September 27, 2013

More Americans tune out lies of mainstream US media: Stephen Lendman

Rouhani's speech, perfectly appropriate: Mark Glenn
Press TV has conducted an interview with Mark Glenn, political commentator, about Iranian President Hassan Rouhani censuring Western countries for imposing "unjust sanctions on other countries."

The Doomcast 09 - 2013.09.26

The DoomCast Cometh...Late again!
As Obama plays fiddle, the New Financial World Order is being forged though economic terrorism and resource wars. In DoomCast 9, we talk about the UN Arms Treaty, Obama Care, Gun Control, JP Morgan, Jamie Dimon, Prior Knowledge in the Kenyan Mall Attack, Syria and tie in some current events.

Scott Horton 2013.09.26

First interview Philip Giraldi

Former CIA officer Philip Giraldi discusses why the mainstream media won’t cover the NSA’s habit of passing raw intelligence on Americans to Israel; a cost-benefit analysis of the US-Israel “special relationship;” the few barriers to making a deal on Iran’s nuclear program; and why Rand Paul is just an empty suit. (Duration: 28:38 — 13.1MB)
Note: This is a good one

32k Download

Second interview John Glaser

John Glaser, a writer for and The Huffington Post, discusses why Obama shouldn’t delay making a deal with Iran; the US’s clear support for Al Qaeda in Syria – no matter how much John Kerry claims otherwise; John McCain’s brain-damaged lunacy; Israel’s latest house-demolishing war crimes in the occupied territories; and why no Israel-Palestine peace talks can end illegal Jewish settlements or find a two-state solution. (Duration: 30:01 — 13.7MB)

32k Download

No Agenda Global Radio

September 26, 2013

US state department issues global threat warning

Could Daryl Bradford Smith be right about this? Just asking...
25 September 2013 Last updated at 17:12 ET
The US state department has issued a worldwide warning of "terrorist actions and violence" against Americans by al-Qaeda and other militant groups.
The department cautioned US citizens around the world to "maintain a high level of vigilance".
It warned al-Qaeda and other groups could be planning attacks against US interests.
The broad warning cautions militants could strike at sporting events, offices, hotels, and many other places.

These attacks may include suicide operations, assassinations, kidnappings, hijackings and bombings, the state department warned.


Decades of Deception
The historical fact of conspiracy as policy. Wars, Coups, False Flags, illegal drugs, guns, and even Nuclear technology spread through deception led by governments.

US Wants to Bully UN into Overthrowing Assad
Addressing the UN General Assembly, Barack Obama stressed that President Assad staying as head of the Syrian state is not an option, saying it would create violent space for extremists to operate.

The Debate - Iran-US diplomacy
Since the victory of Iran's Islamic Revolution, relations with the US have been non-existent. In his UN General Assembly speech, US President Barack Obama acknowledged the US has a history of interfering in Iranian affairs and that the path to building trust is a difficult one. Iran says it's open to full relations with all world nations as long as those relations are based on mutual respect and recognition of Iranian rights.
Is Washington going to change its attitude towards Tehran?
Will President Hassan's Rowhani's new government usher in a new era of relations with the US?
Ken O'Keefe in Tehran - "Iran is not the threat, we are."

Radio Albion. Alex from National Action 2013.09.26

Paul is joined by Alex from National Action.

Birmingham Nationalist


Twilight over England by William Joyce - Chapter 5.Radio Albion - 2013.09.26


• Charlie and his Orchestra (also referred to as the "Templin band" and "Bruno and His Swinging Tigers") were a Nazi-sponsored German propaganda swing band. Jazz music styles were seen by Nazi authorities as rebellious but ironically, propaganda minister Joseph Goebbels conceived of using the style in shortwave radio broadcasts aimed at the United States and (particularly) the United Kingdom.

Chapter V: Finance

• The Rothschild banking family control supply and demand of goods and services. This keeps unemployment high and wages low.

• The masses of working class have no idea that Jews and their helpers are manipulating prices and markets to make ever more profits.

• National Socialist Germany in comparison have almost zero unemployment and the economy is run for the benefit of the people, Jewish bankers have been kicked out!

