November 28, 2021 122 Comments
The US now says “all options” are on the table in response to an alleged Russian troop build-up near its border with Ukraine. Top officials are set to meet with NATO next week to decide what further steps to take. “As you can appreciate, all options [my emphasis] are on the table and there’s a toolkit that includes a whole range of options”. So the frantic effort to provoke conflict with Russia moves up another gear. An endless array of threats, sanctions, travel restrictions, war games, steadily building up over time. Why? I have to confess that in seeking to solve such issues my first instinct is to use the JQ as the frame of reference, on the assumption that the Jews are calling the shots, directly or indirectly. I could be wrong on this. But it’s what happens when your eyes become opened to the JQ. Could call it the zeal of the convert I suppose. But in fact the Tribe are head and tail of the anti-Russian and in particular the anti-Putin agenda. An agenda that could easily go out of control and lead to catastrophic consequences. History shows us how easily this could happen.