Alex Jones, AKA Captain Blowhard, wants to make you think it's some shadowy conspiracy known as 'globalists' that are wrecking havoc with our nation.
And there is an even bigger band of well-organized professional tricksters trying 24/7 to pull the wool over your eyes.
Mikey' Rivero says it's the 'money junkies' that a rea threat to humanity, which is another lie. A lie hiding the truth very skillfully.
And no, Henry Makow, it's not the 'Illuminati,' though he likes to poison your mind with tall tales of the Illuminati doing the world in thru an ages old conspiracy.
And no, Texxe Marrs, it's not 33rd degree Masons, hiding behind secret handshakes.
And no, Dublin Mick, it's not the Vatican running rampant thru the world's financial system. Most of the time they're tied up, so to speak, covering up a world-wide pedophilia racket.
And no, CNN, FOX, MSNBC, CBS, NBC, ABC, etc. it's not radical Islamists, Muslim 'fundies' or American 'lone wolves.'
And no, 'Barry Sotero,' the Pentagon and State Department, it's not al Qaeda, but it is part of 'al CIA Duh.'
It's the JEWS baby, it's the JEWS.