October 02, 2013

How to Kill Goyim and Influence People: Life and Loathing in Greater Israel

They *really* don't like Goyim!
The following is an excerpt from Goliath: Life and Loathing in Greater Israel by Max Blumenthal (Nation Books, 2013).

On another dry, sunny day in Jerusalem during the summer of 2010, I weaved through the crowds of tourists, baby-faced soldiers, and packs of Orthodox settlers milling around on Ben Yehuda Pedestrian Mall, and headed toward Pomeranz, a Jewish book emporium on Be’eri Street, a busy road a few blocks away.
As soon as I was inside the shop, a short, mild-mannered man greeted me in American-accented English. He was the owner, Michael Pomeranz, a former undercover narcotics agent and firefighter from New Jersey who had experienced a religious awakening and immigrated to Israel. 
When I inquired about the availability of a widely discussed book called Torat Ha’Melech, or the King’s Torah, a commotion immediately ensued.
“Are you sure you want it?” Pomeranz, asked me half-jokingly. A middle-aged coworker chortled from behind a shelf. “The Shabak [Israel’s internal security service] is going to want a word with you if you do,” he warned. When a few customers stopped browsing and began to stare in my direction, Pomeranz pointed to a security camera affixed to a wall. “See that?” he said. “It goes straight to the Shabak! [Shin Bet]”     (alternet)


TheCommonSenseShow.com. We discuss the multiple possible false flag scenarios and near-term government exercises taking shape, including the Grid Ex exercise which will simulate the implosion of the US electrical grid. "The DHS and FEMA have at least 8 drills planned between now and November," Dave says.,"I don't think we're going to wait long to see some dramatic shifts in our country.

The People Speak with Rock Cash 2013.10.01

Guest:  Cynthia McKinney and Ramsey Clarck talk about their trip to Syria, domestic politics and middle eastern politics too.

BBS Radio 2

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Israel ready to tackle Iran 'alone'

Israel’s History of Chemical Weapons Use

The UN chemical weapons inspectors, who went to Syria to investigate the use of chemical weapons, should have stopped on their way at Occupied Palestine (Israel), where Israeli government has the largest stockpile of chemical and other WMD in the entire Middle East. They would have found a lot of evidence and witness accounts of Israeli use of chemical, as well as biological and nuclear, weapons against the Palestinians and their Arab neighbors. The attacks started in May 1948 and are still going on in one form or another.
Knip revealed that the plane was carrying a shipment from Sokatronic Chemicals of Morrisville, Pennsylvania to IIBR, under the US Department of Commerce license, in violation of the Chemical Weapons Convention (CWC). Among the shipment there were 50 gallons of DMMP; a substance used to make a quarter ton of the deadly nerve gas Sarin, 20 times as lethal as cyanide. He discovered that at least 140 biological weapon scientists from the IIBR have strong links with Walter Reed Army Institute, the Uniformed Services University, the American Chemical and Biological Weapons Center in Edgewood and the University of Utah. He also discovered close cooperation between IIBR and the British-American biological weapons programme, as well as extensive collaboration on biological weapon research with Germany and Holland, which explains the reason for the Dutch officials keeping silence over the crash over Amsterdam.
The numbers and details of the Israeli chemical and biological attacks against Palestinians are many and require large volumes to document.
***Read article at Global Research***

Jeff Rense Radio Show - 2013.10.01

Listen  Download  Hour 1 - George Filer - MUFON UFO Report

Listen  Download  Hour 2 - Mark Baird - NoCal, SoOR Move To Create The State Of Jefferson

Listen  Download  Hour 3 - Larry Nichols - Clinton Insider Revelations

56k CF
Rense' site

Scott Horton 2013.10.01

Ann Jones

Ann Jones, author of They Were Soldiers: How the Wounded Return from America’s Wars, discusses the ongoing yet already-forgotten war in Afghanistan; a history of US intervention in Afghanistan since the 1950s; repeating the mistakes of Soviet occupation; and the factions jockeying for power in anticipation of President Hamid Karzai’s departure from office. (Duration: 31:25 — 14.4MB)

32k Download

No Agenda Global Radio
Scott Horton.org

Flying Wild with Kyle 2013.10.01

Kyle gets on the air to “wing it” and take your calls. Topics include: spirituality, high art, ancient Egypt, Aryan views on death, the possibility of reincarnation, leading a meaningful life, mythological manifestations, and more.

Renegade Archive
Renegade Broadcasting
National Protectionism

October 01, 2013

The Last Days of The Big Lie (full)

Posted before, posted again. Spread it around!

The "Holocaust" as a PSYOP by John Friend

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

I've often said that the lies associated with WWII, Adolf Hitler's National Socialist Germany, and the fake Jewish "Holocaust" form the historical paradigm in which the vast majority of Americans, and indeed much of the world's population, collectively view the history of the 20th century. Alternatively, the lies associated with the events of September 11th, 2001 form the modern political paradigm in which the vast majority of Americans, and indeed much of the global population, collectively view the beginning of this young century. The official narratives of both WWII and September 11th, 2001 are demonstrably false on virtually all key aspects. In fact, the official narratives of these events are essentially the exact opposite of reality.

