John de Nugent and Jim Rizoli
The United Nations is taking over your town … as I write this.
It’s called U.N. Agenda 21. It’s been in full swing for over two decades.
U.N. Agenda 21 is not something that’s coming. It’s not only here … it’s been here for years.
You can kiss your cozy little nation-state goodbye. Globalism has painted you into a corner and you didn’t even notice.
Rosa Koire (Behind the Green Mask: U.N. Agenda 21, 2011) wrote …
“Redevelopment is a tool used to further the Agenda 21 vision of remaking America’s cities. With redevelopment, cities have the right to take property by eminent domain — against the will of the property owner, and give it or sell it to a private developer. By declaring an area of town ‘blighted’ (and in some cities over 90% of the city area has been declared blighted) the property taxes in that area are diverted away from the General Fund.”
According to the same source …
“The money gets redirected into the Redevelopment Agency and handed out to favored developers building low income housing and mixed use. Smart Growth. Cities have had thousands of condos built in the redevelopment areas and are telling you that you are terrible for wanting your own yard, for wanting privacy, for not wanting to be dictated to by a Condo Homeowner’s Association Board, for being anti-social, for not going along to get along, for not moving into a cramped overpriced apartment downtown where they can use your property taxes for paying off that huge bond debt. But it’s not working, and you don’t want to move in there. So they have to make you.”