• The fear of a Europe free of Jewish financial domination makes WW2 a sad inevitable fact.

William Joyce Twilight over England 1940 (pdf)

Charlie_and_his_Orchestra Wiki

Birmingham Nationalist
Original Post


David Duke Show 2013.09.26

Today: Dr. David Duke hosts a show which lays out the fundamental principles of human rights, then he is joined by Adrian Salbubchi who shares with the audience real insight to the views of Russia's Putin, views that are extremely powerful and pertinent in the modern world. Salbuchi explains why Putin is almost the sole voice of Reason in the Western World. Then Dr. Slattey joins the group and fine discussion of media, values, drugs and degeneration takes place that will fascinate you.

David's site

64k CF Download

Jeff Rense Radio Show - 2013.09.25

Listen  Download  Hour 1 - Tim Rifat - Coming Race Wars...Anytime 'They' Want Them

Listen  Download  Hour 2 - David Oates - Reverse Speech Newsmakers

Listen  Download  Hour 3 - Joel Skousen - World Affairs Brief

56k CF
Rense' site

Spingola Speaks 2013.09.26

Guest:Clint Richardson, Producer of The Corporate Nation, Reality Blog; talks about a huge scandal - don't miss this program! 

News Page
Deanna's site
Official chat room
Spingola Speaks .Info


The Debate - Al-Qaeda, FSA turning guns on each other
Al-Qaeda-linked fighters and the Free Syrian Army in Syria have turned their guns on each other, in what has effectively become a war within a war, which may be why Syrian President Bashar al-Assad has said his country is not in a civil war but it has been attacked by foreign-backed militant groups affiliated with Al-Qaeda.

(2013) 9/11 Actor Exposed - Fake Witness Live on TV
"Witness Mark Walsh" = actor Mark Humphrey.
Known throughout the 9/11 Truth Movement as "Harley Guy", here is the entire interview from FOX News who identifies the man as Mark Walsh, a Fox freelancer. He describes what would eventually become the official story of how the World Trade Center collapsed. This interview occured roughly around 11:55 the morning of 9/11, only an hour and a half after both towers had collapsed.

A real 9/11 witness

Fox News 9-11 Israel-Mossad Banned News Report

FBI to Make Announcement on Tylenol Murders
Just over 30 years ago, 7 people died after ingesting cyanide lasted capsules from within Tylenol Bottles manufactured by Johnson and Johnson.
The narrative put forth by the FBI and Johnson and Johnson through the news media at the time was described as a lone madman traveled from store to store placing the cyanide in the bottles.
But is that what really happened? For the last 2 years, I have been reporting on the investigation and research of Scott Bartz. Bartz is a former Johnson and Johnson employee who claims that the narrative put forth by his employer and the FBI is entirely FALSE.

AFP Radio Network 9/23/2013

Mark Anderson comes to you on his Beyond Exposure show from Mackinac Island, Michigan in the wake of a major Republican annual conference where, this year, U.S. Sen. Rand Paul may have taken the first steps to test the waters for a 2016 presidential run.
Will he follow exactly in his father Ron Paul's footsteps on key monetary and especially foreign policy issues? Will Rand make the leap and actually run for president while still being a relative newcomer in the Senate? What do GOP pols at the conference think of his prospects in a party often dominated from the top down while rolling out cookie-cutter candidates like Jeb Bush and perhaps Chris Christie? How does Rand differ from his father?  Show-page 


Max French's The Victory Hour 9/22/2013

Join Max and his guest for a timely Geo-political discussion.


9/11:Israel did it



About Giuliani's Show

So my ISP as been flaky lately and if I'm in the middle of a recording when this happens, then you wont get the Giuliani file as expected. Forget about the archives over there at WARN
because it takes them days to upload the files in question.

I created batch files to record automatically some of the shows but I'm still a slave to the ISP.

I've asked Foon to record it when it fails on my end but he wont be able to do it everyday so I'm looking for a good samaritan that would do it every day just in case the shit hits the fan on my end.

If you think that you can back me up on this, I'd really appreciate it. Just PM me on Chatango and let me know.


P.S. This is why today's show wasn't posted.