September 20, 2012

The National Intel Report with John Stadtmiller 2012.09.20

John opens the broadcast on a somewhat sour note. John delivers the grim reality that the network's 4-day pledge drive with the goal of 40,000 dollars as of day 3 has netted 800 dollars. Beyond that John welcomes Winn Parker onto the air to properly display what the impact of one show has on the audience - the broadcast of Winn Parker himself.

Paul Drockton joins John throughout the second hour to provide more insight on how a network and its message is both important and incredibly difficult to waylay alongside other obligations in life.

Before long the show takes an extremely personal tone with the testimonies of two of our lovely lady listeners, Miss Dianne of California and Miss sunny of Idaho both deliver their own realities, one who litterally at the point of tears calls out the lazy who don't pay when she pays even though she struggles to make ends meets, as well as Sunny who is on Social Security is submitting a thousand dollars to the cause.




Anonymous said...

Sounds like Stadtmiller wants to cash in. $40k for "equipment" that will pay for itself in 3 months in payroll savings as he fires employees .

Anonymous said...

Stadtmiller needs a new Harley @ $40k.

Mami said...

Robb Revere runs a radio network and he's poor like the rest of us.

John should have gotten lean and mean, and not expand with a bunch of low rent shows like on talkshoe

He went for quantity instead of quality, and now he's going to lose it all

Anonymous said...

Once you try and cash in from the paytriotard mooment, your integrity is compromised. There is no way around that one.

MaryC said...

What does "going in Studio B" mean, is that the naughty step?

Diceman said...

Gary Null's network seems to be doing pretty well but then he doesn't have anyone like Deanna Spingola or Alan Watt on there.