July 08, 2015

The Graham Hart Show 2015.07.07

Guest: Hannah
    This week's show is about Cornwall and a very serious and frightening crime that is being perpetuated right here, right now which is child stealing.
      (Music edited out to avoid DMCA notices)

      Peoples Internet Radio

      64k Download

      Download From Archive.org

      TRAFFIC by Pete Middleton

      Download Link (Not sure if this works, test)

      Truth Jihad radio with Kevin Barrett 2015.07.08

      Israeli journalist Barry Chamish "scrutinizes" Kevin Barrett
       Part 1
      Israeli investigative journalist Barry Chamish just invited me for a special two-hour interview on his radio show. During this segment – the first hour – Barry "scrutinizes" my views on a range of subjects including the so-called war on terror, the 9/11-anthrax operation that launched it, Islam and Muslims, whether Gordon Duff and Christopher Bollyn are solid journalistic sources, and much more. Did I survive Barry's "scrutiny" with defensible views intact? Listen and decide!

      Barry Chamish is the author of Who Murdered Yitzhak Rabin? and other bestsellers. He is a contributor to We Are NOT Charlie Hebdo! Free Thinkers Question the French 9/11.

      Kevin's blog

      24k CF Download

      David Duke Show 2015.07.08

      Dr. Duke went into the details of genetics and race. While much of it is common sense, there is an "emperor's clothing" phenomenon in society today that has led people to close their eyes and pretend that there is no such thing as race. This censorship of reality is the work of the Jewish intellectual elite, which seeks to destroy the European majority in the United States and other countries so that Jewish supremacists can replace them as the rulers of those societies.
      Ironically, those same Jewish supremacists who are trying to destroy the concept of race among the goyim are busily researching their own racial genome for such reasons as screening potential immigrants to Israel to make sure they are racially Jewish.

      Davids' site
      Rense Archive 

      56k CF Download

      Jeff Rense Radio Show - 2015.07.07

      Download  Hour 1 - George Filer - Filer's Files

      Download  Hour 2 - James Fetzer - Updates

      Download  Hour 3 - Dr. John Brandenberg - Death On Mars

      56k CF
      Renses' site

      Truth Hertz with Charles Giuliani 2015.07.08

      Aleister Crowley's Ordo Templi Orientis

      All Nationalist Association
      American Nationalist Network (BlogTalk)




      Teachers' Union(NEA) HATES Homeschooling


      This is Why You Should Avoid GMOs!


      Truth on the Tracks with Brandon Turbeville - 7/6/2015

      Truth on the Tracks with Brandon Turbeville and guests, Eric Metts and Dylan Shelton of the Tax Wall Street Party and the UFAA discussing the American system of political economy, solutions for the US economy, and the difference between the economic systems. In the second half of the show, Brandon discusses the Greek situation and emergency solutions for Greece.

      Show-page                     BrandonTurbeville.com



      The Return of Tyr with Drew 2015.07.07


      I will be talking with AncientWolf about the Dustin Heathman case.
      Stand with Dustin Heathman Facebook
      Donations for Dustin Indiegogo
      Williston Shooter: ‘I didn’t want to kill anybody’
      Groups Repeatedly Denied Access to Prisoner

      The Return of Tyr.com
      Renegade Archive
      BlogTalk Archive
      Renegade Broadcasting


      July 07, 2015

      The psyop to neuter The Rebel

      If you want to track a civilization as it collapses, watch what happens to the concept of the rebel.
      “See a rebel, say something,” to paraphrase the DHS motto.

      Any human being who has courage, intelligence, eyes to see, and a determination to express his power in uncompromising terms can now be redefined as a potential threat to the stability of society—if he criticizes the prevailing Authority.
      ***Read full article here***



      Big Brother's Forced Vaccinations


      GeoINT: Casting A Neural Net On Humanity - RFID Not Required!

      The concept of humanity being managed and enslaved by an elite technocratic society is no longer a future vision.
      The network centric global A.I. system for human command and control is here. The Geo-spacial Intelligence program has been collecting information on every human being at an accelerated pace for the past decade. GeoINT is a tool for the proponents of Global Governance to cast a neural net over humanity. This program provides a solution to the conundrum they faced getting the global population to accept micro-chipping or RFID. This technology surpasses RFID in that microchips can be removed or disabled.
      How do you remove ALL of the components, elements, behaviors, relationships, emotions and tools we use in every day life which define, from an analytical system standpoint, who you are?

      Subway Spokesman Jared Fogle's House Raided in Child Porn Investigation

      Remember the fatty, Jared Fogle, who slimmed down with Subway and became their spokesman for well over a decade? Fogle gained national fame after attributing massive weight loss to eating Subway sandwiches. He was a freshman at Indiana University at the time. He later became a visible presence in Subway ad campaigns, pitching the restaurant’s sandwiches and touting their health benefits.

      His home was raided today in a child porn investigation.  Oddly enough, he lives in Zionsville Indiana. This comes just months after his foundation's director was arrested for possession and production of child porn. The Jared 'Foundation' was raising awareness about childhood obesity.

       Fogle himself spoke at the opening of the first Kosher Subway in Cleveland Ohio some years ago. Some have claimed that Subway is actually the largest Kosher restaurant chain in the country.....

      Continue reading here

      Details of The Jared Foundation Director's Arrest

      Inside the Eye - The Original Podcast 2008.12.15

      One Basic Truth Segment 1

      Podcast 1, Seg 2 - A Brief History of the Isisian Codes