Max Blumenthal, author of Goliath: Life and Loathing in Greater Israel,
discusses how the Israeli government purposefully withheld information
about the three dead Israeli teenagers in order to whip the public into a
frenzy and turn what should have been a limited police action into a
military reprisal against Hamas.
David Duke has a special forth of July show that is so amazing, so powerful and and moving that many people will listen to it again and again. He talks about the principles of Independence and Freedom that a cornerstone human rights for Americans and European peoples elsewhere but are fundamental, timeless principles that are essential for every people and every government on earth. The simple but basic idea that every people have the right to have a government that cherishes their own people and serves the interests of their own people and not some alien element or foreign power. That the ultimate reason for any government is the welfare and well being of its own people, and then when a government violates that ultimate human right it is the fundamental right of people to rise and up and restore that freedom and independence. Dr. Slattery also offers prescient commentary. Wonderful, show honoring the 4th of July! Share, savor, listen to and learn from this powerful show.
Laodicean Nation—America is Still Fabulously Wealthy, But Evil Grows Exponentially Within
A Special Report by Texe Marrs. In the book of Revelation,
Jesus warns the Church of Laodicea that it thinks itself rich but it is
spiritually poverty-stricken, being neither cold nor hot. God warns
that unless Laodicea repents, He will “spew them out of his mouth.” Now
Texe examines America, a super-rich colossus that has disgracefully
forgotten God and is growing more evil every hour. Will God soon spew us
from his mouth?
*The "Half-Jew": A legal fiction invented by Hitler to confer protection upon the Military Jews he valued within the Wehrmacht Army and Nazi-Party. As i have repeatedly said for years to anyone with half a brain.:There was *NO* "Racial Purity" in Germany. Jews surrounded Hitler in the top echelons of both the military and political structures. It was all just another Elite-Jew-Pig Puppet show for the masses.*
"Contrary to conventional views, Rigg reveals that a startlingly large number of German military men were classified by the Nazis as Jews or "partial-Jews" (Mischlinge), in the wake of racial laws first enacted in the mid-1930s. Rigg demonstrates that the actual number was much higher than previously thought--perhaps as many as 150,000 men, including decorated veterans and high-ranking officers, even generals and admirals."
*Translation: " Hey Britain! I have "Deeply injured and wounded" the Jews that run Hollywood! I am coming home to work in British Soaps, as i'll never work in *this* town again!"
When the United States invaded and occupied Iraq, the formerly
secular country was destabilized. The United States and the Department
of Defense intentionally created and agitated sectarian divisions that
would not have otherwise existed. The result of this is what we see
today, and Iraqi civilians are paying for it.
Iraqis have been paying with their lives for this war since March
2003. After 10 years of US occupation they were left with little relief.
Their economic infrastructure was destroyed and new work to repair it
has been awarded to US corporations and contractors, instead of to
Iraqis. Iraqi labor unions face frequent retaliation, and an entire
generation of children has been born with severe birth defects in places
like Hawija. No one has been held to account. No effort has been made
to clean the waste left behind.
When it comes to arming "freedom fighters" the US has a tendency to
act as a fair-weather friend; today's freedom fighter becomes tomorrow's
terrorist and justification to pursue an illegal invasion. Instead of
creating more chaos, we should be solving the problems that already
exist. Instead of installing another puppet president, the United States
should be cleaning up environmental contamination, investigating
allegations of torture, and allowing democracy to blossom in both
government and labor, without US intervention. ***Read full article here*** *Iraq Veterans Against the War (IVAW) blog
USDA certified organic foods may be corrupted by genetically modified
organisms. This presentation reveals the federal statutes that actually
allow for this to happen, by way of "careless" verbiage.
British actor Gary Oldman, who has starred in dozens of
blockbuster Hollywood films including Air Force One, Harry Potter and
the Dark Knight series, was recently taken to task for comments he made
in the latest issue of Playboy magazine.
In the Playboy interview,
the 56-year-old film star vented his dislike of political correctness
in all its forms. Oldman voiced his disapproval of what happened to Mel
Gibson after the notorious “anti-Semitic rant” in 2006. Casually
defending Gibson, Oldman said: “Mel Gibson is in a town that’s run by
Jews and he said the wrong thing because he’s actually bitten the hand
that I guess has fed him. But some Jewish guy in his office somewhere
hasn’t turned and said, ‘That f—–g kraut’ or ‘F— those Germans,’
whatever it is?”
“It’s the hypocrisy of it that drives me crazy,” Oldman declared. The Zionist Anti-Defamation League and their mouthpieces in
the mass media verbally assailed Oldman for this lone remark about
Jewish control of the movie business and what he sees as the hypocrisy
of the Jewish establishment who have expressed clear prejudices against
Germans while policing every little negative remark about Jews in the
public sphere. ***Read full story here*** *Who Controls Hollywood? *WHO CONTROLS AMERICA?
Following the increase in cases of autism and other immune disorders
among some particularly vulnerable people, several recognized
specialists are questioning the safety of large-scale vaccination.
Despite the serious side effects, pharmaceutical companies, the medical
profession and government authorities continue to bury their heads in
the sand, refusing to see a serious problem. In Quebec, the United
States and France, as in most industrialized countries, victims are
almost without recourse despite the high toxicity of substances such as
mercury and aluminum contained in vaccines. With this hard-hitting
documentary, Lina B. Moreco highlights a very worrying public health
Kevin McHugh is a British Nationalist who joined John Tyndall’s BNP
in the mid 1980′s. He has stood at the local and parliamentary level on
several occasions.
Paul Hickman (a Pagan) and Kevin McHugh (a Catholic) discuss Bishop Richard Williamson and ‘Vatican II’.
• Kevin’s time in Switzerland training to be a Catholic Priest
• Kevin meets Richard Wiliamson before he was Ordained a Bishop
• Bishop Marcel Lefebvre Ordains Williamson
• Society of St Pius X expels Bishop Williamson for disobedience
• The 2nd Vatican Council – a break from tradition and the Latin Mass
• Bishop Williamson denies the Holocaust on Swedish TV and refuses to recant
• Bishop Richard Williamson legal battles
On tonight’s show I will be interviewing Kevin Sommers from The Glaciers March, and The Renegade Tribune. We discuss his medical history, personal awakening, spirituality, and Pagan concepts. For more information on Kevin’s story: Who is Kevin Sommers
-Patrick tells us how he was first introduced to Andrew and his work
-Some of the good things about the U.S.; everyone in the world still want to be here, so it can’t be all bad
-Our founders intended for free people with issuance of their own money
-The Declaration of Independence is more than just a dusty document
-Andrew explains ‘common law’
-There is no money as it relates to the Constitution, there is no jury trial as it relates to the Constitution; how have we gotten here?
-How with the ‘war on drugs’ we’ve given away all of our rights
-We listen to the Declaration of Independence read by celebrities
-How was The Revolutionary War financed?
-A word about freedom of speech
-The First Bank of North America in 1792 was a private bank – Why on Earth would the Colonists borrow printed money rather than print it themselves?
-Andrew makes a case against buying bonds
-Deep explanation from Andy on what the “Bond Bubble” is all about
-China cooking the books on gold backed loans
-Don’t Cry for me Argentina – Defaulting on bonds – again
-Listener asks about Donald Trumph’s assertion that “Country is in financial ruin…”
-China buying 1 Chase Plaza from JP Morgan at bargain basement prices. Why such a deal?
-Hear Andy’s stock holdings portfolio