January 15, 2015
David Duke Show 2015.01.15
Duke does a in depth show taken from his ongoing research article on
how terrorism, ISIS and eventual Civil War is coming to every nation of
the Western World unless we overthrow the Zio-Globalist power over our
media, finance and politics.
He shows how the Zionist control of Western Policy by supporting the horrific crimes of Israel against Mideast peoples and nations, as well as the Zio-directed wars that have brought death, injury and devastation to millions of people.
The Jewish Secretary of State justifying the death of 500,000 children in Iraq is offered as an example of this horrific policy done in the name of America, but one instigated by Jewish extremists like her.
Then he shows how the increasing terrorist attacks across the Western World would not be possible except for the massive immigration into Western nations, and he proves that Jewish tribalists have been the driving force behind it in every Western nation! They even brag openly about they have not only led the specific immigration advocacy groups but their control of media has brainwashed many European people into thinking that massive immigration will be good thing for respective countries, when of course see their horrifically conflicted nations, increased crime, social welfare burden, and of course terrorism on as scale completely alien to their way of life.
He also talks about the fact that all people on Earth naturally want to preserve their heritage and the vast majority of every nation does not want mass immigration of foreign peoples who don't share the essential values and culture.
He recounts a famous lecture he gave in the leading intellectual University in Libya and how the thousand academics and students actually cheered the fact that he wanted to preserve his own European people and culture in European lands just as the people of Libya desire the same for their own people.
Dr. Slattery added some prescient commentary on this issue and he and Dr. Duke discussed the argument and answered those who say that organized Jewish don't support immigration because why would they want to people coming in who are also natively anti-Israel. Dr. Slattery and Dr. Duke reveal the fact that all the major groups DO SUPPORT OPEN BORDERS FOR Europe and the every nation, and even boast about… and then go to explain the reasons that they do.
David's site
Rense Archive
56k CF Download
He shows how the Zionist control of Western Policy by supporting the horrific crimes of Israel against Mideast peoples and nations, as well as the Zio-directed wars that have brought death, injury and devastation to millions of people.
The Jewish Secretary of State justifying the death of 500,000 children in Iraq is offered as an example of this horrific policy done in the name of America, but one instigated by Jewish extremists like her.
Then he shows how the increasing terrorist attacks across the Western World would not be possible except for the massive immigration into Western nations, and he proves that Jewish tribalists have been the driving force behind it in every Western nation! They even brag openly about they have not only led the specific immigration advocacy groups but their control of media has brainwashed many European people into thinking that massive immigration will be good thing for respective countries, when of course see their horrifically conflicted nations, increased crime, social welfare burden, and of course terrorism on as scale completely alien to their way of life.
He also talks about the fact that all people on Earth naturally want to preserve their heritage and the vast majority of every nation does not want mass immigration of foreign peoples who don't share the essential values and culture.
He recounts a famous lecture he gave in the leading intellectual University in Libya and how the thousand academics and students actually cheered the fact that he wanted to preserve his own European people and culture in European lands just as the people of Libya desire the same for their own people.
Dr. Slattery added some prescient commentary on this issue and he and Dr. Duke discussed the argument and answered those who say that organized Jewish don't support immigration because why would they want to people coming in who are also natively anti-Israel. Dr. Slattery and Dr. Duke reveal the fact that all the major groups DO SUPPORT OPEN BORDERS FOR Europe and the every nation, and even boast about… and then go to explain the reasons that they do.
David's site
Rense Archive
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Jeff Rense Radio Show - 2015.01.14
Listen Download Hour 1 - Tim Rifat - Paris Geopolitics
Listen Download Hour 2 - Jay Weidner - The World
Listen Download Hour 3 - Jim Marrs - The View From Marrs
56k CF
Rense' site
January 14, 2015
The Real World of Money with Andrew Gause 2015.01.14
Getting Ahead with A Mortgage and An Old Used Car
-The interest the USG pays you to borrow money for 30 years is 2.39% – this is artificially low to keep
30 year mortgage rates under 4% to keep houses and the economy moving
-Lots of conversation about the benefits of owning a home on credit, using credit as a blessing and always having a mortgage going, even when you rent your living quarters
-Andy and others estimate around 200 Billion per month is being wagered on keep the derivatives market going by the NY Fed
-Retail sales over Christmas – the worst numbers since 2009
-Andy gives a good explanation of the labor pool, the participation rates/eligible to work pool, and how it
is possible USG says the “unemployment” rate is 5.5%?
-Consolidation is another word for the rich guys buying up more stuff from the people in trouble…world wide
-And another good explanation of how the NY Fed works and how they are able to give back 98 billion to the Treasury and still “make” mountains of money for themselves.
