CrawdadMiami: Print me one of these please! |
The eyes of the world are on the innovation of 3D printing. Naturally, whenever a new technology is created that offers open-source DIY opportunities to the average individual, it is going to make governments and their protected corporate interests very nervous.
Such is the case with 3D weapons manufacturing. Defense Distributed has led the way with their innovations, sparking others to provide their own offerings. Their progress, as well as their subsequent hindering by the US Department of Defense Trade Controls, has been documented by a series of video updates below. The latest developments include a 500-round test of the world's first 3D-printed metal gun, as well as the latest addition of a 3D printed semi-automatic pistol modeled after a Ruger 10/22 rifle. As the first video states: "If you take my gun, I'll just print another one."