February 17, 2014

Spingola Speaks 2014.02.17

Guest: Dennis Wise, the producer of Adolph Hitler: The Greatest Story NEVER Told!

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Deanna's site
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Spingola Speaks .Info


How Political Correctness Works (The Asch Experiment)

Witness at IRS Hearing: ‘I Will Not Retreat; I Will Not Surrender’

King Street Patriots founder Catherine Engelbrecht, one of many conservatives who claim they were unfairly targeted by the IRS when applying for tax-exempt status, told Congress Thursday that she is “more determined ever than before to stand before you and to all of America and say that I will not retreat.”

“Know this,” she said, “my experiences at the hands of this government in the last five years have made me more determined ever than before to stand before you and to all of America and say that I will not retreat. I will not surrender. I will not be intimidated, and I will not ask for permission to exercise my constitutional rights.”

Read more here

Truth Hertz with Charles Giuliani 2014.02.17

Alternative History part 2. (Ancient Mysteries)

Oracle archive

32k CF Download

Glyphosate, Birth Defects in WA State, and Stupid People

The Insurgent Radio 2.13.2014

TT is back from vacationing somewhere. He sounds well refreshed and ready to whoop some ass.


Da Dik Dik Show 2.16.2014

Wondering what is going on in the White Nationalist and/or Christian Identity Movements? This is where to find out. Uncensored and frank analysis. Explicit language.Hosted by: DickReltney


No Agenda - NA592 - "Taser Taser Taser!" - 2014.02.16

PR; TODAY; In NGO's We Trust; Bullying; ; AFRIKA; SnowJob; F-Russia; Agenda 21; Vaccine$;  Ukraine; Obama Nation; RC Is A Shill; Turkey; North Korea; Out There; Hillary 2016; BTC; NA-Tech; 2030; Elite$

Shilly Shallying Sunday Show


Futurist Podcast February 2014

Note: This is Brianoblivion/Diceman's third podcast

Some perspective from a Mami's Shit visitor just like you.

Topics discussed:

 - Schapelle Corby
- General Search Warrants
- Agenda 21
- Truth Hertz Radio with Charles Giuliani

Show notes

The Expendable Project
Search Warrants
Mike Sledge's speech excerpted from Renegades in America Part 3
Truth Hertz Archive on Oracle
Above picture in HD 


February 16, 2014

Exposing what lies beneath the bodies of dead bankers and what lies ahead for us

If the bodies were dots on a piece of paper, connecting them results in a sinister picture being drawn that involves global criminal activity in the financial world the likes of which is almost without precedent. It should serve as a warning that we are at the precipice of something so big, it will shake the financial world as we know it to its core. It seems to illustrate the complicity of big banks and governments, the intelligence community, and the media.
Although the trail of mysterious and bizarre deaths detailed below begin in late January, 2014, there are others. Not only that, there will be more, according to sources within the financial world. Based on my findings, these are not mere random, tragic cases of suicide, but of the methodical silencing of individuals who had the ability to expose financial fraud at the highest levels, and the complicity of certain governmental agencies and individuals who are engaged in the greatest theft of wealth the world has ever seen.
***Read article at CANADA FREE PRESS***

Voice of Albion 2014.02.16

John Tyndall after being assaulted by a Red Mob. David
Copeland is in the background. The photographer
conveniently captured them both in the same frame -
just months before the bomb attacks
The Eleventh Hour

The Eleventh Hour – Chapter 18 Britain and the world

• France was only prevented from bringing greater force to bear against us across the Atlantic (during the American war of Independence) by her heavy military commitments in Europe, such as the War of Spanish Succession (1704 – 1714) and the Severn years war (1756 – 1763)

• In 1834 the Zollverein or customs Union came into existence – only Austria and the German Northwest Coast land remained aloof

• That Germany might covet British possessions in Africa was not inconceivable but it certainly was not probable; with potential enemies enough, it was hardly likely that she should wish to add to these what was then the greatest Empire in the world

The Washington Conference 1922

Sir Oswold Mosley was the only prominent British political figure who vocally opposed declaring war on Germany
Each of you, Jew and Gentile alike, who has not already enlisted in this sacred war (against Hitler’s Germany) should do so now and here
Samuel Untermeyer (elected President of the World Jewish Economic Federation) Text printed in New York Times August 7th 1933

• Behind the facade of Western – Soviet ‘enmity’ there was all along, Western – Soviet collaboration

The White Network
Original Post
Paul Hickman' site

32k Download

Saturday Afternoon with Carolyn Yeager 2/15/2014

Conversation with Margaret Huffstickler about Lies and Those Who Tell Them

Scrutinizing Israel's role in 2001 anthrax attacks

Israel’s enemies were being portrayed as America’s enemies too. Together, said the Zionists, Israel and America can defeat “the forces of darkness.” Israel’s crude campaign of innuendo and Orwellian projection manifested within a few hours of the 9/11 attacks. Israeli politicians Ariel Sharon, Benjamin Netanyahu, Ehud Barak and Shimon Peres all made public statements calling on the US and other Western powers to initiate a global “war on terrorism,” a term coined by Likudniks in the 1980s.
Israel’s army intelligence service Aman and the former Mossad chief Rafi Eitan trumpeted brazen disinformation shortly following 9/11, alleging Iraqi involvement in the attacks. In August of 2001 the Mossad delivered a propagandistic “warning” to the CIA alleging al-Qaeda and Iraq were working together and were plotting terror attacks on major US landmarks.  The neoconservatives, who are for all intents and purposes emissaries of the Israeli regime in the US, went straight to work in the op-ed pages of the Washington Post, the New York Times and other Zionist-controlled media outlets, attempting to portray Arabs and Muslims generally as the sponsors of 9/11 and the source of all terrorism in the world.
The same pattern of Zionist deception is apparent with the anthrax attacks. Israel’s partisans immediately mobilized a propaganda initiative to link Iraq and al-Qaeda to the anthrax mailings.
***Read article here***

EPA's Wood-Burning Stove Ban Has Chilling Consequences For Many Rural People

It seems that even wood isn’t green or renewable enough anymore.  The EPA has recently banned the production and sale of 80 percent of America’s current wood-burning stoves, the oldest heating method known to mankind and mainstay of rural homes and many of our nation’s poorest residents. The agency’s stringent one-size-fits-all rules apply equally to heavily air-polluted cities and far cleaner plus typically colder off-grid wilderness areas such as large regions of Alaska and the American West.

Read more here

Dieudonné, Face to Face (english subtitles)

*Don’t Laugh! It’s “Anti-Semitic”!
*"Anti-semitic, its a trick we always use it"
*Dieudonné - Palestine (english subtitles)
*Dieudonné, SHOAH NANAS (Holocaust Pineapples) (english subtitle)
*More information here
*Bonus link

Saudis Agree to Provide Gunmen in Syria with Mobile Antiaircraft Missiles

*Saudi Arabia: The Terrorist Middle Man for Jew controlled Western Intelligence
*The New Axis of Evil: Saudi Arabia and Israel
*Why would AIPAC protect Saudis from 9/11 probe?

Great Lakes Ice Cover is Largest We've Seen


Rabbi Brought Young Boy To Hotel For Sex


To Catch a Speeding Cop


Blacklisted Radio - 2014.02.14

Blacklisted News Radio is hosted by Doug Owen.


In this episode I discuss Group Think and how it facilitates genocide, TV, Planned Parent Hood and Bill Gates use Valentines Day to push abortions and Common Core. Also, their are show updates and plenty of observations from the edge!