-Why not buying a new car on credit makes all the sense in the world
-Some discussion on the Paris shootings; were they just another false flag?
-The oil situation, how we got here, who got us here and the reasons for same?
The Real World of Money Archive
Andy's site
-The interest the USG pays you to borrow money for 30 years is 2.39% – this is artificially low to keep
30 year mortgage rates under 4% to keep houses and the economy moving
-Lots of conversation about the benefits of owning a home on credit, using credit as a blessing and always having a mortgage going, even when you rent your living quarters
-Andy and others estimate around 200 Billion per month is being wagered on keep the derivatives market going by the NY Fed
-Retail sales over Christmas – the worst numbers since 2009
-Andy gives a good explanation of the labor pool, the participation rates/eligible to work pool, and how it
is possible USG says the “unemployment” rate is 5.5%?
-Consolidation is another word for the rich guys buying up more stuff from the people in trouble…world wide
-And another good explanation of how the NY Fed works and how they are able to give back 98 billion to the Treasury and still “make” mountains of money for themselves.
-Why not buying a new car on credit makes all the sense in the world
-Some discussion on the Paris shootings; were they just another false flag?
-The oil situation, how we got here, who got us here and the reasons for same?
The Real World of Money Archive
Andy's site
Voice of Albion with Paul Hickman 2015.01.14
Wayne Jarvie
Wayne Jarvie is a National Socialist from Yorkshire, Northern England. Wayne is a National Action Activist, he also supports the British Movement (BM). He was active in the English Defence League (EDL) between 2009 – 2012. He was involved in the National Front (NF) between 2012 and the end of 2014.
National Action speech on Rotherham (link)
http://national-action.info/ (link)
British Movement (link)
Paul Hickman's Blog
Renegade Broadcasting
David Duke Show 2015.01.14
Another Blockbuster Show with Dr. Duke and Dr. Patrick Slattery.
Dr. Duke begins by talking about the last few days of massive derogatory Zio Media attacks upon him. He points out how the listeners of this show know the real David Duke and he put it this way, "My writings, shows, lectures, videos prove instantly that WHAT THEY SAY I SAY IS NOT WHAT I ACTUALLY SAY!
He shares with the listeners some of the early history, the true, unfiltered history of a famous American who is known throughout the world, and actually supported and loved by people all over the world -- as shown by his sky high video approval ratings in literally every nation on Earth.
Then, he delves into the Charlie Hebdo terrorism and shows how the Zionists are directly responsible for it.
He passionately shows how every people on Earth have the fundamental human right to preserve their nations, their heritage, their culture and their faith, and that no people on earth would favor into their own nations the massive immigration that has been forced upon Europe by the Zio-corrupted politicians.
Also, he discusses how ISIS was an inspiration for the attacks and Zio controlled policy in the USA, France and Great Britain to destroy the truly secular, moderate government in France and support the jihadist terrorists -- has led directly to this rampant terrorism. Again, the attack against Syria was totally based on the fact that Israel hates Syria for supporting the Lebanese and the Palestinian people.
What Israel wants, is what Zio controlled America, UK and France does.
Dr. Slattery comes on and shares with the strange tale from the Jewish Press about Netanyahu acting like a Stereotypical Jewish, pushy, loud, obnoxious tourist.
He also exposes how although Freedom of Speech was the catch word for the march, the truth is that the Zionists suppress real freedom of Speech.
Great Show, share and also support David Duke's great work with your gifts at http://www.davidduke.com !
David's site
Rense Archive
56k CF Download
Dr. Duke begins by talking about the last few days of massive derogatory Zio Media attacks upon him. He points out how the listeners of this show know the real David Duke and he put it this way, "My writings, shows, lectures, videos prove instantly that WHAT THEY SAY I SAY IS NOT WHAT I ACTUALLY SAY!
He shares with the listeners some of the early history, the true, unfiltered history of a famous American who is known throughout the world, and actually supported and loved by people all over the world -- as shown by his sky high video approval ratings in literally every nation on Earth.
Then, he delves into the Charlie Hebdo terrorism and shows how the Zionists are directly responsible for it.
He passionately shows how every people on Earth have the fundamental human right to preserve their nations, their heritage, their culture and their faith, and that no people on earth would favor into their own nations the massive immigration that has been forced upon Europe by the Zio-corrupted politicians.
Also, he discusses how ISIS was an inspiration for the attacks and Zio controlled policy in the USA, France and Great Britain to destroy the truly secular, moderate government in France and support the jihadist terrorists -- has led directly to this rampant terrorism. Again, the attack against Syria was totally based on the fact that Israel hates Syria for supporting the Lebanese and the Palestinian people.
What Israel wants, is what Zio controlled America, UK and France does.
