Published by John Kaminski: Sunday, 27 January 2019 18:03
Early church fathers knew the true story!
Egyptologist Gerald Massey unearthed roots of Christianity
is a spirit within us that wants to see, with our eyes wide open, and
will see, and must tear the bandages and blinkers off the eyes to see,
each for himself, whether the traditional vision be false or true.
Nature gave us eyes to see with; it was men who added the blinkers. — Gerald Massey, The Coming Religion
The Historical Jesus and Mythical Christ
Gerald Massey (1828-1907) studied the extensive Egyptian records
housed in the British Museum and eventually taught himself to decipher
hieroglyphics. After many years of study he wrote a series of scholarly
works on the Religion and Mythology of Ancient Egypt. In 1881 he
published in two volumes "A Book of the Beginnings," in 1883 "The
Natural Genesis" followed, and finally in 1907 he published in two
volumes "Ancient Egypt: The Light of the World".