November 11, 2013

The Realist Report with John Friend 2013.11.11

On this edition of The Realist Report, we'll be joined by long-time JFK assassination researcher and author Pat Shannan. Pat and I will be discussing his new book, The JFK Assassination and the Uncensored Story of the Two Oswalds.

The Realist Report (BlogTalk)
The Realist Report (TalkShoe)


The Blitzkrieg Broadcast with Kyle Hunt 2013.11.11

Mark Weber, director of the Insitute for Historical Review, joins Kyle to discuss the great lies of the 20th century. The Allied victory in World War II and the subsequent Holocaust industry were essential for creating the impoverished and disgusting world of today, destroying ethnic pride in European peoples, opening up our lands to foreign invaders, and putting Jews in place as our unquestionable rulers.

Renegade Archive
BlogTalk Archive
Renegade Broadcasting
National Protectionism


UK Supermarkets to Start Face Scanning

The UK supermarket chain Tesco has decided to install facial recognition system in order to display targeted video ads on screens at its gas stations.

Dubbed OptimEyes, the technology is able to recognize facial characteristics which discover a visitor’s gender and age to show relevant video ads while people are waiting to pay for their gas.

Read more here

Come on man, yo momma has kept you in the basement to long!

Shocking Proof The Media Doesn't Want You To Know!

Dog For Sale

A guy is driving around the back woods of Montana and he sees a sign in front of a broken down shanty-style house: ‘Talking Dog For Sale ‘He rings the bell and the owner appears and tells him the dog is in the backyard.

Read the rest here

Exposing Alex Jones and his Cronies

Alex Jones has been exposed for having ties with The CIA/STRATFOR FBI & AIPAC

The following conversation of Stew Webb reflect this fact.

According to the information Alex Jones purpose is to put out disinformation/misinformation and leak certain items in the news that has handlers want released for their own agenda.

Alex Jones purpose is also to spin certain mainstream media news that they want to be redirected in another way.

This audio is all you need to hear that he is working for the government.

Read the rest here

Spingola Speaks 2013.11.11

Guest: Mango Man Monday; Dr. Wayne Pickering, a naturopathic physician on the East Coast of Florida

News Page
Deanna's site
Official chat room
Spingola Speaks .Info


David Duke Show 2013.11.11

Today: Dr. David Duke, Dr. Slattery and Kay Wahlen give a show that honors our veterans and exposes the treason of government Zionists who put our military personnel in harms way on behalf of a nation that has committed murder, terrorism and spying against the USA: Israel. The best way we can honor our veterans is to make sure that future American fighting men only fight for the well-being of the American people and never for any foreign, anti-American entity such as the Zionist state. They also discuss the fight for freedom in America and Europe and a newly launched effort by Jewish racists to Spy on millions of Europeans who dare to criticize Zionism. Also the racism of Israel hidden by the media is exposed to prove who really controls the media: The Jewish racist supremacists! Finally there is some discussion of high blood sugar and how to reduce the level of this greatest threat to your health!

David's site

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The Hitler Test, by John Kaminski

“More and more people have begun to figure out that the same monster that devoured the Russian people when the Soviet Union was brought into being by Jewish bankers from New York has now spread its poisoned attitudes across the United States, and like a colossal vampire, has sunk its fangs into every fiber of American life, strangling the life out of everything that is good and decent…. What happened to the Russian people is now happening to Americans.”
Read the article here

The U.S. Secret State and the Internet: “Dirty Secrets” and “Crypto Wars” from “Clipper Chip” and ECHELON to PRISM

Back in the 1990s, security researchers and privacy watchdogs were alarmed by government demands that hardware and software firms build “backdoors” into their products, the millions of personal computers and cell phones propelling communication flows along the now-quaint “information superhighway.”
Never mind that the same factory-installed kit that allowed secret state agencies to troll through private communications also served as a discrete portal for criminal gangs to loot your bank account or steal your identity.
To make matters worse, instead of the accountability promised the American people by Congress in the wake of the Watergate scandal, successive US administrations have worked assiduously to erect an impenetrable secrecy regime backstopped by secret laws overseen by secret courts which operate on the basis of secret administrative subpoenas, latter day lettres de cachet.
But now that all their dirty secrets are popping out of Edward Snowden’s “bottomless briefcase,” we also know the “Crypto Wars” of the 1990s never ended.
***Read article at Global Research***

Blacklisted Radio Podcast 2013.11.09

This broadcast is another one of our series of live Saturday morning podcasts, powered by coffee alone! The show is full of analysis and thoughts on the weeks top stories from

Diebold, Voting Machine Manufacturer Charged: Worldwide Pattern of Criminal Conduct


Full Documentary: Peace, Propaganda And The Promised Land

Shoot First or Call 9-1-1: What Would You Do If Someone Kicked In Your Door?