Dr. Slattery comes on and shares with the strange tale from the Jewish Press about Netanyahu acting like a Stereotypical Jewish, pushy, loud, obnoxious tourist.
He also exposes how although Freedom of Speech was the catch word for the march, the truth is that the Zionists suppress real freedom of Speech.
Great Show, share and also support David Duke's great work with your gifts at http://www.davidduke.com !
David's site
Rense Archive
56k CF Download
Jeff Rense Radio Show - 2015.01.13
Listen Download Hour 1 - Eileen Durfee - Amazing Ozone
Listen Download Hour 2 - Mike - Weather Manipulation - Brutal Cold In US, Melting Arctic Methane 1-9-15 - Vid
Listen Download Hour 3 - Joel Skousen - World Affairs Analysis
56k CF
Rense' site
Popular Vitamin/Mineral Supplement Loaded with Aluminum, Fluoride and Phosphates from Sewage or Industrial Waste!
![]() |
Alex Jones obviously wants you all DEAD ;) |
UPDATE 15/01/2014: To be clear, I had no idea what the toxicological results would be before having the testing done (how could I of?) and I OBVIOUSLY wanted the results to be conclusively in Youngevity’s favor. I had taken their products for years, got my son and parents on it as well as many friends! Needless to say we have all stopped.
I always assumed, as I am sure many of you have, that Youngevity tested their products before putting them on the market and that they did regular “quality control” inspections to keep their products up to standards.
Had the tests come back negative, i.e. no heavy metals or other toxins, the title of this post would have read “Rest assured, independant lab tests prove Youngevity’s BTT 2.0 is clean” or something to that effect.
It was so expensive to do all this testing (over $800) that I was planning to post the results one way or the other, but I never expected the results we found.
I know that this information is a shock (it was to me), but would you have prefered I keep the results to myself? Don’t you think you have a right to know what’s in what you are taking? Personnally I was very shaken and distraught when I first got the results. I called the lab techs immediately.
The testers assured me that the results were correct, as they always do multiple testing, especially when they get high contaminant values, as in this case. They even had to do the fluoride testing separately to measure it correctly (at an added expense to me).
Don’t be mad at me, I am but the messenger. I never said BTT 2.0 does not contain all the good stuff they claim it does, although I am not so confident now.
If attacking me legally or otherwise for telling the truth will make BTT 2.0 a better product, so be it. But perhaps Youngevity should rather put their energies into eliminating the contaminants from their products, if they can.
I had taken Youngevity’s Beyond Tangey Tangerine 2.0 (BTT 2.0) daily ever since it was introduced last year and had taken the Original BTT long before that. Several months ago I had BTT 2.0 tested by an independent Swiss laboratory and it was found to be “unfit for human consumption“.
I thought about suing Youngevity or threatening to expose them if they did not refund me for all the years I took their poison. But my conscience told me it was more important to warn people…
The choice is yours…take it or not…but at least now you can make an intelligent choice!
January 13, 2015
Proof that the Tsarnaev brothers are innocent of the Boston Bombing - Defense Excluding and Avoiding Conclusive Evidence to Support Official Story
We have all seen the photos and videos that prove the backpack that carried the Boston Bomb does not match those backpacks the Tsarnaev brothers were wearing at the scene just moments before the explosion, but apparently Dzhokhar Tsarnaev's court-appointed defense team is refusing to address this evidence in favor of rushing forward with a plea-deal that will support the official story.
The Bostom Marathon second bomb, which Dzhokhar Tsaranev is accused of placing WAS BLACK WITH SIDE STRAPS -- Dzhokhar's backpace was WHITE. The Special Task Force (Richard DesLauriers agent in charge) claims they fingered Dzhokhar on the basis of a video showing him drop his backpack near the explosion. But the their photo and DesLauriers own statements establish that the backpack was black. Dzhokhar is innocent.
Note that the video showing him dropping his backpack was never shown -- and all of those who have described it on the media only know about it from briefings they received -- which they do not make clear in some of the media interviews. The lawyer appointed to represent Dzhokhar Tsaranev, Judy Clark, is hiding from the public, is not answering questions -- and has shielded herself from citizens seeking to present the backpack proof of innocence. Judy Clark is convinced of Dzhokhar's guilt and views it as her mission to argue for a life sentence rather than the death penalty. Dzhokhar is kept from the public -- we cannot get this information to him -- he probably has no idea that the bomb backpack was black. Obviously the appointed public defender was appointed because she will not fight to establish Tsaranev's innocence which I have done so simply in this video. -- Dick Eastman
David Duke Show 2015.01.13
Chapter one: Dr. David Duke comes on today immediately after appearing on the black Christian Conservative, Jesse Peterson Show.
He tells about what happened on the show and includes some of the direct quotes from the Gospels that totally refute the Zio-influenced Christian-Zionist lies.
