July 17, 2013

The Ancient Origins of the Six Pointed Star

Originally pagan, the six pointed star (hexigram), was used by the ancient Druids and astrologers, and later used in Ba'al, Moloch worship in the ancient Akkadian Empire (ca. 2334–2154 BC) and became known as the Seal of Shulmanu (Solomon)

The Great Temple of "King Solomon" (Shulmanu I) or Shalmaneser I king of Assyria. (ca.1274–1245 BC) was one of the first Assyrian kings who was known to deport his defeated enemies to various lands rather than simply slaughtering them all.

He conquered the whole country from Taidu to Irridu, from Mount Kashiar to Eluhat, and from the fortresses of Sudu and Harranu to Carchemish on the Euphrates. He built palaces at Assur and Nineveh, restored the "World Temple" at Baalbek, and founded the city of Nimrud.

The Assyrians themselves cultivated such mysteries concerning one of the greatest Temples and wonders of the ancient world in the great mystery work the Testament of Solomon (also known as the Lesser Keys of Solomon). "Freemasonry"

Around 1159 BCE a particularly savage meteorite swarm associated with the migration of a comet the Greeks called Phaethon devastated the lands across the Levant up through the Anatolian region and down south as far as Arabia.

The subsequent, dust and “nuclear winter” effect caused mass crop failures and starvation across the whole east of the ancient world causing the simultaneous collapse of the Hittite Kingdom and the Assyrian Kingdoms.

The horrors from heaven forced old demonic gods to the fore and relegated the old gods such as Baal, to less importance for a time. Throughout the Levant, Moloch grew in popularity as people sacrificed children and each other to the demon god of fire.

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New round of US sanctions against Iran

A new round of US unilateral sanctions came into effect on July 1st, planned to affect the Iranian economy hugely.
The sanctions target the barter of Iran's currency, the Rial, the country's auto sector, shipbuilding, and petroleum industry.
New tightening sanctions are being imposed on Iranian nation while the country is dealing with an inflation rate of over 31%.
Many political analysts believed that the United States was expected not to put into effect these new sanctions while a moderate candidate won the June presidential election.
They had predicted that the US administration would defer their decision on the new sets of economic pressures. To their chagrin, now many countries as well as international companies have to choose between the US and Iran.

McDonald’s Math: You Can’t Survive Working for Us

I think I'll Pass!...

This ridiculously condescending budget put out by McDonald’s in partnership with Visa has been making the rounds today. I’ll allow excerpts from the Gothamist article on it and their corresponding video do most of the explaining, but the key point I want to hammer into people is that food stamps are corporate welfare. They actually are not welfare for the workers themselves, who undoubtably don’t have wonderful lives. What ends up happening is that because the government comes in and supplements egregiously low wages with benefits like food stamps, the companies don’t have to pay living wages. So in effect, your tax money is being used to support corporate margins.

Colorado town considers licensing bounty hunters to shoot down drones

It was inevitable...

The tiny town of Deer Trail, Colo. — barely more than a wide spot on Interstate 70 about 55 miles east of Denver, population 546 — is considering an ordinance that would authorize licensed bounty hunters to shoot down unmanned aircraft violating its “sovereign airspace.”

Ten Years Ago: The Political Assasination of Dr. David Kelly

Was he the original "Warning to Whistle-Blowers"?
The campaign to re-open the inquest into the death of Dr David Kelly is holding a silent, gagged, protest outside the Royal Courts of Justice, London, on Thursday 18th July 2pm, to mark the tenth anniversary of Dr Kelly’s death and to demand the re-opening of his inquest.  (globalresearch.ca)

UK police taser chests despite warnings

Give 'em a "Gun" & they all think they're "Dirty Harry".
British police officers have fired taser guns hundreds of times at people™s chests despite warnings by the weapons manufacturer that the act can cause cardiac arrest...This comes as a man died last week in Manchester after police officers hit him with a Taser gun. (presstv.ir)

Jeff Rense Radio Show - 2013.07.16

Listen  Download  Hour 1 - Terry Arnold - Geopolitical Report

Listen  Download  Hour 2 - Dr David Duke - How The Media Incites Violence And Racism

Listen  Download  Hour 3 - Jim Kirwan - A Conversation

56k CF
Rense' site

July 16, 2013

Rally In Akron, Ohio (Mississppi) For Trayvon Martin

The News Deception

The News has been lying all these years pushing wars,horrible presidential candidates and justifying tyranny..
*Twisted Truths*

Fighting The Trans-Pacific Partnership - Nile Bowie on GRTV

The Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement is a proposed free trade bloc involving twelve Asia-Pacific countries, including the world's first and third largest economies. As delegates prepare to descend on Kuala Lumpur for the next round of secretive negotiations, Malaysia-based journalist Nile Bowie joins us to discuss the proposed treaty and its ramifications. Find out more in this week's GRTV Feature Interview.