It's Common Sense to take note of this information.
In the wee hours of the morning on September 13th, Air Force Sgt. Matt Pinkerton and his wife were entertaining guests at their home when an acquaintance of Mrs. Pinkerton’s came knocking.
It was 2 AM. After being told to leave by Matt Pinkerton, who closed the door, Kendall Green decided that he’d kick it in and force his way into the home.
Matt Pinkerton, having armed himself with his Glock17 9mm prior to approaching the door, then proceeded to discharge two rounds into Green.
Green was subsequently killed in an obvious act of self defence.
But the story didn’t end there, as it should have.

The district attorney’s office has now filed second degree murder charges against Sgt. Pinkerton.
You may be asking yourself under what pretext?
According to the DA, Pinkerton exhibited “bizarre behaviour” by grabbing his weapon when an unexpected knock came to his door at 2AM that morning. And, because he failed to call 9-1-1 between the time Green kicked in his door and rushed him, he has now been charged with murder by the state.

Protester nails testicles to Red Square cobblestone

Russians:Always having to prove they're "Hard-Men"!
A Russian performance artist was hospitalised Sunday after stripping naked and nailing his testicles to a Red Square cobblestone in protest against the Kremlin’s crackdown on political rights.
A video of the graphic action, available on Russian websites, showed artist Pyotr Pavlensky sitting naked outside Lenin’s Mausoleum being covered with a blanket by police officers while horrified passers-by looked on.    (Yahoo News)

Scott Horton 2013.11.10

Reza Marashi

Reza Marashi, Research Director for the National Iranian American Council, discusses the diplomatic progress on a failed but nearly-completed Iranian nuclear deal in Geneva, and why pro-Israel Republicans suddenly love France and the UN. (Duration: 27:30 — 12.6MB)

32k Download

No Agenda Global Radio

Voice of Albion 2013.11.10

Paul continues to summarize ‘The Eleventh Hour’ by John Tyndall.

• The contradictions of Britain’s WW2 policy

• In addition to Leftists, the Conservatives also aid the destruction of British power following WW2

• John Tyndall on Mein Kampf

• Jewry boycotts newspapers and ruins their advertising revenue if they dare challenge the official ‘Holocaust’ narrative.

• Case in point – Holocaust denial in Japan: Marco Polo demonstrates insensitivity

John Tyndall magazine Spearhead
Peter Rushtons’ website Heritage and Destiny

The White Network
Original Post
Paul Hickman' site

32k Download

November 10, 2013

'Terrorism a tool at the hands of imperialism'

With respect to different investigations and articles published after 9/11, I consider the analysis that the US has started the war against terrorism after 9/11 attacks is a fraud and a deceit. Terrorism has been created as an efficient economic weapon and tested during the past decade and it is now being applied effectively. The ones who use this weapon declare themselves as pioneers of fighting terrorism in their media. What I announce is based on studies conducted by unbiased western researches. For example I can name a book titled “Terror Economy” which was written 3 years ago by an Italian writer. The writer discusses in her book that terrorism is today a tool at the disposal of imperialistic system specifically, the United States which is using terrorism in favor of its imperialistic goals. She and other researchers who believe in the same theory argue that the achievements of conductors of terrorism are much more than their costs. A terrorist action would ultimately take a bomb and a suicidal agent that could be bought. In other words, they gain much with just a little expense and the victims are of no value to them.
These measures are deniable using media tricks and if the achievements are not considerable, they can deny their involvement with just a statement. With regard to my studies and published works of western researches I can say that terrorism is today a tool at the hand of imperialism specifically, the United States. But the U.S. is not the only user of it and there are other groups that apply this tool.

The Theater of Terror at LAX – When The Show Goes Live

Suspicious drills surrounding LAX shooting point to possible false flag attack


 As it appears to be, almost every terrorist attack is preceded by a drill which happens to reflect the following real-life terror event, either on the same or in the following days.

Remember the Boston bombing drill which was happening on the same day right before the bombing which was later denied by the officials even though there were witnesses saying that there was a drill?[1]
According to a report by the San Bernardino Sun, written by Doug Saunders, one such shooting scenario had an “armed man” shooting “three people” before officers locked down the scene.[2]
***Read article and see videos at Intellihub***