October 05, 2015

Spingola and Friends 10/5/2015

Deanna talks about the socialization of organized religion.
Show-page           Spingola.com         SpingolaSpeaks.net

*The Holocaust Mega-post
*Adolf Hitler Mega-post
*9/11 Mega-post
The New Babylon - PDF
Who Controls America?


Kaleidoscope of Power Games in the Middle-East – Stunning the Exceptional Nation – Lead-up to a US-Russia Proxy-War?

So it is alright for the CIA to train anti- Assad terrorists, but not for Russia to fight them on behalf of a democratically elected leader of a sovereign country? – An election won some 15 months ago by President al-Assad by a landslide of almost 90% (88.7%), confirmed by a large delegation of international observers, representing more than 30 countries – obviously not Washington and its European puppets, who barked the election was a farce. Nobody barked at George Bush’s two farce elections, the results of which by now are proven were fraudulent and brought us the endless ‘war on terror’ – and so far an estimated 10 to 12 million deaths.    ***Read full article here***

Ryan Dawson comments: U.S., NATO warn Russian jets over Turkey risked being shot down


Calls for removal of Syria’s Assad by force against international law


David Duke Show 2015.10.05

60 Minutes airs "The Forgotten Holocaust" -- Dr. Duke: "Forgotten? Give me a break!"
Today Dr. Duke started the program by talking about a segment on 60 Minutes last night titled "The Forgotten Holocaust." He pointed out that this was yet another example of the emphasis put on Jewish suffering during WWII, while turning a blind eye not only towards the suffering of non-Jews but also towards the crimes perpetrated by Jews in the years before the war which engendered bad feelings towards Jews.
He brought on Dr. Slattery who pointed out that while there was no Jewish state during WWII, Jews had enormous power in all the important countries and wielded it in their tribal interests. While it is true that the Jews who died in camps were victims and pawns, the same can be said of the dead in any war. Yet the Jewish-dominated media concentrates on Jewish suffering and disguises Jewish perpetrators of atrocities as simply "white."

Davids' site
Rense Archive

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Truth Hertz with Charles Giuliani 2015.10.05

Strange Anomalies on Mars

Renegade Broadcasting
Renegade Tribune
BlogTalk Archive for Truth Hertz


The Solar Storm with Kyle Hunt 2015.10.04

Going the Distance

Kyle discusses what it takes to keep struggling until we achieve victory. You might get tired of fighting an uphill battle, going toe to toe with an extremely powerful foe, seeing setback after setback throughout our history, but we must keep our eye on the prize and be willing to do what it takes to see our mission through to fruition.

Renegade Broadcasting
Renegade Tribune
BlogTalk Archive


Blacklisted Radio 2015.10.04

Blacklisted News Radio is hosted by Doug Owen.


In this weeks episode of Blacklisted Radio, Doug Owen talks about the Oregon school shooting anomalies, mind control, advanced weaponry, strategies of tension, and the developing situation in the Syria.



Jim W. Dean comments: Assad confident anti-terror coalition of Russia, Iran, Iraq, Syria will succeed


No Agenda Episode 762 - "400,000 A-Bombs" - 2015.10.04

TODAY; Oregon Shooting; Election 2016; SnowJob!; F- Germany; Migrants!; Ministry of Truth; Agenda 2030; PR; CYBER!; NA-Tech News; Earon; Eugenics; Big Pharma; Mac & Cheese; SJW #gamergate, and all your usual listening whilst garden Sheds fall out of the sky onto your head favourites!

The Sunday Show.



October 04, 2015

Soros-Backed NGO Fakes Photos To Blame Russia For Dead Civilians

Are you ready for a big surprise? Another Soros-connected pro-terrorist NGO in Syria has been caught red-headed faking evidence of “crimes against humanity” allegedly committed by forces who stand in opposition to the goals of the NATO/U.S. ruling elite.

Ok. Well, maybe it is not a big surprise. In fact, it is not a surprise at all given that, ever since the Syrian crisis began (and in the time leading up to the crisis), NGOs have been on the ground in Syria stirring up jihadist resentment against the secular government of Bashar al-Assad and fabricating “crimes” committed by that government.

The only new development here is that the NGO, Soros-connected “White Helmets,” are claiming that the Russians are the humanitarian criminals.
***Read full article here***

Mark Weber comments - UK's David Cameron says Russia make situation in Syria worse


Hagee's Horses Of The Apocalypse Debunked

In this video Nathanael does a very good job dealing with the eschatological issues that zionist Christians get caught-up in.

Putin Calls Out U.S. At U.N. Summit: “Do You Realize Now What You Have Done?”

While the incessant propaganda being levelled at Russia and Russian President Vladmir Putin from the West continues, it is nonetheless understood that the UN summit that took place only a few days ago was a public relations defeat for the United States and Barack Obama. Whatever side one wishes to take, it was clear that Putin’s speech outshined Obama’s on every front and the United States left the event with yet another black eye on the reputation and credibility of a country that could have been the envy of the world, but is now viewed by the rest of the world as a petulant, albeit, very dangerous child.
Although Obama’s oratory skills (at least when a working teleprompter is present) are known far and wide, Putin’s classic slouch and steady speech proved to be too much for the Nobel Prize winner to overcome. Indeed, it was not Obama’s oratory that failed at the UN summit, it was what Obama represents. In other words, it was the U.S. reputation and credibility that collapsed in New York. Although Obama himself represents that failure, it has finally reached the point where no amount of impressive oration can repair what the United States has broken throughout its history, especially in the last 15 years.
***Read full article here***

Richard Becker comments: Russian army says 50 Daesh positions inside Syria targeted in recent days


The Shadow Government Blackmails Everyone (Why Voting Doesn't Matter)


October 03, 2015

Spingola Speaks 2015.10.03

Deanna talks about mass shootings and other issues
(I called in at the 1h38 minute nark)

    News Page                         Deanna's site

Official chat room             Spingola Speaks.net

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The Covert Report with Susan Lindauer 2015.10.03

If the push for “globalization” doesn’t scare you enough, today’s guest, Patrick Wood has authored a cutting edge manifesto, TECHNOCRACY RISING, which has turned a kleig light on an odious new form of government. This “Brave New World” castigated by Aldous Huxley and George Orwell is actually upon us. Last week’s U.N. Summit on Sustainable Development was blessed by Pope Francis himself. Yet the European Union might be the very best example of how elected representative governments are being forced to bow to governance by global regulators beholden to none, who control fiefdoms like modern tyrants. “Sustainable development” and “green energy” are frequent justifications, though Wood and your Host argue there’s no added benefit achieved for organic farming or solar/wind power, which is not already provided by the free markets and individual choices. Instead, Wood points to the Refugee Crisis, as a frightening example of global mismanagement (and inability to provide corrections) when globalist ambitions go haywire. With meticulous detail and an abundance of original research, Patrick Wood connects the dots of modern globalization to show the greater globalization plan, its perpetrators and its intended endgame.

Truth Frequency Radio Archive

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