December 18, 2014

The Real World of Money with Andrew Gause 2014.12.17

Russian Currency Wars : The Stuff Spy Thrillers Are Made Of

-Andy goes into fascinating detail on the Ruble, Russia, Currency Wars, Oil, Ukraine and The Boys playing tough in each others sand box.
-The Blogasphere is awash in sensationalized stories of Countries dissatisfied with the dollar – monetary history suggests this is nothing new.
-The Civil War – Free the people and enslave the money
-Texas listener is saving for an RV – Andy suggests, buy it now
-Since 2008 banks are allowed to credit their paper “assets” at what they think they are worth, not what the market says they are worth
-Five strange items in the just signed spending bill
-ISIS is the only entity using real money on the Planet
-What would the effect be of Russia selling all their Treasury debt?
-The best way to purchase silver in Canada is…
-The excrement is going to hit the fan next year and it’s going to be ugly
-Listener asks, “What if I spend 500K on coins now and we get a deflationary depression?
-And what would Andy buy if $500K landed on his desk tomorrow?
-Many questions on the possibilities regarding bail in’s and Andy answers them all
-Should one buy a home now, or save some and wait?

The Real World of Money Archive 
Andy's site


Louisiana restaurant becomes a hit after offering gun owners a discount

"As long as everybody has a gun we're all the same size. I keep hearing so much about people banning guns, Target's banning guns, and these people are banning guns. Don't they realize that's where people with guns are going to go? I want to take the opposite approach. How can I make my place safer?" Cox told a local NBC affiliate.
"And I realized that we have a lot of good people that carry a firearm in Louisiana -- my cousins and relatives included -- and I'm equally as safe when they're here, and I need to encourage that."
***Read full article here***
*Eric Holder: "We Must Brainwash People About Guns"
*Detroit police chief gives credit to armed citizens for drop in crime
*N.C. Sheriff Urges Residents to Arm Themselves to Battle Crime
*Jews Lead Gun Control Charge
*Obama Explains Why They Stage Fake Shootings

Family Catches Christmas Burglars, Holds Them at Gunpoint in Middle of TV Interview

Something *VERY* useful for your activism efforts is now *FREE* to download and use at

It's a FREE No-Brainer...
Anyone fancy some *FREE* Video Editing software? WonderFox & MajorGeeks Christmas
Giveaway 2014 is now available by clicking on the link,and downloading some Christmas
cheer: Fully working Video software to rip,edit and watermark anything you fancy!
Have fun!

VIRTUAL 9-11: Will the US & Israel Hack The US Banking System Computers and Falsely Blame It On Iran (or Syria or Russia or China)?

***Read full article here***

Jeff Rense Radio Show - 2014.12.17

Listen  Download  Hour 1 - Devvy Kidd - A Bitter Christmas For America

Listen  Download  Hour 2 - Charles R. Smith - WW3 Soon Starting In Unkraine?

Listen  Download  Hour 3 - Dr Richard Alan Miller Phd - The Darkness Enveloping America

56k CF
Rense' site

Voice of Albion with Paul Hickman 2014.12.17

Paul discusses British Nationalism with Shaun Grimsley.
Shaun has been involved in Nationalism since the early 1990’s, being involved with various groups including the National Front (NF), British National Party (BNP) and British Freedom Fighters (BFF).
Shaun is currently a National Front member and also supports the West Midlands Infidels (WMI).
Cannock Chase German Cemetery 2013

Paul Hickman's Blog
Renegade Broadcasting


December 17, 2014

U.S. to normalize relations with Cuba. What are the jews up to or worried about?

Where's the outrage? Congress changes savings accounts and retirement funds, and America sleeps

Congress has passed, and President Obama has said he would sign, a budget bill that allows banks to use your savings when they make giant financial bets called derivatives. Again.
***Read full article here***

The Role of 9/11 in Justifying Torture and War: The Criminalization of the US State Apparatus. Senate Report on CIA Torture is a Whitewash

The Role of 9/11 in Justifying Torture and War: The Criminalization of the US State Apparatus. Senate Report on CIA Torture is a Whitewash

German-American Bund Madison Square Garden Rally Address by Fritz Kuhn
"This sound recording is a compilation of several excerpts from a German-American Bund rally in which leader Fritz Kuhn addressed a crowd at Madison Square Gardens in New York City. In it, he remarked: We, the German-American Bund, organized as American citizens with American ideals and determined to protect ourselves, our homes, our wives and children against the slimy conspirators who would change this glorious republic into the inferno of a Bolshevik paradise."
*Post-WW1 jewish Communism In Germany
*Judeo Bolshevism Discovered
*Made in Russia 'The Holocaust' Carlos Whitlock Porter
*The Holocaust Mega-post
*Under the Sign of the Scorpion - Jewish Communists
*Adolf Hitler Explains His Reasons For Invading The Soviet Union 
*Hitler's War - What the Historians Neglect to Mention
*Adolf Hitler: The Greatest Story Never Told
*Hitler's Shadow - In the Service of the Fuehrer
*Over a hundred locales expelled Jews before “Zionism” was even a factor. Why?

What About Black On Black Crimes?

