August 23, 2013

There Is No ‘Million Muslim March’ on 9/11 AND THERE NEVER WAS

The media seems to have a thing for portraying Muslims in the most sensationalistic, frightening way imaginable. Newsweek released their popular “Muslim Rage” cover a year ago, which quickly became an internet meme sensation with America Muslims mocking the ridiculousness of it.  While Burmese Muslims have been slaughtered by their Buddhist neighbors, the Western media has managed to refrain from stereotyping Buddhists as violent murderers, and rightly so. But “The Muslim Threat” has sold in the West since the Crusades, and the media knows any suggestion of “Creeping Shari`ah” or other similar Islamophobic paranoia, will get them the ratings they are after.
For the past week, the Right Wing pundits were fuming over the claim that a “Million Muslim March” was planned for the anniversary of 9/11 this September. But to walk into any mosque in the United States and ask just about anyone if they had heard of this before last week and the answer would have been “no” or more often, just a strange look.
          ***Read article at Political Blind Spot***

Homeland Security Made in Israel

Israel has a vested interest in making the terrorist threat appear more real than it actually is and also to present itself as the only reliable partner of the United States in the war against global terror. It also profits substantially as its companies and former security officers have exploited their "real experience" credentials to entrench themselves in U.S. homeland security at all levels. With the aid of the domestic Israel Lobby, Tel Aviv has become adept at selling a product, which includes the false depiction of Israel as the victim in the Middle East. This victimhood has apparently obtained traction in the United States, where politicians and the mainstream media persist in describing the nation with the world’s largest economy and most powerful military and security forces as somehow threatened. As a result, as Professor Steven Walt has described it, Washington is "chasing spooks and ghosts all over the world," convinced that it is "very, very vulnerable." Israel has certainly done its best to encourage that mindset.
          ***Read article at ANTIWAR*** 

New Chemical Weapons Attack In Syria Another False Flag?

As I have written at length in the past, attempts to blame Assad for chemical weapons attacks[5] have taken place on at least two occasions, both times yielding convincing evidence[6] that it was the death squads, not Assad, who had used chemical weapons. Indeed, plans have been uncovered on several occasions regarding a Western attempt to stage chemical weapons attacks inside Syria which would subsequently be blamed on Assad for the purposes of justifying a Western invasion.

***Read article at Activist Post***

CNN Delivers Every FBI Lie About The Execution Of Ibragim Todashev As FACT!

Rat Fink Nation; King of the Garbage Heap in the Great Unwashed World.

So... Bradley Manning gets 35 years. Here's a thought; “Military prosecutors said Manning was not a whistle-blower but a traitor. They said Manning knew that enemies of the United States use WikiLeaks as a resource, and they said some of the documents he released wound up in the hands of Al Qaeda.” Let's look at that charge. First off, Al Qaeda was created by the CIA, at the behest of Israel, in order to create a wack a mole adversary, to be the focus of all the wars they had planned following their commission of the 9/11 treason.. 9/11 was engineered by dual nationals, who were also neo cons. They needed someone to take the heat so they created this Al Qaeda. Bin Laden flat out denied involvement in 9/11.      ***Read article at Reflections In A Petri Dish***

News of chemical weapons attack in Syria published one day before massacre happened

The Islamic politics and cultural website Islamic Invitation Turkey claims that several videos were uploaded one day before the reports on chemical weapons use near Damascus in Syria. This evidence shows that the terrorists massacred people then recorded the scenes to deceive the world, but they gave themselves away. Terrorists in Syria uploaded the video of their crimes in East Ghouta, Damascus on August 20, 2013 and then blamed the Syrian government for the attack early on August 21, 2013, says the IIT website.

          ***Read article at the VOICE OF RUSSIA***

US, Israel, Saudi Arabia real Axis of Evil

The United States has been partnered with terrorists for decades. ‘Al-Qaeda’ is a term that is used to refer to really hired mercenaries.

These hired mercenaries have been working out throughout the entire Middle East and Africa for the Americans, the British, the Saudi Arabians, the Israelis, just in droves of murderous activities.
Twenty five million people alone have been murdered in the last half century by the Western policies that have used these types of mercenaries. They used to be referred to as the French foreign legion; they have been referred to as many other hired guns.
          ***Read article at Veterans News Now***
*Terrorism a tool at the hands of imperialism 
*Al-Qaeda a tool for West's political/military adventures 
*Fake Al Qaeda Actors EXPOSED!  
*EXPOSED: Kerry Implicated in Turkey False Flag Using AlQaeda To Start War With Syria  
*Confirmed: U.S. Armed Al Qaeda to Topple Libya’s Gaddaffi 


Mark Glenn's The Ugly Truth Broadcast 8/20/2013

The coup in Egypt–an American/Israeli engineered event to keep Egypt from falling into the ‘wrong hands’?      Show-page 


Al-Qaeda a tool for West's political/military adventures 


Obama DOJ Asks Court to Grant Immunity to George W. Bush For Iraq War

Police Powers For Sale

*Very* Private Police!
Critics fear the creation of a private police force in Cambridge as companies bid for police powers.The two private security companies, GSL Dardan and Combined Service Provider, are currently bidding for authority over Cambridge’s traffic management. This would result in drivers being forced to surrender their personal details, such as their name and address, to security guards.
These so-called “officers” will also have the power to impose fines.
Establishing a private police force allowed this level of authority may put citizens at risk to abuse of power. After all, these security guards work for a company, whose purpose is to gain profit, as opposed to for the people or the government, whose purpose is supposedly to serve and protect.  (