He quotes from Hebrews in the New Testament where God says specifically, "They (the Jews) continued not in my covenant and I considered them not, saith the Lord."
He talks about the most common three word applicable phrase in the New Testament, "Fear of the Jews." Such as for fear of the Jews no one spake of him (Jesus).
And it is in this "fear of Jews" The powerful, anti-Christian, Jewish racist masters of media and government, that far too many Christians grovel.
He talks about the fact that Christians are told that Judaism is a pro-Christian religion when in fact the Jewish Talmud claims that Jewish priests have conjured Jesus from the grave and are boiling him in human excrement for eternity! Shocking, strange but absolutely true!
Then He shows the incredible damage done by these Jewish masters of media to both European Americans and African Americans and hundreds of millions of others in America and around the world.
A busy show, Dr. Duke then goes in depth into why Europe and America have increasing terrorist attacks -- all because of the Zionist influence over Western immigration policies and the promotion of Israel's murder, ethnic cleansing, and the result of Jewish media and government support for the radical al Nursra (Qaeda) in Syria as well as ISIS, by direct support in addition to attempting to destroy Assad's Christian and moderate Sunnite leadership.
Dr. Slattery adds incredibly powerful commentary as well.
This one you don't want to miss! Share it and support Dr. Duke's vital work with your gifts!
David's site
Rense Archive
56k CF Download
He tells about what happened on the show and includes some of the direct quotes from the Gospels that totally refute the Zio-influenced Christian-Zionist lies.
He quotes from Hebrews in the New Testament where God says specifically, "They (the Jews) continued not in my covenant and I considered them not, saith the Lord."
He talks about the most common three word applicable phrase in the New Testament, "Fear of the Jews." Such as for fear of the Jews no one spake of him (Jesus).
And it is in this "fear of Jews" The powerful, anti-Christian, Jewish racist masters of media and government, that far too many Christians grovel.
He talks about the fact that Christians are told that Judaism is a pro-Christian religion when in fact the Jewish Talmud claims that Jewish priests have conjured Jesus from the grave and are boiling him in human excrement for eternity! Shocking, strange but absolutely true!
Then He shows the incredible damage done by these Jewish masters of media to both European Americans and African Americans and hundreds of millions of others in America and around the world.
A busy show, Dr. Duke then goes in depth into why Europe and America have increasing terrorist attacks -- all because of the Zionist influence over Western immigration policies and the promotion of Israel's murder, ethnic cleansing, and the result of Jewish media and government support for the radical al Nursra (Qaeda) in Syria as well as ISIS, by direct support in addition to attempting to destroy Assad's Christian and moderate Sunnite leadership.
Dr. Slattery adds incredibly powerful commentary as well.
This one you don't want to miss! Share it and support Dr. Duke's vital work with your gifts!
David's site
Rense Archive
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Jeff Rense Radio Show - 2015.01.12
Listen Download Hour 1 - Pete Santilli - Official Paris Story Looks Like Swiss Cheese
Listen Download Hour 2 - Gilad Atzmon - Paris & Israel
Listen Download Hour 3 - Yoichi Shimatsu - Fukushima Report
56k CF
Rense' site
January 12, 2015
Spingola and Friends 1/12/2015
Mark R. Elsis who has the following web sites: http://www.lovearth.net; http://Depopulation.org; www.overpopulation.net; www.holocaustrevisionism.com; http://RudolfHess.net and other web sites is Deanna's guest.
The Holocaust Mega-post
The New Babylon - PDF
Who Controls America?
The Holocaust Mega-post
The New Babylon - PDF
Who Controls America?
Another Mossad victim? Police Chief Helric Fredou, investigating Charlie Hebdo Commits Suicide or Murder?
Just over a year after Helric Fredoun discovered the lifeless body of the third ranking police officer SRPJ of Limoges, the second ranking service officer has committed suicide yesterday at his workplace with his service weapon. We learned this morning, a Commissioner Helric Fredoun SRPJ Limoges has committed suicide last night in his office with his service weapon . Information confirmed by his superiors. It is unknown at this time the reasons for his actions. He would have killed himself that night or in the early hours of the morning. The Commissioner Helric Fredou aged 45 years was from Limoges began his career in 1997 as a police officer at the regional office the judicial police of Versailles, before returning to Limoges. He was deputy director of the regional police service since 2012. His father was a former police officer, his mother was a nurse in the emergency context CHU Limoges. He was single and had no children. According to the police union, Commissioner was depressed and experiencing burnout.
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Truth Hertz with Charles Giuliani 2015.01.12

Charlie debuts on Renegade and discusses the Paris shooting, Jewish assassinations, jewish zealotry and rabble-rousing, the Bible, and much more.
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