Trevor LaBonte pounds on the wild distractions exploding out of Hillary’s propagandist media against Donald Trump. Hillary’s double standards are undeniable, what with Bill Clinton’s life-time of sexual predatory behavior towards women– the outright rapes, sexual assaults and sexual harassment, even public indecency. There’s always one code of law for the Clintons and another for everybody else. Ahhhh, but it’s also always a distraction from something more important. So in this interview with Trevor, we ask what is Hillary hiding?? What is she so desperate for us not to see?? Today we look at the crescendo of threats against Russia over Putin’s tight relationship with Syria. We talk about the stormy seas rocking German banks, and how globalists are panicking. We talk about the delusion of Greater Israel, and how Hillary’s worst impulses in Syria will guarantee the global War and economic collapse that bankers are so afraid of! WHO’S VOTING FOR THIS WOMAN??? WE DON’T KNOW! But we are absolutely confident that the force of Donald Trump’s passion for change can defeat Hillary’s myopic Establishment on Nov. 8– Even Jill Stein has endorsed Donald Trump!
Listening to Gordon Duff on Friday's Truth Jihad made me remember my original post of him on Mike Harris' show back in October 2012. Since the file was removed from Kiwi6 nearly a year later, I decided to update the post with its comments by uploading my original file to
Dennis Fetcho, aka "The Fetch", is an American ex-patriot living in Amman, Jordan. He is the author of the Illuminatus Observor, a blog regarded by many as simply the finest Hermetic Qaballa blog in all of blogdom. The Fetch also has a second site called"Inside The Eye" Intelligent media for the politically aware. Hour 1 - Saudi Telecom Security & Aleppo Reality Hour 2 - Political Accountability, Families and Geopolitics Call In Hour 3 - Prof. Hall, Listener Participation
Nick speaks to Lark in Texas about his research into Communitarianism and why this subject should concern all of our listeners. The control system known as the New World Order and all of its many manifestations are seeking to remove all freedom under the guise of “the greater good”.
Cooking the news for Hillary; The Clinton foundation is too big to fail; Trump campaign derailed by the DNC; Hillary geopolitics; Wikileaks emails etc.
Charles continues his discussion of the extremism of Yahweh, and how everything good and natural is beaten down in this world. You better check your brain at the door when dealing with the Bible. Lots of calls are taken.
Three presentations from the Justice In Focus 9/11 Conference at Cooper Union in New York City on September 10th, hosted by New York University Professor of Media, Culture and Communication, Mark Crispin Miller. Trial Attorney, Lionel, on 9/11 and Conspiracy Theory; Former Foreign Services Officer and Whistleblower, J. Michael Springmann, and Investigative Journalist and Syndicated Columnist, Wayne Madsen, on "Creating Our Enemies: From the Mujahadeen to ISIS".
Welcome to Blackbird9's Breakfast Club Wednesday podcast. Today we will continue with part two of the four part series on the Archetypes of Fear with a look at the history of Frankenstein.
In the First Hour Host Frederick C. Blackburn will cover the recent chaotic events brought on by the teachings of the Frankfurt School Marxists. Their mission: establish a greater Israel ruled by Globalism under the direction of Talmudic Noahide Law and at the same time force all other countries to surrender their independent sovereignty. Then at the bottom of the first hour we will update you on the upcoming Farmers Aid South Africa benefit festival with an interview with festival planner, Mr. Patrick Fisher, and Mr. Jaco, the author of the new book Die Sukkelgatte or The Broke Ones.
The Second Hour of Blackbird9's Breakfast Club host Frederick C. Blackburn looks at the history of Mary Shelly's work, Frankenstein or The Modern Prometheus and analyzes how it has morphed into the modern archetypes of not only "The Mad Scientist" but that of the "Man Made Monster" in part two of this four part series on the Archetypes of Fear.
Keeping you up to date - One Knowledge Sphere at a time