Welcome to Blackbird9's Breakfast Club Wednesday podcast.
In the First Hour Host Frederick C. Blackburn will cover the recent chaotic events brought on by the teachings of the Frankfurt School Marxists. Frederick will also continue with part 4 of the new series "A Higher Understanding of History" that counters the pointless Cultural Marxist ideology. Featured are authors Dr. Carl G. Jung, Dr. Marie Louise von Franz and Mr. Joseph Campbell.
The Second Hour of Blackbird9's Breakfast Club will be focused on Frederick's 9 Layer History Truth Vector with emphasis on the symbolism used to denote each of these distinct periods of history and how these "echos" from the past influence our modern day world.
Charles finishes up his discussion on Lenin, talks about his position of Hitler being stage-managed, fields a contentious call by Kyle, and then moves on to discuss controlled opposition movements.
William Pepper solves the murder of Martin Luther King, Jr. - the government did it, the media's covering it up
Dr. William Pepper won a 1999 jury trial proving US government agencies, including the FBI, CIA and US Army, murdered Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. (Dr. King's family and the King Center have been shouting this from the rooftops for 17 years now, but the
media refuses to report this simple fact.) Now Pepper's brand-new book The Plot to Kill King: The Truth Behind the Assassination of Martin Luther King, Jr.summarizes his findings—and adds shocking new details, including the name of Memphis Police Department sharpshooter who shot King (he is still alive, and Pepper talked to him quite recently) and the names of those who finished the job of killing Dr. King in the hospital after the shooting.
William Pepper's The Plot to Kill King is a monumentally important book. The fruit of decades of painstaking research, featuring full-length affidavits from witnesses and perpetrators, it not only solves the King murder case once and for all, but also reveals more about the way the Deep State operates than any
other book you are ever likely to read.
At the end of this interview, William Pepper – whose current work focuses on freeing the innocent patsy of the Robert Kennedy assassination, Sirhan Sirhan – discusses his relationship with the Rockefeller family, and how he almost got a chance to go face-to-face with David Rockefeller about Rockefeller's apparent complicity in the JFK assassination.
Martin Luther King, Jr. was killed because he was about to lead 500,000 people to Washington, DC and start a revolution. That revolution is long overdue – as every American who learns the truth about "deep events" like the 1960s assassinations, 9/11 and false flag terrorism, election fraud, and other suppressed issues will surely agree.
Prolific author, AMERICAN FREE PRESS writer and seasoned Clinton researcher Victor Thorn was found at the top of a mountain near his home, the apparent victim of a gunshot wound. Family and some close friends contend Thorn took his own life on his birthday, August 1. Thorn would have been 54.
Since his guest did not show up, Graham did a solo show, talking about the real story of National Socialist Germany and Adolf Hitler, the fabrication of the Holocaust, how our world is being wrecked by jewish tyranny, and much more.
Kyle speaks to Gerhard Lauck of Third-Reich-Book.com and NSDAP.info about a variety of topics, such as: internet activism after being released from German prison, the variety of Third Reich original books he offers, what the NSDAP/AO is like doing these days, how people can get involved, and what could be coming our way politically.
stressed. Recitations: a South African National Socialist comments on
Christianity; and Lev Gumilev on Ethnogenesis and Eurasianism through
Passionarity. Guest: Patrick Fox, and his comments on the South
African's thinking. Resource: Lev Gumilev: Ethnogenesis and Eurasianism (PDF). -- Red Army Choir:
Song of the Steppes, Search for Red October. -- Chaos is the Jew Seed -
War is the Jew Harvest - Enslavement is the Jew Goal --
What if you actually did something meaningful for someone before the end of the year?
What if a stranger restored your belief in humanity, if only for a
moment, by supporting you and allowing you to claim something you need
in a material way?
I invite People of Color to ask for what we need to feel better, be
happier, be more productive by posting in this space. These may be both
material and immaterial requests.
I invite people who identify as White to offer services or contributions
to People of Color in need of time, energy, substantive care, and