Stop hating on the Muslim Brotherhood! plus, engineer Tony Szamboti explodes official 9/11 myth
First hour: Robert Rowe was scheduled to discuss his article "Are Americans justified in their persecution of Islam? An Analysis." But he didn't show up. So I found the one thing in his article I disagreed with, and explained why.
Second hour: Tony Szamboti returns to Truth Jihad Radio!
On June 19, 2016, Tony Szamboti, a mechanical engineer who has studied the World Trade Center collapses intensively for the past ten years, sent the following open letter to Northwestern civil engineering Professor Zdeněk Bažant. Dr. Bažant is the author of four articles in the Journal of Engineering Mechanics that purport to explain why the lower sections of the WTC Twin Towers provided no discernible resistance to the falling upper sections.
Read the letter
Kevin's blog
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