August 24, 2013

Jeff Rense Radio Show - 2013.08.23

Listen  Download  Hour 1 - Preston James - Space Wars Part 2

Listen  Download  Hour 2 - John Barbour  - Real People, Real John!

Listen  Download  Hour 3 - John Barbour  - Real People, Real John!

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The Realist Report with John Friend 2013.08.23

On this edition of The Realist Report, we'll be joined by Marine Corps veteran Angelo John Gage. Angelo recently made a video about White genocide that has gone viral. We will be discussing a number of different subjects relating to the White race and brainstorming effective strategies for pro-White advocates.

The Realist Report (TalkShoe)


Scott Horton 2013.08.23

First interview Andrew Cockburn

Andrew Cockburn, author of Rumsfeld: His Rise, Fall, and Catastrophic Legacy, discusses his article on “The ferocity and failure of America’s sanctions apparatus;” why US sanctions against Germany continued even after WWII was over; the decimation of Iraq’s economy due to 20 years of sanctions; how US domination of the world’s financial system prevents Iran from trading with other countries; and LBJ’s elephant-squashing-mosquito style of US foreign policy. (Duration: 30:27 — 7.0MB)

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Second interview Maj. Todd E. Pierce

Major Todd E. Pierce, a former JAG defense attorney at Guantanamo, discusses the history of martial law (or rather, rule by military decree) in the US; why the First Amendment no longer guarantees citizen oversight of government; and why the war on terror and Civil War-era precedents don’t justify the presidential powers dreamed up by Bush and Cheney’s legal counsel. (Duration: 30:41 — 7.0MB)

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Third interview Gareth Porter

Gareth Porter, an independent investigative journalist and historian, discusses his article taking issue with ProPublica journalist Sebastian Rotella’s report on the alleged 2008 Iranian bomb plot against the Israeli embassy in Azerbaijan; Gareth’s upcoming book on the web of lies about Iran’s nuclear program; and why the US government had no problem seeing the economic case for nuclear power in Iran during the Shah’s reign. (Duration: 30:41 — 7.0MB)

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No Agenda Global Radio

August 23, 2013

Vaccine Inventor & Genetic Engineer Jokes About Depopulation & Biological Warfare

Busted! U.S. Backs False Flag Chemical Attack in Syria!

LINK: U.S. 'backed plan to launch chemical weapon attack on Syria and blame it on Assad's regime'

US 'backed plan to launch chemical weapon attack on Syria, blame it on Assad govt': Report from Jan. 30, 2013

London, Jan 30 (ANI): The Obama administration gave green signal to a chemical weapons attack plan in Syria that could be blamed on President Bashar al Assad's regime and in turn, spur international military action in the devastated country, leaked documents have shown.
A new report, that contains an email exchange between two senior officials at British-based contractor Britam Defence, showed a scheme 'approved by Washington'.
As per the scheme 'Qatar would fund rebel forces in Syria to use chemical weapons,' the Daily Mail reports.

Propaganda Overdrive Suggests Syria War Coming Soon

With recent reports of a chemical weapons attack having taken place inside Syria, and with Western governments such as the United States, Britain, and France foaming at the mouth to take some type of decisive action against the embattled nation, it is important to investigate the claims being made, the individuals and organizations making such claims, and the relevant information surrounding the attacks which might contradict the narrative being force-fed to the Western public by mainstream corporate media outlets.
For instance, while the typical narrative coming from the majority of mainstream media outlets such as NPR,[1] the Wall Street Journal,[2] CNN,[3]and the New York Daily News clearly implies that Bashar al-Assad was most likely the guilty party behind the attacks, the reasons to not only question the claims in this regard but to actually believe the opposite are legion.
Indeed, in predictable fashion, the United States government is now claiming[4] that is has “strong indications” that chemical weapons have been used and that the culprit was “clearly [by] the government.” Such propaganda, of course, hearkens back to the days of “Incubator Babies” and “Weapons of Mass Destruction” in Iraq.
          ***Read article at Activist Post***

Syria: "Only Rebels Benefit from Recent Chemical Attack"

SOPA Has Returned, Time to Kill it Again
Our government is at it again, well let's snuff this one out like the rest.

Amazon Received $600 Million CIA Computer Cloud Contract: Surveillance Shopping?

