twenty-two days after 9/11 success):

    “We, the Jewish people, control America, and the Americans know it."

Read the rest at Noors Blog

Scott Horton 2013.07.08

First interview Ben Swann

Ben Swann, an award winning broadcast journalist, discusses the tough questions he asked President Obama about aiding Syria’s terrorist-associated rebels; why YouTube provides better Syria news coverage than mainstream American media; wising up to government lying us into war; the terrible consequences of the US drug war in Mexico; the national security case for legalizing pot; and the Kickstarter fundraiser for Swann’s “Liberty is Rising: Truth in Media” project.
 (Duration: 36:41 — 8.4MB)

32k Download

Second interview Eric Margolis

Eric Margolis, journalist and author of American Raj, discusses the US contribution to Egypt’s military coup; the engineered economic and security collapse that proceeded President Mohammed Morsi’s ouster; the throngs of unemployed young people protesting in Turkey; and why liberals now prefer military dictatorships to democratic elections. (Duration: 31:37 — 7.2MB)

32k Download

No Agenda Global Radio
Scott Horton.org

AFP Radio Network 7/9/2013

AFP Roving Editor Mark Anderson reports from Waco, Texas on the status of the tragedy, 20 years ago, of the Branch Davidian religious sect's destruction by federal forces, while also commenting on his recent speaking stops in Austin about Bilderberg, among other issues.        Show-page
American Free Press


Mark Glenn's The Ugly Truth Broadcast 7/8/2013

Morsi’s recent meeting with Putin and their budding friendship–the kiss of death that led to Morsi’s overthrow?




Israeli Settler explains Zionism to Palestinian farmers


David Duke Show 2013.07.09

Today: Dr. David Duke has a great section on why the Bolshevik Jewish Red Terror has not gone away, just morphed into the mass murder and war and torture of the Zionist state and it's client states like the USA. He quotes Madeleine Albright on 60 minutes justifying the murder by sickness and starvation of over 500,000 Iraqi children. Those murderous sanctions were enacted because Jews at the time saw Iraq as their biggest enemy on earth, and they were able to influence American policy to cause the death and suffering of the Iraqi people. He goes deeper into the psychology of happiness and shows how we can be happy but still responsible men and women who fight against injustice and evil. Great Show with Dr. Slattery.

David's site

56k CF Download

Spingola Speaks 2013.07.09

Guest: Leslie Botha, Co- Author, Understanding Your Mind, Mood, and Hormone Cycle, talks about Gardasil, the vaccine for human papillomavirus (HPV)

News Page
Deanna's site
Official chat room
Spingola Speaks .Info


The Corporation

THE CORPORATION is a Canadian documentary film written by Joel Bakan, and directed by Mark Achbar and Jennifer Abbott. The documentary examines the modern-day corporation, considering its legal status as a class of person and evaluating its behavior towards society and the world at large as a psychiatrist might evaluate an ordinary person. This is explored through specific examples. Bakan wrote the book, The Corporation: The Pathological Pursuit of Profit and Power, during the filming of the documentary.