The economy is an animated corpse so
diseased with corruption, the movements of parasites within the body
give it the appearance of life. But everyone knows it is dead. So the
question remains, when will become official? It will be pronounced when
the parasites can find someone else to blame for its demise. When they
can safely blame external factors to get away with the biggest theft of
wealth in history. That is, I’m sorry to say, not hyperbole. Look at the
manipulated markets, look at the rehypothecated (outright stolen)
wealth of nations, look at the fictional paper commodities and its
shadow financial products known as derivatives, look at the blatant
Ponzi of debt insurance
with no counterparties able to make good on any of their products, look
at ZIRP, look at QE, look at the complete dilution of currency, and the
corruption at every level of the civil services stealing from the
public purse. It’s a jaw dropping fiesta of a gangster culture
extrapolated to a national level which unfortunately touches everyone on
the globe because of the reserve currency status of this one nation gone rogue.
*Money For People NOT Jewish Bankers
*Secrets Of Jewish Money Control
*Jew Money and our World Leaders
*AFP’s Most Viewed Article: Rothschilds Want Iran’s Banks
*The New Babylon: Those Who Reign Supreme - PDF