Simon Shack used the below image to see if these building-features in Rue Amelot match up with those in "Mr Psenny's movie" :
They don't. There's a missing doorway. And no, its absence cannot be explained away in any rational manner. It should be almost pitch black - given the apparent lighting conditions. NO cameras can 'selectively erase' such a thing. Btw, the hanging lady's feet are nowhere near the iron bars at this stage of the animation. And what about the two dudes dangling in the void one floor above? Do they look real to you?
It's case closed. It's a feckin' (poorly-rendered) digital cartoon.
Cui bono? Who benefits?
This event in
Paris is looking more and more like yet another "By Way Of Deception You
Shall Make War" Israeli Mossad "False Flag" event to further the
"Greater Israel" agenda as outlined Odin Yinon, Richard Perle, Benjamin
Netanyahu and the Zionist Think-Tank "The Project For The New American
Century (PNAC)".. . .
. . . complete with "Magic Passports" found at the scene (remember the passports miraculously found on 9-11?) . ..
. . the advanced warning to French Jews of "Impending Large Terrorist
Attack" as reported by The Times of Israel (remember on 9-11 how all the
Israelis working in the WTC complex got advanced warning by Israeli
"Instant Messaging Service" ODIGO . . Even Jewish U.S. Senator Al
Franken admits in his latest book "Lies and the Lying Liars Who Tell
Them" that he was warned not to go to his office in the WTC on 9-11 by
former NYC Mayor Ed Koch . . . Franklin refers to this as "The Jew
Call"). . .
. . . and how the event was being reported on Twitter,
YouTube and Wikipedia BEFORE IT HAPPENED (remember how BBC
Correspondent Jane Standley reported the collapse of WTC-7 23 minutes
before it happened?)
Dr. Duke and Germar Rudolf expose the rotten roots of European Genocide!
Dr. Duke had German researcher and activist Germar Rudolf as his guest
for the hour. Mr. Rudolf explained the demographic collapse faced by
Europe, and Germany in particular, and juxtaposed it with the population
explosions that are on going in Africa and the Middle East. When
combined with a Zionist led open borders immigration policy, the result
is a rapid replacement of Europe's native population with foreign groups
that are fundamentally hostile to its culture.
discussed the difference in policies between the former East and West
Germanies. While Democratic West Germany, with full knowledge of its
plunging birth rates, let in massive numbers of Muslim immigrants with
much higher birthrates. By contrast, Communist East Germany promoted
native German birthrates, especially among high performing university
educated women.
Hoax Busters: Call 374-Paris Shooting,ISIS Crisis
Hosted by: Chris From OK
Conspiracy or just Theory?
Current events, History, Religion, Politics, etc..with a conspiratorial view of the "System", applying critical thinking and analysis to separate the real from the unreal,...
Episode Notes: We talk about the Paris Shooting and then delve into a discussion about the "Law" and Government in general.Aussie Luke,Donaldson, Rochelle, Damon and Paul on the call.
Poop Swastika: College Crybullies; Paris attacks; Merkel; IMF; Turkish guy; Marfa; Buns & Roses; Building 98; Operation Gladio; Privilege; and all your usual knowing what you know whilst really only thinking you know when you actually don't know but aren't afraid to tell others favourites.
"11/13: Another French false flag?" with Evelien Gilbert
My gone-viral article "Another French False Flag?" asks some pertinent and impertinent questions along the lines of:
Were the recent attacks in Paris scripted and storyboarded PR stunts like 9/11?
Did the French Secret Service, like its American counterpart during
9/11, give the game away by failing to rush President Hollande to safety
as he sat in the National Stadium during the attacks? Did the bankster
deep state telegraph the attacks in advance via the Economist's 2015
issue cover, an October article in Paris Match, and perhaps other
*According to the same article a Syrian passport was found next to one of the suicide bombers WHO BLEW HIMSELF UP in the club.
*According to the same article an Egyptian Passport was found next to another suicide bomber.
*Less then 12 hours after the attacks when the sun went down three land
mark buildings had lights installed to emulate the French flag. These
were the Auckland Sky tower, The Auckland Museum and the Victoria bridge
in Hamilton the nearest biggish city to where I live. That is a lot of
coordination in a country halfway across the world.
The Opera house in Sydney also lit up in the tricolor and it seems
someone in every big city in the world had the same brilliant idea.
(Storyboarding at its finest)
*Here is a link to a Daily mail article with Hollande's "goat" moment.
He is photographed the exact moment he gets the call that Paris is under
attack conveniently with the date and time. No service men sprinting
him to safety. All the more poignant since he is at the German-France
football game which saw two suicide bombers detonate themselves outside
of some 13 minutes earlier according to the same article!
*Here is my first hurried post on this.
What happened at the Stade around the football game where Hollande
attended and which was hit by no less than three suicide bombers outside
of the stadium over a period of an hour is key! That's where the
storyboard got all mixed up!
Two days after the Paris massacre more evidence is beginning to emerge
suggesting that the attacks may indeed have been an operation designed
by Western intelligence agencies for the purpose for ginning up support
for more Western intervention in Syria.
One such example is an interview given by Patrick Pelloux, an emergency
medical services specialist and one of the first responders in the Paris
attacks. Pelloux spoke to the radio station France Info and has
apparently confirmed that an emergency drill was ongoing during the
morning of the same day as the attacks. ***Read full article and see video here*** *9 Reasons To Question The Paris Terror Attacks *Remember Charlie Hebdo
This event in Paris is looking more and more like yet another "By Way Of Deception You Shall Make War" Israeli Mossad "False Flag" event to further the "Greater Israel" agenda as outlined Odin Yinon, Richard Perle, Benjamin Netanyahu and the Zionist Think-Tank "The Project For The New American Century (PNAC)".. . .
. . . complete with "Magic Passports" found at the scene (remember the passports miraculously found on 9-11?) . ..
. . . the advanced warning to French Jews of "Impending Large Terrorist Attack" as reported by The Times of Israel (remember on 9-11 how all the Israelis working in the WTC complex got advanced warning by Israeli "Instant Messaging Service" ODIGO . . Even Jewish U.S. Senator Al Franken admits in his latest book "Lies and the Lying Liars Who Tell Them" that he was warned not to go to his office in the WTC on 9-11 by former NYC Mayor Ed Koch . . . Franklin refers to this as "The Jew Call"). . .
. . . and how the event was being reported on Twitter, YouTube and Wikipedia BEFORE IT HAPPENED (remember how BBC Correspondent Jane Standley reported the collapse of WTC-7 23 minutes before it happened?)