David Duke Show 2014.12.17

Dr. Duke has another very powerful show today on the outlawing of Christian Christmas symbols while Jewish religious symbols are not only not outlawed but promoted. Exposing this hypocrisy is a perfect way to expose the real rulers of America. Most Americans love and respect our Christmas traditions and believe that we should be able to honor Christmas traditions in our schools and certainly in public institutions. Why shouldn't our children not be allowed to sing Christmas carols in our schools? It was done routinely for the first 150 years of our nation's existence. Why are Christian symbols of Christmas banned while Jewish symbols erected by the thousands on public property. Why no outcry in the same media that told us that it is wrong to have religious symbols on public ground, but it is just wonderful to have Jewish racist religious symbols of Jewish military victory over their enemies honored on public ground? Why should symbols supporting Jewish racial purity and supremacy be erected on public ground? David Duke has a great discussion on the subject today with Dr. Patrick Slattery. It is program you really need to share with all your friends and loved ones. This issue can help them wake up to Jewish supremacism and the tyranny it represents.

David's site
Rense Archive 

56k CF Download

10 Ways Religious Groups Are Freeloading Off of Taxpayers

Pat Robinson has the worlds worst case of Piles!
Have you ever thought about starting a new religion or perhaps a hometown franchise of an old one? Perhaps you’re just looking for a career ladder in a religious enterprise that already exists. No? Maybe you should. Religion is big business.
There are lots of options ( over 30,000 variants of Christianity alone), and if the scale is right it can pay really, really well. Creflo Dollar, founder of World Changers Church, has an estimated net worth of $27 million. Benny Hinn comes in at $42 million. Squeaky clean tent revival pioneer Billy Graham bankrolled around $25 million. Even Eddie Long who has been plagued by accusations of sex with underage male members of his congregation can count his bankbook in the millions.

Police Using Social Media Posts to Determine "Threat Score" of Suspects

I think *our* Threat Score's here @ mami's might be a little on the large size...
Police departments across the United States are now using a program that mines Internet comments and social media posts to determine the “threat score” of a suspect before cops arrive on the scene. Reuters reports that law enforcement authorities have utilized an application called Beware since 2012 that takes just seconds to crawl billions of records in commercial and public databases to assign a threat rating to an individual – green, yellow or red.
“Yet it does far more -- scanning the residents' online comments, social media and recent purchases for warning signs. Commercial, criminal and social media information, including, as Intrado vice president Steve Reed said in an interview with, "any comments that could be construed as offensive," all contribute to the threat score.”

German Immigrant to the U.S., Gustave Whitehead, was the First in Controlled, Powered, Air Flight. Stop the "Wright Brothers First in Flight" Lie

*The Truth Behind the Wright Brothers
*Gustave Whitehead Recognition 2013
*Gustave Whitehead's airplane (replica) in flight, Oct 4, 1997
*Commemorative Flight in Honor of Gustave Whitehead

What’s behind the astonishing rise of an anti-Islam movement in Germany?

Albert Pike. Complete Bastard!
The Washington Post omits to mention the obvious: that the Illuminati and their agents in the intelligence services, undercover and in the media, are helping to fuel the rise of anti-Islamic sentiment. The Washington Post pointedly omits to mention the plans of General Albert Pike.
In a letter to Giuseppe Mazzini, dated the 15th of August 1871, Pike had broadly outlined his long-term plan for the seizure of global power. Crucial to this was this was the fomenting of conflict between the nominally Christian West and the Islamic world Naturally there will be those who try to dismiss this letter as a forgery but it was already being referred to by Canadian Intelligence office William Guy Carr in the 1950s.

Hitler's Shadow - In the Service of the Fuehrer
The personal story of Karl Wilhelm Krause. He was the valet. of the Fuehrer from 1934 to 1939, and was also responsible for his personal safety and security. Through his daily contact with Adolf Hitler, and those of his most intimate circle, both in his public life, as well as, inside the Fuehrer's private quarters, no one had access like Herr Krause. Nor was anyone ever in a better position to observe Hitler; his personal habits, character, and demeanor, and to assess his social interactions with average citizens, employees, friends and colleagues, public figures, academics, leaders of industry, as well as, with foreign leaders and dignitaries. In this one and only interview, recorded on camera in the early 90s, Herr Krause testifies of his duties, his daily routine, and what he saw, heard and experienced, while in the constant presence of, and service to, the leader of the The Third Reich. Hitler called him "mein Schatten" (my shadow).
*Post-WW1 jewish Communism In Germany
*Judeo Bolshevism Discovered
*Made in Russia 'The Holocaust' Carlos Whitlock Porter
*The Holocaust Mega-post
*Under the Sign of the Scorpion - Jewish Communists
*Adolf Hitler Explains His Reasons For Invading The Soviet Union 
*Hitler's War - What the Historians Neglect to Mention
*Adolf Hitler: The Greatest Story Never Told
*Hitler's Shadow - In the Service of the Fuehrer
*Over a hundred locales expelled Jews before “Zionism” was even a factor. Why?

Double Punch Re-post - 40

*Kincora Scandal


Ernst Zundel Setting the Record Straight - ENG
*The Holocaust Mega-post