On The Warning Track - July 14, 2013

More discussion on Pastor John Hagees' new "The Coming Four Blood Moons" end times teaching. Which if studied closely, seems to have eliminated the so-called Rapture event (to rescue Christians) before the dreaded end time tribulation period of Christian mythology. This program we discuss particularly the rebuilding of the third Jewish Temple.          Show-page


Spingola Special 2013.07.16

Elaine Hollingsworth, Director, Hippocrates Health Centre of Australia and the author of Take Control of your Health and Escape the Sickness Industry

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Obama hypocrite of century

The new owners of Hostess have leaner operating costs now that they're no longer using unionized workers.

Now we understand why they killed the company then brought it back. To get rid of people earning a LIVING WAGE and replacing them with slave-wages. Shut the company down; fire everybody; restart company; keep union out. Bingo. You are making more money than ever and the same workers now have to contend with wages that cannot ever support a minimal life, EVER. And this is how it is done these days.


Obama’s New Executive Order: Doctors to Screen All Individuals Ages 15 to 65 Years for HIV


By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, and in order to further strengthen the capacity of the Federal Government to effectively respond to the ongoing domestic HIV epidemic, it is hereby ordered as follows: 

Read the rest here

Scott Horton 2013.07.15

First interview John Glaser

John Glaser, a writer for Antiwar.com and The Washington Times discusses his article “In Syria, U.S. Arms Go To Pro-Assad Militias and Jihadists;” why Israel’s attacks on Syria are war crimes; and why – by process of elimination – US strategy in Syria must be to weaken Syrian allies Iran and Russia. (Duration: 30:59 — 7.1MB)

32k Download

Second interview Cori Crider

Cori Crider, a Guantanamo attorney and Strategic Director for Reprieve, discusses the report “Down the Tubes: The 2013 Hunger Strike at Guantanamo Bay;” why the Guantanamo prisoners have resorted to starving themselves to death; the military’s efforts to break the hunger strike; the government’s video response to rapper Mos Def’s demonstration of force-feeding; and why Obama won’t take action to close Guantanamo. (Duration: 31:30 — 7.2MB)

32k Download

No Agenda Global Radio
Scott Horton.org

The Heretics' Hour 2013.07.15

Racial Politics in the Aftermath of the Zimmerman Verdict

Carolyn and  Tanstaafl discuss the situation for Whites in light of  the insane, unhinged-from-reality presentation of  “martyred Trayvon” that is being projected in the media (such as the Daily News cover at right). Tan comes on in the 2nd hour; in the first hour Carolyn talks about the botched NSU trial in Germany and the Zionist-Globalist program to destroy White racial and ethnic identity. Some highlights:
  • German govt. invents “right-wing, neo-nazi” dangers to keep Germans “thinking European”;
  • Hungary tells IMF to close its Budapest office;
  • Berliners protest new “Home for Asylum Seekers” while President Gauck says they will help maintain living standards;
  • U.S. Whites now minority in under-five age group;
  • Blacks identify racially and make no apologies for it;
  • Solution is to separate Whites, Blacks and Jews – it’s time to say so;
  • Inappropriate comments about Trayvon Martin made by black Attorney General Holder and President Obama;
  • John from Mississippi calls at the end of the hour.
Image: Shocking cover of the New York Daily News links the thug wannabe Martin to a list of black “martyrs” of the civil rights movement. The first line of the story reads:  “Trayvon Martin, an African-American killed in an attack seen by many as racially motivated, is just the latest name in a sad roll call.”

The White Network
Original Post
Carolyn' site

32k Download

The Kevin Barrett Show 2013.07.16

Guest: Richard Gage founder of Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth; and Pam Senzee of 911JourneyForTruth.org.
The Rethink911 global ad and grassroots action campaign is set to raise a 54′ high billboard in Times Square for the entire month of September! Nearly a million people a day are expected to see this sign about World Trade Center 7 – that’s nearly 30 million views by months end! When we factor in the other 10 major cities around the world doing similar advertising throughout September – we’re talking about hundreds of millions of views by October first!”
Richard Gage and Pam Senzee – like me – are not about to let go of this issue. I’m looking forward to seeing some ReThink911 ads go up – and to seeing Richard at the Sheraton Hotel overlooking the Pentagon, when the DC911Truth conference convenes on the weekend after 9/11/2013!

No Lies Radio
Kevin's blog


Man found in Disney World hotel awakens with amnesia

ORLANDO, Florida. (AP) — Doctors are looking into the mystery of a Louisiana man who awoke speaking only French Canadian, with no memory of his past, after he was found unconscious four months ago at a Disney World hotel.

Stephen Zapoper, 48, woke up with amnesia, calling himself Jean-Paul Mousseau, The Orlando Sun reported.

Zapoper was found unconscious in a Disney World hotel room in Orlando in February. After police arrived, he was transported to the Orlando Regional Medical Center where he woke up.

Zapoper's wife and 7 kids was overjoyed Saturday when they were given the news that their daddy is alive and doing much better.

Read the rest here

Spingola Speaks 2013.07.16

Guest: Hans Krampe, a translator and contributor to Warwolves of the Iron Cross: The Hyenas of High Finance

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