Report: War Looms: Hundreds of American Troops and CIA Operatives Have Entered Syria

Coming to a Syrian Town soon...
While the media panicked over the halting of NASDAQ stock trading due to a reported bug in the system (more on that shortly), one critical development went under-reported. In fact, it wasn’t reported at all.
If the following from France’s second largest newspaper Le Figaro is accurate, then we must assume that war is now a foregone conclusion.  (

Jeff Rense Radio Show - 2013.08.22

Listen  Download  Hour 1 - Texe Marrs - Myths Of The Jews - New Book! DNA Science &The Jewish Bloodline

Listen  Download  Hour 2 - Dr. Bill Deagle MD - Various Topics

Listen  Download  Hour 3 - Jim Marrs - The View From Marrs

56k CF
Rense' site

August 22, 2013

Coats to Coats 2nd podcast

Manufacturing your consent, the podcast where I avoid the word Jew, I miss pronounce Del's name, mention Jeff  Rense a little too much, and do the worlds second worst Alex Jones impression after Michael Collins Piper.

Scott Horton 2013.08.22

First interview Gareth Porter

Gareth Porter, an independent investigative journalist and historian, discusses his article taking issue with ProPublica journalist Sebastian Rotella’s report on the alleged 2008 Iranian bomb plot against the Israeli embassy in Azerbaijan; Gareth’s upcoming book on the web of lies about Iran’s nuclear program; and why the US government had no problem seeing the economic case for nuclear power in Iran during the Shah’s reign (Duration: 30:41 — 7.0MB)

32k Download

Second interview Alexa O’Brien

Independent journalist Alexa O’Brien discusses her post-sentencing interview with Bradley Manning’s attorney David Coombs; the government’s failure to prove damage to national security from Manning’s leaks; the role of the FBI and State Department in his investigation and prosecution; the fertile grounds for appeal; and how Adrian Lamo worked with the feds to set Manning up. (Duration: 25:34 — 5.9MB)

32k Download

Third interview Ron Paul

Former Congressman Ron Paul discusses his video interviews on the Ron Paul Channel; why the US has no business telling Egyptians what to do with their own country; lessening the terrorism threat with non-interventionist foreign policy; how Obama’s “red line” on Syria bypasses Congress’s duty to declare war; the incentive for Syrian rebels to conduct false flag chemical weapons attacks; and the selective prosecution of whistleblowers and war criminals. (Duration: 15:21 — 3.5MB)

32k Download

No Agenda Global Radio

Spingola Speaks 2013.08.22

Guest: Marilyn Barnewall talks about Ambassador Leo Wanta and her book about him

News Page
Deanna's site
Official chat room
Spingola Speaks .Info


The Realist Report with John Friend 2013.08.21

On this edition of The Realist Report, we'll be joined by Mike King of

The Realist Report (TalkShoe)


David Duke Show 2013.08.22

Dr. David Duke in a special life and fitness program talks about the latest scientific research that shows how meaning in life has a tremendous affect on our health, longevity, mood, achievement and other aspects of our lives. He speaks about ways to find our meaning or mission in life, and how to pattern our own lives on those individuals or traits that we admire in others, and how the mission of our becoming more like the personality traits we admire, can be a start to establishing a mission in our lives, a purpose to our daily life and actions, and ultimately be stepping stone to deep meaning in our lives. Kay Wahlen also joins in the discussion that will be extremely valuable to every listener!

David's site

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EMERGENCY ALERT: Latest Syrian Chemical Attack Follows History of False Flag Provocations
In this exclusive clip from the forthcoming edition of the Jack Blood Podcast, James Corbett and Jack Blood dissect the latest reports of a chemical weapons attack in Syria, occuring just two days after a UN chemical weapons team arrived in the country. James goes over the history of false flag chemical provocations in the country and the reasons why we should doubt the quickly-forming official narrative that this attack was perpetrated by Assad's military. Listen to the Jack Blood podcast at

Hundreds Dead In Syrian Chemical Attack As Even Impartial Experts Allege "False Flag"

Not surprisingly the state TV and Syrian emissaries abroad promptly denied any responsibility for the attack. And, as on previous occasions, the traditional narrative of penning this wholesale murder of civilians on the ruling administration leaves much to be desired. So much so that even experts are now wondering if it wasn't merely the latest provocation attempt by the US (and Al-Qaeda) -supported rebels to push public opinion further against Assad and permit the greenlighting of an eventual military escalation.
         ***Read article at Zero Hedge***

Shaken Baby Syndrome often caused by vaccines, not parents

It is increasingly common for parents of children with one or more of the triad of symptoms associated with so-called "Shaken Baby Syndrome" (SBS) to be automatically accused of committing child abuse. But often missing from this causal equation is any investigation into the vaccinations that children diagnosed with SBS received prior to developing this very serious condition, a condition that copious scientific research has shown can, indeed, be caused by vaccines.      ***Read article at Natural News***