January 04, 2013

Jonathan Azaziah's Mask of Zion Report Jan 3, 2012

Jonathan Azaziah kicks off 2013 with an ode to the Haitian Revolution of 1804 and Cuban Revolution of 1959, using them as springboards to discuss the means that must be used to overthrow International Jewry once and for all. Also, a discussion of AIPAC’s “Countering Iran in the Western Hemisphere Act” that looks to disrupt the rising ties between the Bolivarian Latin American states and the Islamic Republic of Iran.





Anonymous said...

WTF ? Zion Crime Factory Dr. William Pierce: “The Lesson of Haiti” http://zioncrimefactory.com/2012/09/10/dr-william-pierce-the-lesson-of-haiti/

Where Black Rules White by Hesketh Pritchard

Haitian Earthquake: Two Years Later | Occidental Dissent http://www.occidentaldissent.com/2012/01/12/haitian-earthquake-two-years-later/

Anonymous said...

Prichard ends his book with a chapter titled "Can the Negro Rule Himself?" And he answers his question: "The present condition of Hayti gives the best possible answer to the question, and, considering the experiment has lasted for a century, perhaps also a conclusive one. For a century the answer has been working itself out there in flesh and blood. The Negro has had his chance, a fair field, and no favor. He has had the most beautiful and fertile of the Caribbees for his own; he has had the advantage of excellent French laws; he inherited a made country, with Cap Haitien for its Paris.... Here was a wide land sown with prosperity, a land of wood, water, towns and plantations, and in the midst of it the Black man was turned loose to work out his own salvation. What has he made of the chances that were given to him?"

Prichard then summarizes the century of Haiti's independent existence, running through a list of Black rulers and strongmen, of revolutions and massacres and disorders. He winds up his survey with these words:

Suffice it to say that ... [Hayti's] best president was Geffrard, a mulatto, and that the dictatorship of her Black heads of state always has been marked by a redder smear than usual upon the page of history. The better, the wiser, the more enlightened and less brutalized class has always been composed of the mulattos, and the Blacks have recognized the fact and hated the mulatto element accordingly. But to pass from the earlier days of independence to more recent times: we had not long ago the savage rule of President Salomon, a notorious sectary of snake worship, beneath whose iron hand the country groaned for years, and public executions, assassinations, and robbery were the order of the day. And at the present time? Today in Hayti we come to the real crux of the question. At the end of a hundred years of trial how does the Black man govern himself? What progress has he made? Absolutely none.
Dr Pierce sums it up perfectly.
The Haitians have their Voodoo, with all of its disgusting and bizarre beliefs and practices. And we have our cult of Political Correctness, our cult of egalitarianism. It is a cult based as much on superstition and as devoid of reason and logic as the Voodoo of the Haitians. And it exercises as strong a hold on its adherents. A Haitian would as soon offend a Voodoo witch doctor and risk having a curse put on himself as one of our modern scholars would risk being labeled a "racist!"

Anonymous said...

More of the same propaganda coming from the TUT crowd. If TUT gets their way, the world will look like Haiti. Jonathon is so proud of his "Haitian brothers and sisters".

No thank you.

Anonymous said...

^^ LOL - So true. Johnathan Crapaziah is leading a fight against white people, not jews, since he equates jews with white people. Shill-a-rama.
Israel is for white people LMAO

Jeff said...

Azaziah says his Haitain brothers and sisters were "Slaves".

As if that is supposed to be powerful propaganda.

Hey Azaziah.....we've all been slaves at one time or another.

As if the Black has exclusive rights to the verbiage of slavery.

You can't "guilt" me with that one.

The truth Azaziah....I certainly don't endorse slavery, nor do I think slavery in this country was beneficial; or the right thing to do. In fact it wasn't...it was the worst thing my ancestors did or allowed to happen. Look at what it produced!!!

But the cold hard truth is that if it weren't for slavery, blacks in North America would be back in Africa and they wouldn't have the life they have now. Even Muhamed Ali recognized that fact.

I'm not endorsing slavery; but in truth, it didn't turn out all that bad for blacks in the good ol US of A. I bet the Haitians wished they didn't overthrow the French.

they would be collecting wellfare and living off the EBT!

"It's free its free, swipe your EBT....all you have to do is Fuck"

Youtube it -- Swipe your EBT it's free

Anonymous said...

Wow you hasbarats never quit i'll give you that.

"^^ LOL - So true. Johnathan Crapaziah is leading a fight against white people, not jews, since he equates jews with white people. Shill-a-rama.
Israel is for white people LMAO"

That is just weak my friend.

Anonymous said...

^^ Now I'm a hasbarat agent? LOL tard boy.
"Israel is for white people" is a direct quote from Crapaziah and Glenn, so deal with it. If you don't think that is an anti white/disinfo statement, then you really should go back to skrewl and learn some basic critical thinking skills.

Jeff said...

What is a "hasbarat"?

Anonymous said...

Fuck this Jew bastard Cunt Jonathan Azaziah's

Fuck all his supporters on here

Fuck all Haitian revolution sympathizers

Fucking disgusting

1776blues said...

Hmmm, wasn't the 1959 Cubam revolution a communist revolution? Thats what I've read and one would wonder why JA would use this as an example of what needs to be done. We already have Communism here thanks to the Jews, oh wait JA is Jewish.............

Anonymous said...

Does anyone remember Tesla wise words ,,,

Never Trust a Jew!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

When the Haitians were last able to elect a man who would represent them and not the few elite in their country and the rest of the world, who happened to be a Catholic priest, the president of the US kidnapped him, removing him from Haiti. Clinton ruined their chances to gain from their own rice crops, by forcing then to import rice from Arkansas, is just one example of how white people are determined to profit off of them and to keep them from succeeding.

Since they value education, the poor Haitians fork over huge amounts to pay for the cost of education for their darlings because the elite who run the place will not. If the United Nations forces were not armed, I bet the Haitians would run them out of there, and where did all the money that Bush and Clinton supposedly raised for Haiti after the earthquake, go?

Anonymous said...

".....just one example of how white people are determined to profit off of them and to keep them from succeeding......"

Here we go again!

Let's blame the evil Whites again.