It would make a good front page Washington Post story to learn a bit about the more than a half of a billion dollars that the CIA is going to pay Amazon to develop a spook computer cloud.  (For those who don't follow computer technology, "clouds" are the next stage in digital data storage.) According to the website "Quartz," "Amazon is staffing up for its $600 million cloud for spooks":

***Read article at Truth Out's BUZZ FLASH*** 

Spingola Speaks 2013.08.23

Guest: Dr. Rima E. Laibow; All About Codex Alimentarius

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Deanna's site
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Spingola Speaks .Info


David Duke Show 2013.08.23

Today: Dr. David Duke makes a call for volunteers to help with restoring the house where he wrote My Awakening as well as some basic health information and then dives into the latest "How Crazy Can You Get" story of how penis blood sucking by rabbis has now become a campaign issue in NY, America's largest city! He also talks about the latest Nixon Tapes showing once again the entrenched Jewish power over American policies in the U.S. Government. Dr. Slattery Joins the wide ranging discussion, from Jewish politics to damage done by circumcision!

David's site

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The DoomCast 04 – 2013.08.21

Week 4, and the Haters still need to take a chill Pill!
In Doomcast #4 Charlie McGrath and Doug Owen discuss the sentencing of Bradley Manning and the Syrian Chemical Weapons allegations. Those topics sparked a discussion about the future of free society and media. Who will end up controlling the talking points in the digital age?

Lavabit Shutdown, Mars Mission, Weed TV - New World Next Week
Story #1: Encrypted Email Providers Shutter Services To Protect Users From Government Snoops
Microsoft Reverses Itself on Xbox One Camera Requirement Because Of NSA Spying Revelations
Jailed Qwest CEO claimed that NSA retaliated because he wouldn't participate in spy program
NWNW Flashback: Microsoft's Kinect - Is Your Videogame Machine Watching You?
Obama Achieves What Nixon Couldn't As Bradley Manning Convicted Of Espionage
Story #2: More than 100,000 People Want To Fly To Mars In 2022 - And Never Come Back
After Six Months, Mars Food Study Researchers Emerge From Under The Dome In Alaska
Story #3: Is The CFR Pushing For Medical Marijuana?
Video: Morgan Spurlock's 'Inside Man' On Medical Marijuana
Video: Weed - A Dr. Sanjay Gupta Special

How to Boycott Big Food

The modern supermarket is less and less a place to purchase food for the household and more and more a warzone where shoppers have to negotiate a minefield of toxic chemicals and additives. From processed foods with their string of unpronounceable ingredients to the "fresh fruits and vegetables" saturated in pesticides to meat and dairy products from industrial farms where animals are raised on a diet of growth hormones and animal waste to the ever-present and ever-growing danger of GMO contamination of nearly everything, feeding healthy, nourishing food to your family is quickly becoming difficult, if not impossible, through the industrial food system.

Resonance Beings of Frequency (Full Documentary)

Zero Point : Volume I - Messages From The Past - FULL MOVIE

The International Jew Study Hour 8/22/2013

Dr. Levy, a Jew, Admits His People’s Error – Episode 61

Employers dropping coverage for thousands of spouses over ObamaCare costs

Republican lawmakers are raising new concerns about ObamaCare after several large employers announced they are dropping health coverage for some employee spouses due to rising costs under the new law.
Both the University of Virginia and UPS told their employees recently they are no longer offering spousal coverage to those able to obtain insurance elsewhere; meaning thousands of Americans will no longer be able to choose the benefits they prefer.
UVA said Wednesday this is only one of many “major changes” coming to their health plans as a result of ObamaCare. The university says the changes are necessary because the law is projected to add $7.3 million to the cost of the university’s health plan in 2014 alone.
          ***Read article at Fox News***

‘Chemical Weapons’ media propaganda in US, UK is designed to hide the truth in Syria

Yesterday’s report of an alleged ‘chemical weapon’ attack near Damascus has prompted the US and UK media machines to spin into overdrive in the push for a military intervention and regime change in Syria. Washington’s official response is predictable by now: “The White House is ‘deeply concerned’ about reports that chemical weapons were used by Syria’s government against civilians”.

In the UK, the mainstream media has put on a full-court press, clearly delivering a guilty verdict even before any claims can be independently verified, a coordinated trial-by-media which looks to be designed to coax a majority public support for either a direct supply of arms to the confab of ‘rebel’ insurgencies in Syria. Pre-Iraq War talking points have been dusted off by the UK press and others, as the PR war begins for the hearts and minds of voters begins. It is alleged that hundreds have been killed by this latest ‘gas attack’ which is being compared by the UK media to Iraq where thousands of Kurds were gassed by Saddam Hussein in Halabja in 1988.
          ***Read article at 21st Century Wire***