Neil Cavuto Destroys Obama Over Blatant ObamaCare Lies


Syrian Crisis Exposes Israeli Lobby; Israel Allied with Al Qaeda in Syria

Although Syria’s weapons of mass destruction—chemical weapons, in this instance—are now the focus of global media attention, what is largely suppressed in the mainstream media is the “back story” as to why Syria even has chemical weapons in the first place.
Nonetheless, many people are still concerned that an angry Israeli leader, Benjamin Netanyahu, may engage in some covert measure such as a“false flag” terrorist attack on America—to be blamed on Syria or Iran or groups friendly to Syria and Iran—designed to redirect American public opinion. >The bottom line is that recent events have brought into widespread attention the fact that the Jewish lobby in America stands in opposition to the vast majority of the American people who are saying: “No more U.S. intervention in the Middle East.” And many are beginning to see that those interventions have, in fact, been on behalf of Israel—not America.
***Read article at American Free Press*** 

Spingola Speaks 2013.10.01

Guest: Thomas Goodrich, author of many books including The Darkest Dawn: Lincoln, Booth, and the Great American Tragedy

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Deanna's site
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Spingola Speaks .Info


David Duke Show 2013.10.01

Today: Dr. Duke begins an amazing discussion of his vision of a new ethnic for Europeans and for all Mankind, that every people has the right to be free and independent, has the right to preserve their unique expression of humanity, their own culture, values, heritage, aesthetic beauty and traditions. That no people or nation has the right to exploit or suppress any other nation. He points out that if European people are to survive they must understand that these principles are fundamentally correct, but also must be embedded in our political movements as they are absolutely crucial to winning the hearts and minds of people who find concepts of fairness and justice imperative. Then Dr. Slattery joins and talks agout genes, evolution, eugenics and the future of European people and all of humanity.

David's site

64k CF Download

Man Faces Prison Time for Barking at Police Dog

26 year old James Paul Andrews has been charged with “inciting chaos” at a checkpoint in Cranberry Township, Pennsylvania by “barking, hissing and growling” at a K-9 named, well, Chaos

Read more here

You can't make this shit up  LOL!

Jeff Rense Radio Show - 2013.09.30

Listen  Download  Hour 1 - Richard Ostrow - What to do when your Carnivora is out of date. Buy a new bottle you dumbass.

Listen  Download  Hour 2 - Peter Davenport I see UFO's everywhere but don't think it's Tesla technology. Fuckin greys are after me: " Oh fuck! Now I'm being probed."

Listen  Download  Hour 3 - Michael Collins - It's the end of the world - From Hong Kong - Yoichi Shimatsu - It's the end of the world too.

56k CF
Rense' site

The Heretics' Hour 2013.09.30

 The Jewish Self-Protection Racket

Everywhere in our societies today, we see that Jews are on the attack against us but, at the same time, have built a wall of protection around themselves in the form of “the Jewish narrative.” Prime in this narrative since 1945 is “The Holocaust.” Prior to the holohoax,  simple “antisemitism” had to suffice.  Included in this program:
  • Our job is to expose that Jews act only in their own interests, never in “humanity’s interest,” and that the fraudulent holohoax should not protect them;
  • City leaders in Koblenz, Germany refuse unreasonable demands  from their “Jewish community” saying they are no longer under any obligation to them;
  • Wall Street equals Jews and we are conditioned to be afraid of a stock  market crash — thus huge amounts of money are spent to avoid it;
  • Carolyn recommends a big revisionist event on Jan. 27, 2014, on International Holocaust Remembrance Day, to counter the commemoration at Auschwitz;
  • “Holocaust Historian” Wendy Lower’s new book about evil women in the Third Reich, Hitler’s Furies, is a companion book to Daniel Goldhagen’s Hitler’s Willing Executioners;
  • Most of Lower’s book, reviewed in the Daily Mail, appears to be taken from non-credible camp and ghetto “survivors” tales.
Image: Another book churned out by the “Holocaust Industry,” which uses  Ph.D’s to give an aura of academic reliability, but in truth is based on hearsay that wasn’t even allowed in court proceedings.

The White Network
Original Post
Carolyn' site

32k Download

September 30, 2013

Blacklisted Radio Podcast - 2013.09.28.

This weeks podcast Is fairly late, and runs short. I take a quick look at a few of the stories lines and popular articles from BlacklistedNews.com. Then I rush off to continue empire-building!

The Blitzkrieg Broadcast with Kyle Hunt 2013.09.30

Rise of The White Rabbits

Horus the Avenger from White Rabbit Radio joins Kyle to discuss ways to combat anti-whites using psychological warfare, practical politics, and propaganda. Topics include: metaphorical rabbits, the mantra, internet activism, anti-white terrorism, the importance of sound, and more.

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National Protectionism


Scott Horton 2013.09.30

First interview M.J. Rosenberg

M.J. Rosenberg, Special Correspondent for The Washington Spectator, discusses AIPAC’s attempt to stop Obama from making a deal with Iran; the Democratic Party’s heavy reliance on pro-Israel contributors; Israel’s tone-deaf public relations strategies; why Republicans are too distracted to thwart an Iran deal; and the recently revealed evidence that Nixon and Kissinger aided genocide in Pakistan/Bangladesh. (Duration: 30:36 — 14.0MB)

32k Download

Second interview Marcy Wheeler

Blogger Marcy Wheeler discusses the New York Times article verifying the claims of NSA whistleblower William Binney; how the NSA achieved Total Information Awareness through multi-sourced metadata; the tightly-woven webs of information that get ordinary Americans caught up in foreign intelligence investigations; why the NSA can’t or won’t tell Senator Ron Wyden how many Americans have been spied on; and the good and bad aspects of Obamacare. (Duration: 31:31 — 14.4MB)

32k Download

Third interview Alan Butler

Alan Butler, host of the talk radio show Butler on Business, discusses the debt ceiling debate circus in Congress; the cruelty of the inflation tax; why the real unemployment rate isn’t represented by official BLS numbers; evidence that the economy continues to get worse despite talk of recovery; and why GDP isn’t a good measure of a nation’s economic health. (Duration: 30:15 — 13.8MB)

No Agenda Global Radio
Scott Horton.org